William John Locke

William John Locke
Portret Williama Johna Lockea; autor: Harry Furniss.
Biografske informacije
Rođenje(1863-03-20)20. 3. 1863.
Cunningsbury St George, Christ Church Demerara, Britanska Gvajana
Smrt15. 5. 1930. (dob: 67)
Paris, France
SupružnikAimee Maxwell Close (rođ. Heath)
DjecaSheila Rosemary Baines (usvojena)
Književne vrstedrama, roman

William John Locke (20. mart 1863 – 15. maj 1930) je bio britanski književnik, koji je uživao veliku popularnost u domovini i SAD u prvim decenijama 20. vijeka. Najpoznatija djela su mu romani The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne i The Beloved Vagabond (1906). Njegova djela su, zbog svoje sklonosti melodramatičnim i sentimentalnim zapletima, bila popularna među ranim filmašima, tako da su ekranizirana čak 24 puta.


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  • Campbell, C. C., ' The Young Colonials: A Social History of Education in Trinidad and Tobago 1834 - 1939, The Press of the University of the West Indies, (1996).
  • Chambers Biographical Dictionary (rev. ed. 1984)
  • D.C. Browning (ed.), Everyman's Dictionary of Literary Biography English & American" (1958)
  • E.O'Brien, ' Locke, William John (1863–1930)rev. Charlotte Mitchell, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, (2004).
  • Tibbetts, J.C. 'Mary Pickford and the American ' Growing Girl'" (2001) Journal of Popular Film and Television, Volume 29, No 2., Routledge (2001).
  • The William J. Locke Calendar (1914) Compiled by Emma M. Pope - Reference from the British Library (www.bl.uk)

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