Stenli Tatçer Bleyk

Stenli Tatçer Bleyk
ing. Stanley Thatcher Blake
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Stanley Thatcher Blake VikiNövlərdə
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Stenli Tatçer Bleyk (ing. Stanley Thatcher Blake; 1910 – 24 fevral 1973) - Avstraliya botaniki.

  • The honey flora of South-Eastern Queensland (avec C. Roff), Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock, 1958, 199 p., 175 pl.
  • A Revision of Melaleuca leucadendron and its Allies (Myrtaceae), Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium, N°1, 1969, 114 p.
  • A revision of Carpobrotus and Sarcozona in Australia, genera allied to Mesembryanthemum (Aizoaceae), Brisbane, 1969, Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium, N°7, 65 p., 11 plates.
  • Studies in Cyperaceae, Brisbane, 1969, Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium, N°8, 48 p.
  • A revision of Plectranthus (Labiatae) in Australia, Brisbane, 1971, Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium, N°9, 120 p.
  • Idiospermum (Idiospermaceae), a new genus and family for Calycanthus australiensis, Brisbane, 1972, Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium, N°12, 37 p.
  • Neurachne and its allies (Gramineae), Brisbane, 1972, Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium, N°13, 53 p.
  • Plinthanthesis and Danthonia and a review of the Australian species of Leptochloa (Gramineae), Brisbane, 1972, Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium, N°14, 19 p.
  • Revision of the genera Cymbopogon and Schizachyrium (Gramineae) in Australia, Brisbane, 1974, Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium, N°17, 70 p.