In Shinto, there is a concept known as Kannabi (神奈備), also referred to as kaminabi or kamunabi, which denotes a region that houses a kami or is itself a shintai (a repository in which a kami resides). These regions are typically forests or mountains,[2][3] and examples include Mount Miwa[1] and Nachi Falls.[3]
Kannabi can have sacred trees called shinboku or rocks called Iwakura.[3] Kannabi may also have shimenawa, torii gates, and sandō which show the way to them.
Shrines that worship kannabi do not always have a honden or haiden like other shrines. Instead, they enshrine the natural kannabi as deities. One example is Ōmiwa Shrine.[1] Kanasana Jinja is another shrine where the mountain itself is the shintai.[4]