Harry F. Dahms är en associate professor i sociologi vid University of Tennessee sedan hösten 2004. Dahms primära forskningsområden är teori, ekonomisk sociologi, globalisering, social ojämlikhet och social rättvisa. Dahms är redaktör för Current Perspectives in Social Theory och dessutom en av personerna bakom tidskriften Basic Income Studies.
- No Social Science Without Critical Theory (Editor). Volume 25 of Current Perspectives in Social Theory (Emerald/JAI, 2008).
- Globalization Between the Cold War and Neo-Imperialism (Special Volume Editor). Volume 24 of Current Perspectives in Social Theory (Elsevier/JAI, 2006).
- "Capitalism Unbound? Peril and Promise of Basic Income." Basic Income Studies 1(1) 2006--http://www.bepress.com/bis/.
- "Globalization as Hyper-Alienation: Critiques of Traditional Marxism as Arguments for Basic Income." Current Perspectives in Social Theory. 23 2005: 205-77.
- "Does Alienation have a Future? Recapturing the Core of Critical Theory." In Trauma, Promise, and the Millennium: The Evolution of Alienation. ed. L. Langman and D.K. Fishman. Rowman and Littlefield, 2005.
- "THE MATRIX Trilogy as Critical Theory of Alienation: Communicating a Message of Radical Transformation." Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence. 3 (1) 2005: 108-24.
- "Sociology in the Age of Globalization: Toward a Dynamic Sociological Theory." Current Perspectives in Social Theory. 21 2002: 287-320.
- Transformations of Capitalism: Economy, Society and the State in Modern Times (London: Palgrave, and New York: NYU Press, 2000).
- "The Early Frankfurt School Critique of Capitalism: Critical Theory Between Pollock's `State Capitalism' and the Critique of *Instrumental Reason." In The Theory of Capitalism in the German Economic Tradition. ed. P. Koslowski Berlin: Springer, 2000.
- "Beyond the Carousel of Reification: Critical Social Theory After Lukács, Adorno and Habermas." Current Perspectives in Social Theory. 18 1998: 3-62.
- "Theory in Weberian Marxism: Patterns of Critical Social Theory in Lukács and Habermas." Sociological Theory. 15 (3) 1997:181-214.
- "From Creative Action to the Social Rationalization of the Economy: Joseph A. Schumpeter's Social Theory." Sociological Theory. 13 (1) 1995: 1-13.