
—  Hēafodburg  —
Manama on Bahrain

Land Bysen:Country data Bahrain Bahrain
Gestaðelod 1345
• gerim

30 km²
• buend

297,502 buenda
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Manama (Arabisc: المنامة Al-Manāmah) is hēafodstōl Bahraines and līþ be þǣm Persisc Sæsearme, in ēastnorðe Bahrain Īege. Hit is mǣst stede Bahraines mid folcrīm ymbe 150,000, fēorðlung þǣm full folcrīm Bahraines. Islamisc cranicas namiaþ Manamane at least as far back as 1345. Hit þā Portugliscmenn brǣcon in 1521 and æfter be þā Persiscmenn in 1602. Fram 1783 se hīred Al-Khalifa habbaþ hit gehealden and geƿealden, mid sceortum underbrecungum. Man hēt Manaman sƿā frēohæfene in 1958, and in 1971 hit ƿearþ hēafodstōl selfƿealdendes Baraines.

The economical base for Manama is identical to Barain as a whole - teorrele, oil refining, dhow bat timbrung, fiscoþ and meregrot dyfung. Manama is served by Barain International Flyhthæfen on þǣm īeglande Al Muharraq, to which it is connected with a causeway. Manama ēac is ham for þone Bahrain Irmengyld, se man āstealde in 1986.

Al Manamah was also one of the twelve municipalities of Barain, and it is now in the Capital Governorate.

Hēafodstōlas on þǣm Asie
Centrumasie Ascgaburg, Turcmenistan • Astana, Casahstan • Mōnandæġburg, Tacgicastan • Piscpecc, Cirgisstan • Tæscēnd, Usbecastan
Eastasie Geddoburg, Iapan • Pecing, Cina • Pīonganc, Norþcorea • Seorabēol, Suþcorea • Taipei, Taiƿan3 • Ulanbator, Mongolland
Norðasie Dracenceaster, Siongu • Moscoƿ, Russland
Sūðasie Alladōmburg, Pacistan • Campþunorcōf, BIGL (GC) * • Cabura, Afghanistan • Cæþmandū, Nepal • Celanēgport, Tāprabane • Dacca, Bængladesc • Mæle, Maldifīega • Nīwedelhēg, Indea • Þimpu, Bhutan
Sūþeastasie Bæncoc, Tæġland • Begawantūn, Brunei • Dili, Ēasttimor • Fientīān, Laoland • Flēogfisccōfe, Crīstesmæsse Īeg (Australand) • Hænoī, Fietnam • Iacarte, Indenīge • Manila, Filippinīega • Mūdīcflōdgemōt, Malægsia • Nepgīdō, Burma • Pennhyllburg, Cambodia • Singapore • Westīg, Cōcōsīega (Australand)
Ƿestasie Abu Dhabi, Geānedu Arabisc Bregorīcu • Æpiscōpige Cantonnema, Acrotīgrige and Dhecalie (GC) • Amman, Iordane • Ancyra, Tyrcland • Bæȝdæd, Irac • Bacu, Aserbaigan • Berytus, Libanus • Cuwaitburg, Cuwait • Damascus, Syria • Dōhæ, Catar • Erefan, Earmeniga • Ierusalem, Israhēl 1 • Lefcosiaa, Cipros • Manama, Bahrain • Mæscatt, Oman • Norþlefcosca, Norþcipros • Ræmæla, Palestīn (ðære gemynd) 2 • Rigadh, Saudisc Arabea • Sana, Gemen • Suhcumig, Æbcassiga 3 • Tiflis, Georgia • Tehrān, Persealand • Tsinhal, Suþossetie 3
1 Se hēafodburg of Israhēl is sceað, mǣst ricum forstandan Telfafif 2 Se hēafodburg of Palestīn is sceað, mǣst ricum forstandan Ræmæla 3Sceaðland