Yankee Squadron

Skvadronens russiske Ploikarpov jagerfly
Den internasjonale brigades medalje

Yankee Squadron var en gruppe leiesoldater bestående av amerikanske flyvere som deltok i den spanske borgerkrigen på de spanske republikanernes side.

I november 1936 begynte representanter for den andre spanske republikk en kampanje for å hyre amerikanske piloter til å delta i den spanske borgerkrig.[1] De brukte en advokat i New York til å finne amerikanske piloter.[2][3] Time Magazine skrev 21. desember 1936 at seks amerikanske flyvere var ombord i SS «Normandie» underveis til Spania for å slutte seg til deres leder Bert Acosta. De ble betalt 1 500 dollar per måned, plus 1 000 dollar for hvert nedskutte fly.[4][5][6]


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  1. ^ «Fire amerikanske melde seg. Acosta og tre andre kom frem til Valencia for kurs i militær flyvning.». New York Times. 21. november 1936. Besøkt 6. juni 2015. «Bert Acosta, one of this country's leading racing pilots, and four other fliers from fields in the Newark district have arrived at Valencia, where they will go through a hurried course in military flying before taking the air against the Rebels, it was revealed here yesterday. ...» 
  2. ^ «U.S. Socialists Sift Volunteers To Fight Rebels. Federal Inquiry Gaining Impetus. Ambulance Unit Sails.». Associated Press in Washington Post. 17. januar 1937. 
  3. ^ «Aviator Says New York Attorney Is Leftist Agent. Several Indictments Are Planned in Enlistment of Fliers for Spain.». Associated Press in Washington Post. 16. januar 1937. 
  4. ^ a b «3 U.S. Airmen Here to Explain Aid to Loyalists; Acosta, Berry, Schneider Fly to Capital With Their Attorney.». Washington Post. 20. januar 1937. 
  5. ^ «Pilots, Death, Plebiscite.». Time (magasin). 21. desember 1936. Arkivert fra originalen 27. august 2013. Besøkt 6. juni 2015. 
  6. ^ «Fliers Fully Paid, Spain's Agent Says». New York Times. 17. januar 1937. Besøkt 6. juni 2015. 
  7. ^ Knoblaugh, H. Edward (1937). Correspondent in Spain. Sheed and Ward. 
  8. ^ «Flier Says Lawyer Sent Him to Spain.». New York Times. 16. januar 1937. 
  9. ^ Knoblaugh, H. Edward (1937). Correspondent in Spain. Sheed and Ward. 
  10. ^ «Lanphier was not in Spain.». New York Times. 6. februar 1937. Besøkt 6. juni 2015. 
  11. ^ «Lincoln Brigade archives at the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives». New York University. Besøkt 6. juni 2015. «Bert Blanchard Acosta; George F. Berry; Frank I. Frederick Lord; Eddie August Schneider; Eddie Semons» 
  12. ^ «4 Americans in Spain to Fly for Madrid. Acosta and Three Mates Reach Valencia to Take Course in Military Aviation.». New York Times. 21. november 1936. Besøkt 6. juni 2015. 
  13. ^ Taylor, Foster Jay (1971). The United States and the Spanish Civil War. Octagon Books. ISBN 0-374-97849-2. «American fighting in Spain dramatically ... Two American flyers, Bert Acosta and Gordon Berry, instituted legal proceedings against the Spanish steamship Mar Cantabrico in an effort to collect $1,200 in back pay due them by the Spanish Government. ... It was stated in an official American quarter that no American planes of any kind were being used in the Spanish Civil War.» 
  14. ^ Knoblaugh, H. Edward (1937). Correspondent in Spain. Sheed and Ward. 
  15. ^ «Lincoln Brigade archives at the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives». New York University. Besøkt 6. juni 2015. «Bert Blanchard Acosta; George F. Berry; Frank I. Frederick Lord; Eddie August Schneider; Eddie Semons» 
  16. ^ Bridgeman, Brian (1989). The Flyers: The Untold Story of British and Commonwealth Airmen in the Spanish Civil War. ISBN 1-85421-054-8. 
  17. ^ Knoblaugh, H. Edward (1937). Correspondent in Spain. Sheed and Ward. 
  18. ^ Bridgeman, Brian (1989). The Flyers: The Untold Story of British and Commonwealth Airmen in the Spanish Civil War. ISBN 1-85421-054-8.