Richard Harrison Shryock (Filadélfia, 29 de março de 1893 — 1 de fevereiro de 1972) foi um historiador da medicina estadunidense.[1]
- The Development of Modern Medicine. An Interpretation of the social and scientific Factors involved, 1936
- American Medical Research. Past and Present, 1945
- Die Entwicklung der modernen Medizin in ihrem Zusammenhang mit dem sozialen Aufbau und den Naturwissenschaften, von Richard Harrison Shryock und Paul Diepgen, Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 1947 (broschiert)
- Henry E. Sigerist: His Influence upon Medical History in the United States. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 22, 1948: 19-24.
- Dr. Welch and Medical History. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 24, 1950: 325-332.
- The Unique Influence of the Johns Hopkins University on American Medicine. Copenhagen 1953, Ejnar Munksgaard.
- The History of Nursing. An Interpretation of the social and medical Factors involved, 1959 *Medicine and Society in America, 1660–1860, 1960
- Empirism versus Rationalism in American Medicine, 1650–1950, 1969
- National Tuberculosis Association, 1904-1954: A Study of the Voluntary Health Movement in the United States. Ayer Publishing, 1988
- Ackerknecht, E. H.: In memoriam Richard H. Shryock. Clio Med 7(1), 1972: 129–130.
- Bell, W. J., Jr.: Richard Harrison Shryock, 1893-1972. Bull Hist Med 46(5), 1972: 499–503.
- Bell, W. J., Jr.: Memoir of Richard Harrison Shryock 1893-1972. Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila 40(3), 1973: 202–204.
- Bell, W. J., Jr.: Richard H. Shyrock: life and work of a historian. J Hist Med Allied Sci 29(1), 1974: 15–31.
- Curti, M.: The historical scholarship of Richard H. Shryock. J Hist Med Allied Sci 29(1), 1974: 7–14.
- Reingold, N.: Richard Harrison Shryock 1895-1972. Isis 64(221), 1973: 96–100.
- Risse, G. B.: Richard H. Shryock and the social history of medicine. Introduction. J Hist Med Allied Sci 29(1), 1974: 4–6.
- Rosen, G.: Richard Harrison Shryock (1893-1972). Archives Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences 24, 1974: 146–148.
- Temkin, O: Professor Shryock's seventy-fifth birthday. Bull Hist Med 42(2), 1968: 99–100.
- Temkin, O.: Richard Harrison Shryock 1893-1972. J Hist Med Allied Sci 27(2). 1972: 131–132.