
Blumenthal-palhâšume lâi palhâšume, mon vuáđudij American Mathematical Society ive 1993 Leonard M.Eleanor B. Blumenthal mušton. Palhâšume juohhui jyehi niäljád ive matematiiktotkei, kiäst lâi pyeremuu náguskirje putes matematiik syergist. Palhâšume ij innig juohhuu. Tot juohhui majemuu tove ive 2009.


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Palhâšume láá vuáittám čuávuvááh ulmuuh:[1]

Ihe Koveh Vyeittee(h)
1993 Zhihong Xia
1997 Loïc Merel
2001 Stephen Bigelow
Elon Lindenstrauss
2005 Manjul Bhargava
2009 Maryam Mirzakhani


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  1. Leonard M. and Eleanor B. Blumenthal Award for the Advancement of Research in Pure Mathematics American Mathematical Society. Čujottum 22.1.2022. (eŋgâlâskielân)
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