Awdur, cyfieithydd a bardd yn y Saesneg a'r Gaeleg oedd Iain Crichton Smith neu (Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn) (1 Ionawr 1928 – 15 Hydref 1998). Ganwyd yng Nglasgow a magwyd ef ar Ynys Lewis (Ynysoedd Heledd).
Magwyd ef ym mhentre crofftio Pabail (Saesneg: Bayble) gan ei fam a oedd yn weddw. Astudiodd Saesneg ym Mhrifysgol Aberdeen ac aeth ymlaen fel athro yn Clydebank, Dumbarton ac Oban cyn troi yn awdur llawn amser yn 1977. Cyfieithodd waith y bardd Gaeleg Sorley MacLean i'r Saesneg ac fe gyfieithodd rhai o'i weithiau ei hun i'r Gymraeg. [angen ffynhonnell]
- Culloden and After (1961) - an attack on that period in British history, especially "Bonnie Charlie".
- Old Woman (1965)
- The Iolaire (date)
- The Man who Cried Wolf(1964)
- The Long River (1955)
- Burn is Aran (1960)
- Thistles and Roses (1961)
- Deer on the High Hills (1962)
- An Dubh is an Gorm (1963)
- Biobuill is Sansan Reice (1965)
- The Law and the Grace (1965)
- Modern Gaelic Verse (1966)
- The Golden Lyric: an Essay on the Poetry of Hugh MacDiarmid (1967)
- At Helensburgh (1968)
- Consider the Lilies (1968)
- Ben Dorain by Duncan Ban MacIntyre (1969)
- From Bourgeois Land (1969)
- The Last Summer (1969)
- Iain am Measg Nan Reultan (1970)
- Maighstirean is Ministearan (1970)
- Selected Poems (1970)
- Survival Without Error (1970)
- My Last Duchess (1971)
- Poems to Eimhir translated from Sorley MacLean (1971)
- Love Poems and Elegies (1972)
- An-t-Adhar Ameireaganach (1973)
- The Black and the Red (1970)
- Rabhndan is Rudan (1973)
- Eader Fealla-dha is Glaschu (1974)
- Goodbye Mr Dixon (1974)
- Hami Autumn (1974)
- The Notebooks of Robinson Crusoe (1975)
- The Permanent Island (1975)
- An t-Aonaran (1976)
- The Hermit and Other Stories (1977)
- An End to Autumn (1978)
- River, River (1978)
- On the Island (1979)
- Murdo (1981)
- A Field Full of Folk (1982)
- Selected Poems 1955-1982 (1982)
- The Search (1982)
- Mr Trill in Hades (1984)
- The Exiles (Carcanet Press, 1984)
- Selected Poems (Carcanet Press, 1985)
- The Tenement (1985)
- Towards the Human: Selected Essays (1986)
- Twelve More Modern Scottish Poets (1986) golygydd, gyda C. King:
- A Life (Carcanet Press, 1986)
- Burn is Aran (1987)
- An t-Eilean agus an Caan (1987)
- In the Middle of the Wood (1987)
- Moments in Glasshouses (1987) golygydd
- A' Bheinn Oir (1989)
- Na Speuclairean Dubha (1989)
- The Dream (1989)
- Selected Poems (1990)
- Turas tro Shaoghal Falamh (1991)
- Na Guthan (1991)
- An Honourable Death (1992)
- Collected Poems (1992)
- An Dannsa mu Dheireadh (1992)
- Thoughts of Murdo (1993)
- An Rathad gu Somalia (1994)
- Ends and Beginnings (Carcanet Press, 1994)
- The Human Face (Carcanet Press, 1996)
- The Leaf and the Marble (Carcanet Press, 1998)
- Country For Old Men and My Canadian Uncle (Carcanet Press, 2000)
- Am Miseanaraidh (first published 2006)
- Iain Crichton Smith, Guardate i gigli, a cura di Silvia Campanini, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009
- New Collected Poems (Carcanet Press, 2010)