Ovo je popis najvažnijih djela koja se povezuju s feminizmom. Djela su navedena kronološki, prema datumu prvog izdanja.
- The Adventure of the Black Lady, Aphra Behn (1640-1689)
- Augusta Bender (Smith College located in Northampton, Massachusetts, is today the largest women's college in the United States, 1891):
- Die Frauenfrage in Deutschland 1883 - Gesammelte Werke. Odenwälder, Buchen. ca. 360 S. ISBN
- Ein deutsches Mädchen in Amerika Novelle 1893 engl. / 1901 germ.
- "Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture?", Sherry B. Ortner
- Ain’t I a Woman? Black Women and Feminism, bell hooks
- Feminist Studies, Critical Studies, Teresa de Lauretis
- Blood, Bread, and Poetry: Select Prose (1979-1985), Adrienne Rich (posebno "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence")