Mô đun:URL

---Mô đun này hỗ trợ {{URL}}.
-- Xem các trường hợp kiểm thử đơn vị tại [[Module:URL/tests]].

local p = {}
function trim(s)
    return (mw.ustring.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))

function safeUri(s)
    local success, uri = pcall(function()
        return mw.uri.new(s)
    if success then
        return uri

function p._url(url, text)
    url = trim(url or '')
    text = trim(text or '')
    if url == '' then
        if text == '' then
            return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'tlx', args = { 'URL', "''example.com''", "''văn bản hiển thị tùy chọn''" } }
            return text
    -- If the URL contains any unencoded spaces, encode them, because MediaWiki will otherwise interpret a space as the end of the URL.
    url = mw.ustring.gsub(url, '%s', function(s) return mw.uri.encode(s, 'PATH') end)
    -- If there is an empty query string or fragment id, remove it as it will cause mw.uri.new to throw an error
    url = mw.ustring.gsub(url, '#$', '')
    url = mw.ustring.gsub(url, '%?$', '')
    -- If it's an HTTP[S] URL without the double slash, fix it.
    url = mw.ustring.gsub(url, '^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]([Ss]?):(/?)([^/])', 'http%1://%3')
    -- Handle URLs from Wikidata of the format http://
    url = mw.ustring.gsub(url, '^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]([Ss]?)://', 'http%1://')
    local uri = safeUri(url)
    -- Handle URL's without a protocol and URL's that are protocol-relative,
    -- e.g. www.example.com/foo or www.example.com:8080/foo, and //www.example.com/foo
    if uri and (not uri.protocol or (uri.protocol and not uri.host)) and url:sub(1, 2) ~= '//' then
        url = 'http://' .. url
        uri = safeUri(url)
    if text == '' then
        if uri then
            if uri.path == '/' then uri.path = '' end
            local port = ''
            if uri.port then port = ':' .. uri.port end
            text = mw.ustring.lower(uri.host or '') .. port .. (uri.relativePath or '')
        else -- URL is badly-formed, so just display whatever was passed in
            text = url
-- Add <wbr> before _/.-# sequences
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,"(/+)","<wbr/>%1")      -- This entry MUST be the first. "<wbr/>" has a "/" in it, you know.
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,"(%.+)","<wbr/>%1")
	-- text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,"(%-+)","<wbr/>%1") 	-- DISABLED for now
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,"(%#+)","<wbr/>%1")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,"(_+)","<wbr/>%1")
    return mw.ustring.format('<span class="url">[%s %s]</span>', url, text)

function p.url(frame)
    local templateArgs = frame.args
    local url = templateArgs[1] or ''
    local text = templateArgs[2] or ''
    return p._url(url, text)

The entry point for calling from the forked Template:URL2.
This function returns no message by default.
It strips out wiki-link markup, html tags, and everything after a space.
function p.url2(frame)
	local templateArgs = frame.args
	local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args
	local url = templateArgs[1] or parentArgs[1]
	local text = templateArgs[2] or parentArgs[2] or ''
	-- default to no message
	local msg = templateArgs.msg or parentArgs.msg or 'no'
	url = url or extractUrl(templateArgs) or extractUrl(parentArgs) or ''
	-- if the url came from a Wikidata call, it might have a pen icon appended
	-- we want to keep that and add it back at the end.
	local u1, penicon = mw.ustring.match( url, "(.*)(&nbsp;<span class='penicon.*)" )
	if penicon then url = u1 end
	-- strip out html tags and [ ] from url
	url = (url or ''):gsub("<[^>]*>", ""):gsub("[%[%]]", "")
	-- truncate anything after a space
	url = url:gsub("%%20", " "):gsub(" .*", "")
	return (p._url(url, text, msg) or "") .. (penicon or "")

return p
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