Bên trong vòm trắc đạc
Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller (12 tháng 7 năm 1895 – 1 tháng 7 năm 1983) là kiến trúc sư , nhà thiết kế , và nhà sáng chế người Mỹ .
Joachim Krausse, Claude Lichtenstein, Your Private Sky: R. Buckminster Fuller , Lars Müller Publishing, 2000
Martin Pawley, Buckminster Fuller , Trefoil Publications, 1990
R. Buckminster Fuller, Grunch of Giants , Critical Path Publishing, 2004
Silver Burdett, Buckminster Fuller , Prentice Hall + IBD, 1993
J. Baldwin, Bucky’s Works: Buckminster Fuller’s Ideas for Today , John Wiley + Sons, 1997
Nathan Aaseng, More With Less: Future World of Buckminster Fuller , Lerner, 1985
R. Buckminster Fuller, Intuition , Impact Publishers, 1983
R. Buckminster Fuller, Answar Dil, Humans In Universe , Mouton de Gruyter, 1983
R. Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth , Dutton Books, 1978
Athena V. Lord, Pilot for Spaceship Earth: R. Buckminster Fuller, Architect, Inventor and Poet , Macmillan, 1978
R. Buckminster Fuller, Robert W. Marks, Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller , Doubleday & co, 1973
R. Buckminster Fuller, Approaching the Benign Environment , Collier-Mac, 1971