Hanoch Teller est né à Vienne, en Autriche, le . Il passe sa jeunesse à Stamford, dans le Connecticut. Il étudie à l'Université Yeshiva de New York, puis à la Yeshivah de Mir à Jérusalem, en Israël. Le premier rabbin chargé du Kotel, le rabbin Meir Yehuda Getz, l'ordonne comme rabbin.
Hanoch Teller, et son épouse Aidel, ont dix-huit enfants, et habitent à Jérusalem.
The Story of the Steipler Gaon: The Life and Times of Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky. ArtScroll. 1986.
Sunset: Stories of Our Contemporary Torah Luminaries and Their Spiritual Heroism. NYC Publishing. 1987.
Courtrooms of the Mind: Stories and Advice on Judging Others Favorably. NYC Publishing. 1988.
Pichifkes: Stories Heard on the Road and By the Way. NYC Publishing. 1989.
The Bostoner:Stories and Recollections from the Colorful Chassidic court of the Bostoner Rebbe, Rabbi Levi I. Horowitz. Feldheim. 1990.
Bridges of Steel, Ladders of Gold: Joseph Tannenbaum, Builder of Bridges to Torah. NYC Publishing, 1990.
Hey Taxi!: Tales Told in Taxis and Recounted byu Cabbies. NYC Publishing. 1990.
It's a Small World After All: The Amazing Impact of a Kind Gesture or a Thoughful Remark on Human Lives and Events. NYC Publishing. 1990.
Welcome to the Real World. NYC Publishing. 1990.
Best of Storylines. NYC publishing. 1991.
Give Peace a Stance: Stories and Advice on Promoting and Maintyaining Peace. 1992.
A Matter of Principal: A Tribute to Rabbi Binyamin Steinberg. NYC Publishing. 1994.
And From Jerusalem, His Word: Stories and Insights of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. NYC Publishing. 1995.
A Midrash and a Maaseh: An Anthology of Insights and Commentaries on the Weekly Torah Reading, Including Hundreds of Old Favorites and New Stories (2 volumes). NYC Publishing. 1996.
The Mini A Midrash and a Maaseh. NYC Publishing. 1998.
Above the Bottom Line: Stories and Advice on Integrity. NYC Publishing. 1998.
In an Unrelated Story: A Compelling Collection of Newsworthy Tales. NYC Publishing. 1999.
Builders: Stories and Insights into the Lives of Three Paramount Figures of the Torah Renaissance. NYC Publishing. 2000.
Too Beautiful: Stories So Uplifting They Have To Be Shared. NYC Publishing. 2009.