and extremely high-spired, with numerous narrow whorls which often have distinctive sculpture.
布歇特和洛克羅伊的腹足類分類 (2005年)列出左錐螺科物種可分為下列三個亞科[7]:
- 三口螺亞科 Iniforinae Kosuge, 1966:皆為海洋物種[11][12];
- Metaxiinae Marshall, 1977
- 左錐螺亞科 Triphorinae Gray, 1847
- Aclophora Laseron, 1958
- Aclophoropsis B. A. Marshall, 1983
- 布氏左錐螺屬 Bouchetriphora B. A. Marshall, 1983
- †Callitriphora Cotton, 1947
- Cautor Finlay, 1926
- Cautotriphora Laws, 1940
- Cheirodonta B. A. Marshall, 1983
- †Cinctrifora Olsson & Harbison, 1953
- 玄珠螺屬 Coriophora Laseron, 1958
- Cosmotriphora Olsson & Harbison, 1953
- Costatophora B. A. Marshall, 1994
- †Eocautor Eames, 1952
- †Epetrium G. F. Harris & Burrows, 1891
- 扁粒螺屬 Euthymella Thiele, 1929
- Eutriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
- Hedleytriphora B. A. Marshall, 1983
- Huetriphora Caro & Bertrand, 2020:只有Huetriphora raymondi Caro & Bertrand, 2020,一個物種,見於非洲印度洋的留尼旺[16][17];
- Hypotriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
- 格粒螺屬 Inella Bayle, 1879
- Ionthoglossa Vinola-Lopez & Bouchet, 2020:只有一個物種Ionthoglossa pseudocanarica (Bouchet, 1985),舊屬Cosmotriphora屬,分佈於地中海及大西洋東北部[18][19];異名:Pogonodon Bouchet, 1997;
- Isotriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
- Latitriphora B. A. Marshall, 1983
- Liniphora Laseron, 1958
- Litharium Dall, 1924
- Magnosinister Laseron, 1954
- Marshallora Bouchet, 1985
- 雙珠螺屬 Mastonia Hinds, 1843
- Monophorus Grillo, 1877:異名有Notosinister Finlay, 1926(即參珠螺屬[5]);
- Nanaphora Laseron, 1958
- †Norephora Gründel, 1975
- Nototriphora B. A. Marshall, 1983
- Obesula Jousseaume, 1897
- †Ogivia G. F. Harris & Burrows, 1891
- Opimaphora Laseron, 1958
- †Oriforina Gründel, 1975
- Sagenotriphora B.A. Marshall, 1983
- Seilarex Iredale, 1924
- Similiphora Bouchet, 1985
- Strobiligera Dall, 1924
- Subulophora Laseron, 1958
- †Subviriola Amitrov & Zhegallo, 2007
- Sychar Hinds, 1843
- Talophora Gründel, 1975
- Teretriphora Finlay, 1927
- 左錐螺屬 Triphora de Blainville, 1828[20]
- 雙肋螺屬 Viriola Jousseaume, 1884
- Viriolopsis B. A. Marshall, 1983
- 異名:
- Biforina Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1884 : synonym of Monophorus Grillo, 1877
- Brucetriphora Beu, 2004: synonym of Costatophora B. A. Marshall, 1994
- Distophora Laseron, 1958:synonym of Cautor Finlay, 1927
- Epiforis Laseron, 1958:synonym of Mastoniaeforis Jousseaume, 1884
- Euthymia Jousseaume, 1884:synonym of Euthymella Thiele, 1929
- Ino Hinds, 1843:synonym of Inella Bayle, 1879
- Macrosinister:synonym of Magnosinister Laseron, 1954
- Mastoniaeformis [sic] : synonym of Mastoniaeforis Jousseaume, 1884
- Mesophora Laseron, 1958[5]:Coriophora Laseron, 1958的舊稱,因與其他分類單元同名而於2013年改名。
- Orbitophora Laseron, 1958:synonym of Viriola Jousseaume, 1884
- Risbecia Kosuge, 1966:synonym of Differoforis Kosuge, 2008
- Sinistroseila W. R. B. Oliver, 1915: synonym of Viriola Jousseaume, 1884
- Solosinister Laseron, 1954:synonym of Viriola Jousseaume, 1884
- Tetraphora Laseron, 1958:synonym of Brucetriphora Beu, 2004
- Torresophora Laseron, 1958: synonym of Euthymella Thiele, 1929
- Triforis Deshayes, 1834:synonym of Triphora Blainville, 1828
- Triphoris:synonym of Triphora Blainville, 1828
- ^ 林朝棨. 蘭嶼之貝類及其動物地理. 中國貝誌 (中華民國貝類學會). 1974, 1: 42–63 [2018-10-10] (中文(繁體)).
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- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Bouchet, P. Triphoridae. WoRMS. [2012-06-16].
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Triphoridae 左錐螺科. 台灣生物多樣性資訊入口網. [2017-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-08) (中文(繁體)).
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- ^ Powell A. W. B., New Zealand Mollusca, William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1979 ISBN 0-00-216906-1
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