Homini est timor ne videatur et verecundia quae in asylis videtur . . . quem appellabamus scopophobiam—timorem morbidum ne videatur. Gradu minore, verecundia morbida est, et aeger faciemmanibus tegit; gradu maiore, aeger hospitem evadet et ex eius conspectu effuget ubi fieri potest. Scopophobia plus inter mulieres quam inter viros saepius patefit.[6]
Idem commentarius scopophobiam definit: "timor ne homines videant nec videantur, praecipue de faciebus inusitatis."[7][8]
↑Anglice "There is a fear of being seen and a shamefacedness, which one sees in asylums. . . . We called it scopophobia—a morbid dread of being seen. In minor degree, it is morbid shamefacedness, and the patient covers the face with his or her hands. In greater degree, the patient will shun the visitor and escape from his or her sight where this is possible. Scopophobia is more often manifest among women than among men."
↑Anglice "a fear of seeing people or being seen, especially of strange faces."
Heckleman, Leora R., et Franklin S. Schneierer. 1995. Social Phobia Diagnosis, Assessment, Treatment.
Ho, Louis. 2013. "The non-affirmative, Jason Wee, photography, scopophobia." In Reflect/refract, ed. Charmaine Toh et Cyril Wong. Singapurae: Objectifs. ISBN 9789810757304.
Hughes, Charles Hamilton, ed. 1906. The Alienist and Neurologist.
Smajic, Srdjan. 2010. "Scopophilia and scopophobia: Poe's readerly flâneur." In Ghost-seers, detectives, and spiritualists: theories of vision in Victorian literature and science, capitulum 6. Novi Eboraci: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521191883.