Howard first taught at David Lipscomb College (from 1964 as Assistant Professor for Religion, 1967 Associate Professor) before moving to the University of Georgia in 1968 as Assistant Professor of Classics. There he was appointed Associate Professor for Religion in 1972 and (Full) Professor in 1978.
Howard, George (1959). An exegesis of Romans 11:25-26a: "and so shall all Israel be saved" (M.A. Thesis/dissertation. Harding College). OCLC20374642.
Howard, George (1963). The LXX Book of Amos (Ph.D Thesis/dissertation. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati). Cincinnati. OCLC959381671.
Howard, George (1971). Frank Cross and Recensional Criticism. Leiden, the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. OCLC17910892.
Howard, George (1978). Paul: Crisis in Galatia: A Study in Early Christian Theology. Monograph series (Society for New Testament Studies). Vol. 35. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN0521217091. OCLC3630483.[8]
Labubnā bar Sennāḳ; George Howard (1981). The teaching of Addai. Texts and translations, no. 16.; Texts and translations., Early Christian literature series;, 4. Chico, Calif.: Scholars Press. ISBN9780891304906. OCLC7551329.
↑p xvi "Book twelve of the treatise contains the entire Gospel of Matthew in Hebrew along with polemical comments by Shem-Tob ... A comparison of this old substratum with the canonical Greek text suggests that the Hebrew reflects a Jewish."
↑In "Hebrew Matthew," found in the 14th-century Hebrew work The Touchstone of Ibn Shaprut, Howard argues that parts of an original Hebrew text of the Gospel may be found. Some scholars, such as William Horbury (1999), reject this thesis and consider Ibn Shaprut's text to be a translation of a medieval Latin version into Hebrew.
↑Horbury Hebrew study from Ezra to Ben-Yehuda p128 "the Hebrew Matthew, mentioned above. 5 John Mill, in the Prolegomena to his 1707 edition of the New Testament, ... in the last few years, by George Howard. 8 Both concentrated on the du Tillet-Mercier text, but Howard also,"
↑Horbury review Journal of Jewish Studies 47 (1996)
↑Horbury Appendix in Matthew 19-28 ed. William David Davies, Dale C. Allison
↑Maurice Casey Aramaic Sources of Mark's Gospel 1998 Page 61 "Hebrew found in the Evan Bohan, a fourteenth-century Jewish anti-Christian treatise by Shem-Tob ben-Isaac ben-Shaprut.208 Howard's only points of substance are that some of the translation is older than the treatise of Shem-Tob, and that"