Liz Kelly

Elizabeth A. Kelly CBE (rođena 1951.)[1] je britanska profesorica i ravnateljica Jedinice za proučavanje zlostavljanja djece i žena (Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit - CWASU) na Sveučilištu London Metropolitan,[2] bivša voditeljica, sada ugašene, Nacionalne komisije za žene,[3] i zajedno s Marai Larasi predsjedava Koalicijom za okončanje nasilja nad ženama.[4]


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Liz Kelly je napisala brojne radove i članke o nasilju nad ženama i djecom te je bila gostujuća urednica časopisa Child Abuse Review.[5]

U njenom pregledu istraživanja za Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate u kojem se bavila pitanjem zašto toliko navodnih silovatelja nije kazneno gonjeno ili nisu osuđeni, navodi "da u svakoj fazi pravnog procesa stereotipi i predrasude igraju ulogu u donošenju odluka".[6][7]

U svojoj knjizi "The Hidden Gender of Law" Kelly tvrdi "ne postoji jasna razlika između sporazumnog seksa i silovanja, već kontinuitet pritiska, prijetnji, prisile i sile". Tvrdi da su sve žene u nekim trenucima svog života dožive seksualno nasilje.[8]

U svojoj knjizi "Preživjeti seksualno nasilje" (Surviving Sexual Violence) Liz Kelly definira seksualno nasilje kao "svaki fizički, vizualni, verbalni ili seksualni čin koji žena ili djevojka doživi u to vrijeme ili kasnije, kao prijetnju, invaziju ili napad, koji ima učinak povrijediti je ili degradirati i/ili joj oduzeti sposobnost kontrole". Takvu je definiciju kritizirala Wendy McElroy, opisujući je kao "katastrofalno subjektivnu", uz napomenu da "žaljenje nije mjerilo pristanka".[9]

Liz Kelly je nagrađena Redom Britanskog Carstva (CBE), za usluge u borbi protiv nasilja nad ženama i djecom.


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  • Kelly, Liz (2008.). Preživjeti Seksualno nasilje. Kruzak: Ženska soba, Centar za seksualna prava. {{ISBN|9789536463749}}.
  • Kelly, Elizabeth (1995). Surviving sexual abuse, Rushcutters Bay, New South Wales: Gore & Osment. ISBN 9781875531783
  • Kelly, Elizabeth A. (1995). Education, democracy, and public knowledge, Boulder Colorado: Westview Press. ISBN 9780813316345
  • Liz, Kelly (1996). Women, violence, and male power: feminist activism, research, and practice, Buckingham Philadelphia: Open University Press. ISBN 9780335195060
  • Liz, Kelly (1998). Supporting women and challenging men: lessons from the Domestic Violence Intervention Project, Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 9781861340689
  • Liz, Kelly (2001). Challenging violence against women: the Canadian experience, Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN 9781861342782
  • Liz, Kelly (2002). Children's perspectives on domestic violence, London: SageISBN 9780761971061
  • Liz, Kelly (2013). Moving in the shadows: violence in the lives of minority women and children, Farnham, Surrey Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate. ISBN 9781409433170

Poglavlja u knjigama

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  • Kelly, Liz (1988), „How women define their experiences of violence”, Yllö, Feminist perspectives on wife abuse, Newbury Park, California: A Sage Focus Edition, pp. 114–132, ISBN 9780803930537. 
  • Kelly, Liz; Regan, Linda; Burton, Sheila (1992), „Defending the indefensible? Quantitative methods and feminist research”, Phoenix, Working out: New directions for women's studies, Gender and Society: Feminist Perspectives on Past and Present, London Washington, D.C: The Falmer Press, pp. 149–160, ISBN 9780750700436. 
  • Kelly, Liz (1994), „The interconnectedness of domestic violence and child abuse: challenges for research, policy and practice”, Mullender, Children living with domestic violence: putting men's abuse of women on the child care agenda, London Concord, Massachusetts: Whiting & Birch., ISBN 9781871177725. 
  • Kelly, Liz (1996), „'It's everywhere': sexual violence as a continuum”, Jackson, Feminism and sexuality: a reader, New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 191–206, ISBN 9780231107082. 
  • Kelly, Liz (1996), „Tensions and possibilities: enhancing informal responses to domestic violence”, Edleson, Future interventions with battered women and their families, Sage Series on Violence Against Women, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, pp. 67–86, ISBN 9780803959453. 
  • Kelly, Liz; Regan, Linda; Burton, Sheila (1996), „Beyond victim or survivor: sexual violence, identity and feminist theory and practice”, Adkins, Sexualizing the social: power and the organization of sexuality, New York: St. Martin's Press, pp. 77–101, ISBN 9780312160258. 
  • Kelly, Liz; Radford, Jill (1998), „Sexual violence against women and girls: an approach to an international overview”, Dobash, Rethinking violence against women, Sage Series on Violence Against Women, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, pp. 53–76, ISBN 9780761911876. 
  • Kelly, Liz (2000), „The global context: Wars against women: sexual violence, sexual politics and the militarised state”, Jacobs, States of conflict: gender, violence, and resistance, London New York: Zed Books, pp. 45–65, ISBN 9781856496568.  Pdf.
  • Kelly, Liz; Coy, Maddy; Horvath, Miranda A.H. (2012), „Troubling notions of male entitlement: men consuming, boasting and confessing about paying for sex”, Coy, Maddy, Prostitution, harm and gender inequality: theory, research and policy, Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, pp. 121–140, ISBN 9781409405450. 
  • Kelly, Liz (2013), „Sex, sexuality and child sexual abuse”, Wild, Jim, Exploiting childhood: how fast food, material obsession and porn culture are creating new forms of child abuse, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 145–148, ISBN 9780857007421. 
  • Kelly, Liz; Westmarland, Nicole (2015), „New approaches to assessing effectiveness and outcomes of domestic violence perpetrator programs”, Johnson, Critical issues on violence against women: international perspectives and promising strategies, London: Routledge, pp. 183–194, ISBN 9781135006037. 
  • Kelly, Liz; Coy, Maddy; Dustin, Holly (2015), „A feminist "epistemic community" reshaping public policy: a case study of the End Violence Against Women Coalition”, Johnson, Critical issues on violence against women: international perspectives and promising strategies, London: Routledge, pp. 244–257, ISBN 9781135006037. 

Članci u časopisima

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Za Jedinicu za proučavanje zlostavljanja djece i žena

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Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva

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  • Kelly, Liz (1999). Domestic violence matters: an evaluation of a development project, London: Home Office, Research Studies. 193. ISBN 9781840821376 Pdf.
  • Kelly, Liz (2000). Stopping traffic: exploring the extent of, and responses to trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK, London: Home Office, Policing and Reducing Crime Unit. 125. ISBN 9781840824667 Pdf. Arhivirano 2016-03-04 na Wayback Machine-u
  • Kelly, Liz (2004). Sexual Assault Referral Centres: developing good practice and maximising potentials, London: Home Office Research Study. 285. ISBN 9781844732869 Pdf.
  • Kelly, Liz (2004). Forensic nursing an option for improving responses to reported rape and sexual assault, London: Home Office Development and Practice. 31. ISBN 9781844733187 Pdf.
  • Kelly, Liz (2005). A gap or a chasm?: Attrition in reported rape cases, London: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate. 293. ISBN 9781844735556 Pdf.
  • Kelly, Liz (2006). Section 41 an evaluation of new legislation limiting sexual history evidence in rape trials, London: Home Office Online Reports. OLR 20/06. ISBN 9781844739264 Online. Pdf.
  • Kelly, Liz (2013). Evaluation of the pilot of domestic violence protection orders, Joanna R. Adler; Miranda A.H. Horvarth; Jo Lovett; Mark Coulson; David Kernohan; and Mark Gray, London: Home Office, Crime research and analysis. 76. ISBN 9781782462620 Online. Pdf. Evaluation of Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs) for the International Crime and Policing Conference 2015.

Ostali radovi

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  1. Kelly, Liz, 1951–. Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).
  2. Liz Kelly. Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit (CWASU), London Metropolitan University. Archived from the original on 2014-03-19. Preuzeto 2021-09-25.
  3. Professor Liz Kelly CBE. Women's National Commission. Archived from the original on 2016-10-19. Preuzeto 2021-09-25.
  4. Our people: our board of trustees. End Violence Against Women Coalition. Archived from the original on 2015-12-09. Preuzeto 2021-09-25.
  5. Kelly, Liz (guest editor); Pringle, Keith (guest editor) (November 2009). „Editorial: Gender and child harm”. Child Abuse Review 18 (6): 367–371. DOI:10.1002/car.1097. 
  6. Baird, Vera (10 April 2002). „You've been raped. Why bother reporting it?”. The Guardian. Pristupljeno 30 September 2015. 
  7. Kelly, Liz (October 2001). Routes to (in)justice: a research review on the reporting, investigation and prosecution of rape cases, London: HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI). Literature review. Pdf.
  8. Messerschmidt, James W. (27 September 1993). Masculinities and Crime: Critique and Reconceptualization of Theory, Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 9780847678693
  9. McElroy, Wendy (1 January 2001). Sexual Correctness: The Gender-Feminist Attack on Women, McFarland. ISBN 9780786411443

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