ഈ താളിലെ ചില ഭാഗങ്ങൾ മലയാളത്തിലല്ല എഴുതിയിരിക്കുന്നത്. ഇതു മലയാളത്തിലേക്ക് മാറ്റിയെഴുതാൻ സഹായിക്കുക
ഗിയോവന്നി സ്കിയാപരെല്ലി തുടങ്ങിയ നിരീക്ഷകർ ചൊവ്വയിലെ കനാലുകൾക്ക് ഐതിഹ്യപരമായതും അല്ലാത്തതുമായ പേരുകൾ നൽകിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഇവയുടെ പട്ടിക താഴെ കാണാം:
Name | Pronunciation | Location | Source of name |
Acalandrus | ˌækəˈlændrəs | From a stream in Lucania, Italy, now called Calandro | |
Acampsis | əˈkæmpsɨs | From a river in Pontus that flowed into the Black Sea, now called Çoruh/Chorokhi | |
Acesines | æsɨˈsaɪniːz | From a Sicilian river, now called Cantara; also the name of Chenab, one of the rivers of the Punjab | |
Achana | ˈækənə | From a river in northern Arabia | |
Achates | əˈkeɪtiːz | From a Sicilian river now called the Drillo, in which agates were found | |
Acheloüs | ˌækɨˈloʊəs | From Achelous, a river in western Greece | |
Acheron | ˈækɪrɒn | From Acheron, both a real river in Epirus and a mythical river of Hades | |
Acis | ˈeɪsɨs | From a Sicilian river now called Fiume di Iaci | |
Aeacus | ˈiːəkəs | N to S: runs through Cebrenia to the junction of Styx and Boreas canals | |
Aeolus | ˈiːoʊləs | From Aeolus, keeper of the winds in Greek mythology | |
Aesis | ˈiːsɨs | From an Italian river, now called Fiumesino | |
Aethiops | ˈiːθiːɒps | Means "the Ethiopian" | |
Agathodaemon | ˌæɡəθoʊˈdiːmɒn | N to S: connects Tithonius Lacus to Aonius Sinus, opposite Protei Regio; just W of Aurea Cherso | Means "good spirit" |
Alcyonius | ˌælsiːˈoʊniəs | ||
Alpheus | ælˈfiːəs | Runs NS through Hellas | From the river Alpheios in the Peloponnesus of Greece |
Ambrosia | æmˈbroʊʒiə | S to N: connects Solis Lacus with Bosphorus Gemmatus, running through Thaumasia | From ambrosia, the legendary food of the gods |
Amenthes | əˈmɛnθiːz | ||
Amphrysus | æmˈfraɪsəs | From a Thessalian river, now called Armiro | |
Amystis | əˈmɪstɨs | From a river of India | |
Anapus | əˈneɪpəs | From an Acarnanian or Sicilian river | |
Anian | ˈeɪniːæn | After the Strait of Anián, a mythical water passage in the American northwest | |
Antaeus | ænˈtiːəs | NW to SE: from the junction of Cerberus and Eunostos canals to the Atlantis region | From Antaeus, son of Earth, a gigantic opponent of Heracles |
Anubis | əˈnjuːbɨs | From the Egyptian god Anubis | |
Apis | ˈeɪpɨs | From the Egyptian god Apis | |
Araxes | əˈræksiːz | E to W: connects Phoenicis Lacus with the E end of Mare Sirenum | From Araxes, a river in eastern Anatolia, northern Iran |
Argaeus | ɑrˈdʒiːəs | Flows S from pole to junction of Pyramus and Pierius canals | |
Arges | ˈɑrdʒiːz | ||
Arnon | ˈɑrnɒn | N to S: connects Arethusa Lacus to Ismenius Lacus | From the small river Arnon now in the Kingdom of Jordan |
Aroeris | NE to SW: from "Copais Palus" to Ismenius Lacus | ||
Arosis | ˈæroʊsɨs | ||
Arsanias | ɑrˈseɪniæs | From an Armenian river | |
Artanes | ˈɑrtəniːz | ||
Ascanius | æsˈkeɪniəs | From the Trojan Ascanius, son of Aeneas | |
Asclepius | æsˈkliːpiəs | From the Greek deity of healing Asclepius | |
Asopus | əˈsoʊpəs | ||
Astaboras | æsˈtæboʊræs | E to W: connects Syrtis Major to Ismenius Lacus | From a name for the Atbarah river, a branch of the upper Nile |
Astapus | ˈæstəpəs | From a name for the Blue Nile river | |
Astusapes | æsˈtjuːsəpiːz | From a name for the White Nile river | |
Atax | ˈeɪtæks | ||
Athesis | ˈæθɨsɨs | From the river Adige in Venezia | |
Athyr | ˈeɪθɪr | From a form of the name of the Egyptian goddess Hathor | |
Avernus | əˈvɛrnəs | NE to SW: connects Ammonii Fons to the E end of Mare Cimmerium via Aquae Apollinaris | From Avernus, a river of Hades |
Avus | ˈeɪvəs | ||
Axius | ˈæksiəs | ||
Axon | ˈæksɒn |
Bactrus | ˈbæktrəs | From a river of Bactria | |
Baetis | ˈbiːtɨs | From the classical name of the Guadalquivir river | |
Bathys | ˈbeɪθɨs | From | |
Bautis | ˈbɔːtɨs | ||
Belus | ˈbiːləs | ||
Boreas | ˈboʊriæs | E to W: connects Propontis to Anian canal | From Boreas, the Greek name for the North Wind |
Boreosyrtis | ˌboʊriːoʊˈsɪrtɨs | E to W in curve between Utopia and Dioscuria | |
Brontes | ˈbrɒntiːz | ||
Cadmus | ˈkædməs | From the Greek hero Cadmus | |
Caicus | |||
Callirrhoë | kæˈlɪroʊiː | Means "flowing beautifully" | |
Cambyses | |||
Cantabras | |||
Carpis | ˈkɑrpɨs | ||
Casius | ˈkeɪʒiəs | NW to SE: connects Copaïs Palus to Nodus Alcyonius | |
Casuentus | ˌkæʒuːˈeɪntəs | ||
Catarrhactes | ˌkætæˈræktiːz | ||
Caÿster | keɪˈɪstər | – | |
Cedron | ˈsiːdrɒn | NW to SE; connects the Jaxartes canal to Arethusa Lacus | From the Brook of Cedron near Jerusalem |
Centrites | |||
Cephissus | siːˈfɪsəs | From any of several rivers in Greece called Cephissus | |
Ceraunius | siːˈrɔːniəs | A broad canal, or pair of canals, running NS from Tharsis down to between Tempe and Arcadia | |
Cerberus | ˈsɛrbɪrəs | NE to SW: connects Trivium Charontis to the W end of Mare Cimmerium | From the name of the dog Cerberus that guards the gates of Hades |
Cestrus | ˈsɛstrəs | ||
Chaboras | |||
Chretes | ˈkriːtiːz | ||
Choaspes | koʊˈæspiːz | From Choaspes, a river of Susiana, Persia | |
Chrysas | ˈkraɪsæs | ||
Chrysorrhoas | kraɪˈsɒroʊæs | N to S: connects Lunae Lacus to Tithonius Lacus | Means "flowing with gold" |
Cinyphus | |||
Clitumnus | klaɪˈtʌmnəs | ||
Clodianus | ˌklɒdiːˈeɪnəs | ||
Cocytus | koʊˈsaɪtəs | Named for Cocytus, a mythical river of Hades | |
Cophen | ˈkoʊfɛn | ||
Coprates | |||
Corax | ˈkoʊræks | ||
Cyaneus | saɪˈeɪniəs | ||
Cyclops | ˈsaɪklɒps | Southern continuation of Galaxias canal, running from the junction of Cerberus and Eunostos to Mare Cimmerium | Named for the oneeyed monster Cyclops of Greek myth |
Cydnus | ˈsɪdnəs | ||
Cyrus | ˈsaɪrəs | ||
Daemon | ˈdiːmɒn | ||
Daix | |||
Daradax | |||
Dardanus | ˈdɑrdənəs | E to W: connects Niliacus Lacus to Ceraunius canal | |
Dargamenes | |||
Deuteronilus | ˌdjuːtɪroʊˈnaɪləs | E to W: connects Ismenius Lacus to Niliacus Lacus via Dirce Fons | Means 'Second Nile' |
Digentia | daɪˈdʒɛnʃiə | ||
Dosaron | |||
Drahonus |
Elison | |||
Eosphoros | iːˈɒsfoʊrɒs | NW to SE: connects Phoenicis Lacus to Solis Lacus | Means "bringer of dawn" |
Erannoboas | ˌɛræˈnɒboʊæs | A river of India | |
Erebus | ˈɛrɨbəs | From Erebus, a name for the Underworld | |
Erigone | iːˈrɪɡoʊniː | ||
Erinaeus | ˌɛrɨˈniːəs | ||
Erinnys | iːˈrɪnɨs | E to W: connects the W end of Mare Sirenum to Titanum Sinus in Memnonia | From the mythical Erinyes |
Erymanthus | ˌɛrɨˈmænθəs | ||
Eulaeus | juːˈliːəs | ||
Eumenides | juːˈmɛnɨdiːz | NW to SE: the SE continuation of Orcus canal, from Nodus Gordii to Phoenicis Lacus | From another name for the Erinyes |
Eunostos | juːˈnɒstɒs | ||
Euphrates | juːˈfreɪtiːz | N to S: connects Sinus Sabaeus to Ismenius Lacus | From the river Euphrates in Mesopotamia, one of the four rivers of the Garden of Eden |
Euripus | juːˈraɪpəs | SE to NW, connects Mare Tyrrhenum and Mare Hadriaticum, running through Ausonia | After the strait between Euboea and Boeotia |
Eurotas | juːˈroʊtæs | After the river Eurotas in Greece | |
Eurymedon | juːˈrɪmɨdɒn | ||
Eurypus | ˈjuːrɨpəs | ||
Evenus | iːˈviːnəs | aka Euenus /jəˈwinəs/ | |
Feuos | ˈfjuːɒs | aka Fevos [ ˈfivɒs ] | |
Fortunae | fɒrˈtjuːniː | Means "of Fortune" |
Gaesus | ˈdʒiːsəs | ||
Galaesus | ɡəˈliːsəs | ||
Galaxias | ɡəˈlæksiæs | N to S: from Anian to the junction of Cerberus and Eunostos S of Elysium | |
Ganges | ˈɡændʒiːz | N to S: connects Lunae Lacus to Aurorae Sinus | From the Ganges, a river of India |
Ganymede | ˈɡænɨmiːd | From Ganymede, the cupbearer of Zeus | |
Garrhuenus | |||
Gehon | ˈdʒiːɒn | N to S: connects Mare Acidalium to the W end of Sinus Sabaeus | From Gihon, one of the four rivers of Eden Also spelled Gihon [ ˈdʒajɒn ] |
Gigas | ˈdʒaɪɡæs | NE to SW: connects Ascraeus Lacus to Titanum Sinus via Lucus Maricae | From the mythical monsters called Gigantes |
Glaucus | ˈɡlɔːkəs | ||
Gorgon | ˈɡɒrɡɒn | Connects Mare Sirenum and the Eumenides canal near Nodus Gordii | From the mythical monster Gorgon |
Gyes | ˈdʒaɪiːz | ||
Gyndes | ˈdʒɪndiːz | From a river flowing into the Tigris | |
Hades | ˈheɪdiːz | N to S: connects Trivium Charontis and Propontis | From the Greek name for the Underworld and its ruling deity, Hades |
Halys | heɪlɨs | ||
Harpasus | |||
Hebe | ˈhiːbiː | ||
Hebrus | ˈhiːbrəs | ||
Heliconius | ˌhɛlɨˈkoʊniəs | E to W: connects Sithonius Lacus to Copaïs Palus | |
Helisson | hiːˈlɪsɒn | ||
Hephaestus | hiːˈfɛstəs | From the god Hephaestus | |
Heratemis | |||
Hiddekel | ˈhɪdɨkɛl | NE to SW: connects Ismenius Lacus to Fastigium Aryn at the western end of Sinus Sabaeus | From the Hebrew name for the Tigris, a river of Mesopotamia and one of the four rivers of Eden |
Hipparis | |||
Hippus | ˈhɪpəs | ||
Hyblaeus | hɨˈbliːəs | NE to SW: connects Anian canal to Hephaestus canal | |
Hyctanis | |||
Hydaspes | haɪˈdæspiːz | From the Greek name for the Jhelum river of India | |
Hydraotes | ˌhɪdreɪˈoʊtiːz | SE to NW; connects Margaritifer Sinus to Lunae Lacus | After the Greek name for the Ravi river of India |
Hydriacus | |||
Hylias | |||
Hyllus | ˈhɪləs | ||
Hyphasis | |||
Hypsas | ˈhɪpsəs | ||
Hyscus | ˈhɪskəs |
Idalius | aɪˈdeɪliəs | ||
Ilissus | aɪˈlɪsəs | ||
Indus | ˈɪndəs | N to S: connects Niliacus Lacus to Margaritifer Sinus | From the Indus, a river of India |
Iris | ˈaɪrɨs | N to S: connects Phoenicis Lacus to Ceraunius canal | Named for the goddess of the rainbow Iris |
Isis | ˈaɪsɨs | From the Egyptian goddess Isis | |
Issedon | ˈɪsɨdɒn | ||
Jamuna | ˈdʒæmjuːnə | N to S; connects Niliacus Lacus to Aurorae Sinus | From the Yamuna or Jumna, a river of India |
Jaxartes | dʒækˈsɑrtiːz | From an old name for the Syr Darya, a river of Transoxiana | |
Jordanis | dʒɒrˈdeɪnɨs | From the river Jordan in the Holy Land | |
Kison | ˈkaɪsɒn | ||
Labotas | |||
Laestrygon | lɛsˈtraɪɡɒn | N to S: connects Trivium Charontis to Mare Cimmerium | |
Leontes | liːˈɒntiːz | ||
Lethes | ˈliːθiːz | N to S: connects Hephaestus canal to Syrtis Minor | From Lethe, a mythical river of Hades |
Liris | ˈlaɪrɨs | ||
Maeander | miːˈændər | ||
Magon | ˈmeɪɡɒn | ||
Malva | ˈmælvə | ||
Margus | ˈmɑrɡəs | ||
Medus | ˈmiːdəs | ||
Medusa | miːˈdjuːsə | From the mythical monster Medusa | |
Mogrus | ˈmoʊɡrəs |
Nectar | ˈnɛktɑr | Runs E from Solis Lacus to Nectaris Fons (near Protei Regio) | From nectar, the legendary drink of the gods |
Neda | ˈniːdə | A river of the Peloponnesus | |
Nepenthes | niːˈpɛnθiːz | NE to SW: from junction of Thoth and Triton canals to Syrtis Major via Lacus Moeris | |
Nereides | niːˈriːədiːz | From the nymphs called Nereids | |
Nestus | ˈnɛstəs | A river of Thrace | |
Neudrus | ˈnjuːdrəs | A river of India | |
Nilokeras | naɪˈlɒkɨræs | E to W: connects Niliacus Lacus with Lunae Lacus | Means "horn of the Nile" |
Nilosyrtis | ˌnɪloʊˈsɪrtɨs | A broad canallike feature, running N from the tip of Syrtis Major to Coloë Palus | |
Nilus | ˈnaɪləs | From the Nile, the river of Egypt | |
Nymphaeus | nɪmˈfiːəs | A river of Armenia | |
Oceanus | oʊˈsiːənəs | From Oceanus, a mythical river surrounding the world and the Titan who shared its name | |
Ochus | ˈoʊkəs | A river of Bactriana | |
Opharus | ˈɒfərəs | A river of Sarmatia | |
Orcus | ˈɒrkəs | NW to SE: connects Trivium Charontis to Nodus Gordii, where it turns into Eumenides canal | From Orcus, a synonym of Hades |
Orontes | oʊˈrɒntiːz | E to SW: connects Serbonis Palus to Sabaeus Sinus | From the Orontes, a river of Syria |
Orosines | |||
Oxus | ˈɒksəs | NE to SW: connects the Deuteronilus and the Indus canals | From an old name for the Amu Darya, a river of Central Asia |
Pactolus | pækˈtoʊləs | From the river Pactolus in Anatolia | |
Padargus | pəˈdɑrɡəs | ||
Palamnus | pəˈlæmnəs | ||
Parcae | ˈpɑrsiː | ||
Peneus | piːˈniːəs | Runs EW through Hellas | From the Peneios river in the Peloponnesus of Greece |
Permessus | pɛrˈmɛsəs | ||
Pierius | paɪˈiːriəs | E to W: connects Copaïs Palus and Arethusa Lacus | |
Phasis | ˈfeɪsɨs | N to S: connects Phoenicis Lacus and Aonius Sinus | |
Phison | ˈfaɪsɒn | N to S: connects Coloë Palus to Sinus Sabaeus | From Pishon, one of the four rivers of Eden |
Phlegethon | ˈflɛdʒɨθɒn | From the Phlegethon, a mythical river of Hades | |
Protonilus | ˌprɒtoʊˈnaɪləs | E to W: connects Coloë Palus and Ismenius Lacus | Means "first Nile" |
Psychrus | ˈsaɪkrəs | ||
Pyramus | ˈpɪrəməs | S from pole via Copaïs Palus to junction of Boreosyrtis and Cadmus canals | |
Pyriphlegethon | ˌpɪrɨˈflɛdʒɨθɒn | NW to SE: connecting Propontis and Lacus Phoenicis | From Pyriphlegethon ("fiery Phlegethon") , a mythical river of Hades |
Python | ˈpaɪθɒn | From the monster Python which Apollo killed | |
Rha | ˈreɪ | From a classical name for the river Volga | |
Rhyndacus | ˈrɪndəkəs | From the classical river Rhyndacus in Anatolia |
Scamander | skəˈmændər | S to N from Mare Chronium to Mare Cimmerium, between Electris and Eridania | From the river Scamander in the Troad |
Sesamus | ˈsɛsəməs | From a Paphlagonian river | |
Simoïs | ˈsɪmoʊɨs | S to N from Mare Chronium to Mare Cimmerium between Phaëthontis and Electris | From the river Simoïs in the Troad |
Sirenius | saɪˈriːniəs | N to S: connects the Tanais canal near Nerigos with the E end of Mare Sirenum | Means "of the Sirens |
Siris | ˈsaɪrɨs | From an Italian river in Lucania | |
Sitacus | ˈsɪtəkəs | NE to SW: connects Coloë Palus to Fastigium Aryn | From the name of a river in Persis |
Steropes | ˈstɛroʊpiːz | From the name of a Cyclops | |
Styx | ˈstɪks | From the mythical river Styx in Hades | |
Surius | ˈsjuːriəs | From a river of Colchis | |
Tanaïs | ˈtæneɪɨs | From Tanais, an old name for the river Don in Sarmatia | |
Tantalus | ˈtæntələs | From Tantalus, a mythical king imprisoned in Hades | |
Tartarus | ˈtɑrtərəs | N to S: connects Trivium Charontis to Titanum Sinus | From Tartarus, a name for the Underworld |
Tedanius | tiːˈdeɪniəs | From an Illyrian river | |
Thermodon | θɛrˈmoʊdɒn | ||
Thoth | ˈθɒθ | From the name of the Egyptian god Thoth | |
Thyanis | ˈθaɪənɨs | Possibly an error for Thyamus, the name of a river of Epirus | |
Titan | ˈtaɪtən | From the Titans, the relatives and opponents of the gods | |
Tithonius | taɪˈθoʊniəs | ||
Triton | ˈtraɪtɒn | NW to SE: connects Nepenthes canal to the W end of Mare Cimmerium | From the seadeity Triton |
Tyndis | ˈtɪndɨs | ||
Typhon | ˈtaɪfɒn | E to W: connects Deltoton Sinus to Sirbonis Palus | |
Typhonius | taɪˈfoʊniəs | ||
Ulysses | juːˈlɪsiːz | From Ulysses, the Roman name for Odysseus | |
Uranius | juːˈreɪniəs | E to W: connects Lunae Lacus to Ascraeus Lacus | |
Xanthus | ˈzænθəs | N to S: connects Mare Tyrrhenum to Promethei Sinus, between Eridania and Ausonia | Means "yellow" |
Xenius | ˈziːniəs | NE to SW: connects Arethusa Lacus to Dirce Fons |