The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is an independent, non-government, non-for profit organization. It consists of Canadian citizens who devote their efforts in the organization to reduce wasteful spending, misspending and hold accountable the Canadian government who collects these taxes.[1]
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is abbreviation CTF. The CTF was founded in 1990 in Saskatchewan, a province of Canada, in the year 1990. Two separate organizations, Association of Saskatchewan Taxpayers and the Resolution One Association of Alberta, began working together to form a country-wide organization to represent Canadians throughout the country.[2]
The organization has mostly devoted itself to exposing government corruption; especially misspending and wasting taxpayer money. It focuses on unfair tax raises by the government. It lobbies for justice for Canadian citizens, including media conferences and Internet broadcasts. One example is it's resistance to the governments plane of opening a massively expensive battery plant, which would cost Canadian up to 15 billion dolalrs.[3]
One of their most prominent roles currently is challenging salary raises for Canadian government officials which is costing citizens more and more money each year.[4]
Another prominent role is their resistance to increased carbon taxes by the federal government, which keep going up each year. They argue it makes life difficult for people to heat their homes during winters and to use their cars because of higher fuel prices.[5]