Sweet potato pie is a type of pie. It is common in the southern United States. It is similar to pumpkin pie. It is common at Thanksgiving. It is a side dish or dessert.
"The most delicate root that may be eaten," as the sixteenth-century English mariner and slave trader John Hawkins called it, suited European taste. Henry VIII ate his sweet potatoes in heavily spiced and sugared pies, a fashion that survived at least until the 1680s."[1]
It is normally made as a large tart. It doesn't have a top crust. The filling has mashed sweet potatoes, milk, sugar, eggs, and flavoring. The filling can be made light or dense. Occasionally marshmallows are added as a topping.
Creamy vegetable pie recipes date back to Medieval Europe.[2] It was a favorite of Henry VIII of England.[3] He was known to eat a great number of sweet potato pies at a time believing they were an aphrodisiac.[3] Sweet potato pie appears in the southern United States from the early colonial days.[2] Like many sweet potato recipes, sweet potato pie was likely developed by the black slaves from traditional African cuisine. It is a staple of soul food today.[4] Recipes for sweet potato pie first appeared in printed cookbooks in the 18th century. It was included with savory vegetable dishes. By the 19th century, sweet potato pie was considered a dessert.[2]