Mô đun:Native name


local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;
local lang_module = require ('Module:Lang');
local yes_no = require('Module:Yesno')

local defined_values = {
	italic = {['no']='no', ['off']='no'},										-- values accepted by |italic= and |italics=; {{lang}} expects 'no' so 'off' must be translated
	paren = {['no']=true, ['off']=true, ['omit']=true},							-- values accepted by |paren=

local messages_t = {													
	tag_required = 'cần một tag ngôn ngữ IETF làm thông số {{{1}}}',		-- for {{native name}}
	name_required = 'cần một danh ngữ làm thông số {{{2}}}',
	tag_required_idx = 'cần một tag ngôn ngữ IETF trong |tag%s=',			-- for {{native name}} when called from {{native name list}}
	name_required_idx = 'cần một danh ngữ trong |name%s=',

	empty_list = 'danh sách trống',												-- for {{native name list}}
	positional = 'không hỗ trợ các thông số vị trí',

	br_list = 'không cho phép danh sách <br />',									-- for {{native name checker}}
	list_markup = 'cần list markup cho nhiều danh ngữ',
	malformed_param = 'giá trị thông số dị hình',

local help_links_t = {
	['native name'] = '[[Bản mẫu:Native name|trợ giúp]]',
	['native name checker'] = '[[Bản mẫu:Native name checker|trợ giúp]]',
	['native name list'] = '[[Bản mẫu:Native name list|trợ giúp]]',

local error_cats_t = {
	['native name'] = '[[Thể loại:Lỗi bản mẫu tên bản ngữ]]',
	['native name checker'] = '[[Thể loại:Lỗi bản mẫu kiểm tra tên bản ngữ]]',
	['native name list'] = '[[Thể loại:Lỗi bản mẫu danh sách tên bản ngữ]]',

--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ M S G >------------------------------------------------------------

returns a formatted error message


local function error_msg (msg, template, index)
	local cat = ((0 == mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace) and error_cats_t[template]) or '';
	if index then
		local message = string.format (msg, index);
		return string.format ('<span style="color:#d33">Error {{%s}}: %s (%s)</span>%s', template, message, help_links_t[template], cat)
	return string.format ('<span style="color:#d33">Error {{%s}}: %s (%s)</span>%s', template, msg, help_links_t[template], cat)

--[=[-------------------------< _ N A T I V E _ N A M E >------------------------------------------------------

implements {{native name}}; entry point from a module

<args_t> is a table of parameter name/value pairs.  Parameters that are supported are:
	args_t[1] - IETF language tag (required)
	args_t[2] - the native name (required)
	args_t.italic - accepts string values 'no' or 'off'; {{lang}} expects 'no' so 'off' must be translated
	args_t.italics - alias of |italic=
	args_t.paren - accepts 'omit', 'off', or 'no'
	args_t.icon - alias of paren
	args_t.parensize - 
	args_t.fontsize - deprecated alias of |parensize=
	args_t.nolink - any value inhibits wikilinking of language name
	args_t.suppress_empty_list_error - when set to 'yes', suppresses an 'empty' error message; mostly for use within another template

this function calls these functions in Module:lang:

	add support for romanization and transliteration?
	add support for postfix so that 'mis' can render something like this:
		{{native|name|mis|Chotilapacquen|parent=omit|postfix=&#32;([[Coahuiltecan languages|Coahuiltecan]])}}
			Chotilapacquen (Coahuiltecan)


local function _native_name (args_t)
	local template = (args_t.template and args_t.template) or 'native name';	-- for error messaging; use 'native name list' when called from native_name_list(), etc

	if not (args_t[1] or args_t[2]) and yes_no (args_t.suppress_empty_list_error) then
		return '';																-- if empty list error is suppressed, return empty string
	elseif not args_t[1] then
		return error_msg ((args_t.index and messages_t.tag_required_idx) or messages_t.tag_required, template, args_t.index)
	elseif not args_t[2] then
		return error_msg ((args_t.index and messages_t.name_required_idx) or messages_t.name_required, template, args_t.index)

	args_t.italic = args_t.italics or args_t.italic;							-- plural form first in {{native name}} but singular form for {{lang}}
	args_t.italic = defined_values.italic[args_t.italic] or nil;				-- translate assigned value
	args_t.italics = nil;														-- so unset as unneeded

	args_t.paren = args_t.paren or args_t.icon;
	args_t.icon = nil;															-- unset as unneeded

	args_t.parensize = args_t.parensize or args_t.fontsize or '100%';
	args_t.fontsize = nil;														-- unset as unneeded

	local out_t = {};

	table.insert (out_t, lang_module._lang ({args_t[1], args_t[2], ['italic']=args_t.italic, ['template']=template}));
	if not defined_values.paren[args_t.paren] then
		table.insert (out_t, '&nbsp;');

		table.insert (out_t, table.concat ({
			'<span class="languageicon" style="font-size:',
			'; font-weight:normal">'}));

		if args_t.nolink then
			table.insert (out_t, table.concat ({'(', lang_module._name_from_tag ({args_t[1], ['template']=template}), ')'}));
			if lang_module._is_ietf_tag (args_t[1]) then
				table.insert (out_t, table.concat ({'(', lang_module._name_from_tag ({args_t[1], ['link'] ='yes', ['template']=template}), ')'}));
				table.insert (out_t, '(language?)');							

		table.insert (out_t, '</span>');

	return table.concat (out_t);

--[[--------------------------< N A T I V E _ N A M E >--------------------------------------------------------

implements {{native name}}; entry point from the template

{{#invoke:native name|native_name|<tag>|<name>|italic=|paren=|parensize=|nolink=}}


local function native_name (frame)
	return _native_name (getArgs (frame));

--[[--------------------------> _ N A T I V E _ N A M E _ L I S T >--------------------------------------------

implements {{native name}}; entry point from a module

<args_t> is a table of parameter name/value pairs.  Supports enumerated forms of the {{native name}} parameters:
	args_t.tagn - IETF language tag (|tag1= required)
	args_t.namen - the native name (|name1= required)
	args_t.italicn - accepts string values 'no' or 'off'
	args_t.italicsn - alias of |italicn=
	args_t.parenn - accepts 'omit', 'off', or 'no'
	args_t.iconn - alias of paren
	args_t.parensizen - 
	args_t.fontsizen - deprecated alias of |parensizen=
	args_t.nolinkn - any value inhibits wikilinking of language name

also supports:
	args_t.postfixn - wikitext to be appended to list item n (references other appropriate text)
	args_t.suppress_empty_list_error - when set to 'yes', suppresses an 'empty list' error message; mostly for use within another template

local function _native_name_list (args_t)
	if args_t[1] then
		return error_msg (messages_t.positional, 'native name list')

	local unsorted_enumerators_t = {}											-- unsorted  k/v table of tagn and namen enumerators where k is the enumerator and v is always true

	for param, _ in pairs (args_t) do											-- loop through all parameters
		local enumerator = mw.ustring.match (param, "^tag(%d+)$")				-- is this a |tagn= parameter?  extract enumerator if present
		if enumerator then														-- if there is an enumerator
			unsorted_enumerators_t[tonumber(enumerator)] = true					-- add enumerator to the table
			local name_match = mw.ustring.match (param, "^name(%d+)$")			-- is this a |tagn= parameter?  extract enumerator if present
			if name_match then													-- if there is an enumerator
				unsorted_enumerators_t[tonumber (name_match)] = true			-- add enumerator to the table

	local enumerators_t = {}													-- will hold a sorted sequence of enumerators
	for n, _ in pairs (unsorted_enumerators_t) do								-- loop through the k/v table of enumerators
		table.insert (enumerators_t, n)											-- add the enumerator to the sequence
	table.sort (enumerators_t)													-- and ascending sort

	local list_t = {};															-- list of formatted native names goes here

	for _, n in ipairs (enumerators_t) do										-- loop through the sorted enumerators
		table.insert (list_t, table.concat ({
			_native_name ({														-- go render the native name
				['italic'] = args_t['italic'..n],
				['italics'] = args_t['italics'..n],
				['paren'] = args_t['paren'..n],
				['icon'] = args_t['icon'..n],
				['parensize'] = args_t['parensize'..n],
				['fontsize'] = args_t['fontsize'..n],
				['nolink'] = args_t['nolink'..n],
				['template'] = 'native name list',								-- for error messaging
				['index'] = n,													-- for error messaging
			args_t['postfix'..n] or '',
	if 0 == #list_t then
		return (yes_no (args_t.suppress_empty_list_error) and '') or			-- return empty string when error suppressed
			error_msg (messages_t.empty_list, 'native name list');				-- otherwise error
	elseif 1 == #list_t then
		return list_t[1];														-- return the very short list; TODO: add error?
		return require ('Module:List').unbulleted (list_t);						-- use unbulleted list from module

--[[--------------------------< N A T I V E _ N A M E _ L I S T >----------------------------------------------

implements {{native name list}}; entry point from the template

{{#invoke:native name list|native_name_list|tag1=<tag>|name1=<name>|italic1=|paren1=|parensize1=|nolink1=}}


local function native_name_list (frame)
	return _native_name_list (getArgs (frame));

--[[--------------------------< _ N A T I V E _ N A M E _ C H E C K E R >--------------------------------------

entry point from a module

implements {{native name checker}}

for use inside infoboxen:
	|dataxx = {{native name checker|{{{native_name|}}}}}

inspects rendered content of {{{native_name}}}:
	expects: at least one lang="<valid IETF tag>" html attribute; tag must begin with 2 or three letters followed
			by a hyphen or double quote character: lang="zh-Hant" or lang="nav" or lang="oj"
	emits error message when 2 or more lang="<valid IETF tag>" html attribute but list markup <li> tag not found
	emits error message if any form of '<br />' tag is found per MOS:NOBREAK

	nothing when |native_name= is omitted or empty
	assigned value when no error
	error message on error


local function _native_name_checker (args_t)
	local value = args_t[1];
	if not value then															-- if |native_name= is omitted or empty
		return;																	-- return nothing
	local _, count = value:gsub ('lang="%a%a%a?[%-"]%a*', '%1');
	if 0 == count then
		return table.concat ({value, error_msg (messages_t.malformed_param, 'native name checker')}, ' ');	-- no {{lang}} or {{native_name}} template
	if 1 < count then
		if not value:find ('<div class="plainlist *" *>') or not value:find ('</div>$') then	-- must be wrapped in 'plainlist' div
			return table.concat ({value, error_msg (messages_t.list_markup, 'native name checker')}, ' ');
	if value:find ('< */? *[Bb][Rr] */? *>') then								-- look for something that vaguely resembles a <br /> tag
		return table.concat ({value, error_msg (messages_t.br_list, 'native name checker')}, ' ');

	return value;																-- no failed tests, return the value as is

--[[--------------------------< N A T I V E _ N A M E _ C H E C K E R >--------------------------------------

entry point from a module

implements {{native name checker}}


local function native_name_checker (frame)
	return _native_name_checker (getArgs (frame));

--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T S >----------------------------------------------------------------

return {
	native_name = native_name,													-- template interface
	native_name_list = native_name_list,
	native_name_checker = native_name_checker,
	_native_name = _native_name,												-- other module interface
	_native_name_list = _native_name_list,
	_native_name_checker = _native_name_checker,
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