Aleksandr Georq

Aleksandr Georq
ing. Alexander George
ing. Alexander Segger George
Doğum tarixi (85 yaş)
Vətəndaşlığı Avstraliya
Elm sahəsi Botanika
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Tədqiqatçı, botanika taksonlarını təsnif edən. Beynəlxalq Botaniki Adlandırma Kodeksində bu ad qısaldılmış şəkildə belə göstərilir: "A.S.George".
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Alex George VikiNövlərdə
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Aleksandr Georq və ya Aleksandr Segger Georq (ing. Alexander George və ya ing. Alexander Segger George, 4 aprel 1939) — Avstraliya botaniki.

  • Orchids of Western Australia. 1969.
  • A New Eucalypt from Western Australia. 1970.
  • A List of the Orchidaceae of Western Australia. 1971.
  • Flowers and Plants of Western Australia. 1973.
  • The Genus Banksia. 1981.
  • The Banksias. 19812002, with Celia Rosser.
  • The Banksia Book. 1984.
  • An Introduction to the Proteaceae of Western Australia. 1985.
  • "New taxa, combinations and typifications in Verticordia (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae)". Nuytsia. 1991.
  • Notes on Banksia L.f. (Proteaceae). 1996.
  • Wildflowers of Southern Western Australia. 1996, with Margaret G. Corrick and Bruce A. Fuhrer.
  • Banksia in Flora of Australia: Volume 17B: Proteaceae 3: Hakea to Dryandra. 1999.
  • Dryandra in Flora of Australia: Volume 17B: Proteaceae 3: Hakea to Dryandra. 1999.
  • William Dampier in New Holland: Australia's First Natural Historian.
  • The Long Dry: Bush Colours of Summer and Autumn in South-Western Australia.
  • Hall, Norman (1978). Botanists of the Eucalypts. CSIRO, Melbourne. ISBN 0-643-00271-5.
  • Rosser, Celia E. and Alex S. George (19812001). "Alex George". The Banksias (3 volumes). London: Academic Press in association with Monash University.
  • George, Alex (1986). "Banksias (Talk given at 1985 AGM):Part I". Native Plants for NSW (Australian Plants Society, NSW Region) 21 (4): 18—22.
  • George, Alex (1986). "Banksias (Talk given at 1985 AGM):Part II". Native Plants for NSW (Australian Plants Society, NSW Region) 21 (5): 11—14.

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