Mastostigmus Simon, 1889
Tobesoa Keyserling, 1890
Phaetoticus Simon, 1894
Liger O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896
Billima Simon, 1908
Allotheridion Archer, 1946
Theridion est un genre d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Theridiidae [ 1] .
Les espèces de ce genre se rencontrent sur presque toutes les terres émergées sauf aux pôles[ 1] .
Ce sont des araignées prédatrices qui ont pour proies de petits insectes comme les psylles et les diptères .
Selon World Spider Catalog (version 25.5, 06/02/2025) [ 1] :
Theridion abruptum Simon, 1884
Theridion acanthopodum Gao & Li, 2014
Theridion accoense Levy, 1985
Theridion acutitarse Simon, 1900
Theridion adjacens (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896)
Theridion adrianopoli Drensky, 1915
Theridion aeolium Levi, 1963
Theridion agrarium Levi, 1963
Theridion agreste Nicolet, 1849
Theridion agrifoliae Levi, 1957
Theridion akme Levi, 1959
Theridion akron Levi, 1959
Theridion albidorsum Strand, 1909
Theridion albidum Banks, 1895
Theridion albioculum Zhu, 1998
Theridion albipes L. Koch, 1878
Theridion albocinctum Urquhart, 1892
Theridion albodecoratum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion albolineatum Nicolet, 1849
Theridion albolineolatum Caporiacco, 1940
Theridion albomaculosum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1869
Theridion albopictum Thorell, 1898
Theridion albostriatum (L. Koch, 1867)
Theridion albulum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898
Theridion amarga Levi, 1967
Theridion amatitlan Levi, 1963
Theridion ambiguum Nicolet, 1849
Theridion ampascachi Mello-Leitão, 1941
Theridion ampliatum Urquhart, 1892
Theridion angusticeps Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion angustifrons Caporiacco, 1934
Theridion anson Levi, 1967
Theridion antillanum Simon, 1894
Theridion apiculatum Roewer, 1942
Theridion aporum Levi, 1963
Theridion apostoli Mello-Leitão, 1945
Theridion apulco Levi, 1959
Theridion aragua Levi, 1963
Theridion archeri Levi, 1959
Theridion argentatulum Roewer, 1942
Theridion ariel Bellvert & Arnedo, 2021
Theridion arizonense Levi, 1957
Theridion arsia Zamani & Marusik, 2021
Theridion artum Levi, 1959
Theridion aruanum Strand, 1911
Theridion arushae Caporiacco, 1947
Theridion asbolodes Rainbow, 1917
Theridion asopi Vanuytven, 2014
Theridion astrigerum Thorell, 1895
Theridion atratum Thorell, 1877
Theridion attritum (Simon, 1908)
Theridion auberti Simon, 1904
Theridion aulos Levi, 1963
Theridion australe Banks, 1899
Theridion baccula Thorell, 1887
Theridion baltasarense Levi, 1963
Theridion banksi Berland, 1920
Theridion barbarae Levi, 1959
Theridion beebei Levi, 1963
Theridion bellatulum Levi, 1963
Theridion bengalensis Sen, Saha & Raychaudhuri, 2011
Theridion bergi Levi, 1963
Theridion berlandi Roewer, 1942
Theridion bernardi Lecigne, 2017
Theridion betteni Wiehle, 1960
Theridion bicruciatum Roewer, 1961
Theridion bidepressum Yin, Peng & Zhang, 2005
Theridion biezankoi Levi, 1963
Theridion biforaminum Gao & Zhu, 1993
Theridion biolleyi Banks, 1909
Theridion biseriatum Thorell, 1890
Theridion bisignatum (Mello-Leitão, 1945)
Theridion bitakum Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Theridion blaisei Simon, 1909
Theridion boesenbergi Strand, 1904
Theridion bolivari Levi, 1959
Theridion bolum Levi, 1963
Theridion bomae Schmidt, 1957
Theridion bosniense Wunderlich, 2011
Theridion botanicum Levi, 1963
Theridion brachypus Thorell, 1887
Theridion bradyanum Strand, 1907
Theridion brunellii Caporiacco, 1940
Theridion brunneonigrum Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion bryantae Roewer, 1951
Theridion bullatum Tullgren, 1910
Theridion buxtoni Berland, 1929
Theridion cairoense Wunderlich, 2011
Theridion calcynatum Holmberg, 1876
Theridion caliban Bellvert & Arnedo, 2021
Theridion californicum Banks, 1904
Theridion caliginosum Marples, 1955
Theridion cameronense Levi, 1957
Theridion carinatum Yin, Peng & Zhang, 2005
Theridion carpathium Brignoli, 1984
Theridion cassinicola Simon, 1907
Theridion castaneum Franganillo, 1931
Theridion catharina Marples, 1955
Theridion cavipalpus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1902)
Theridion cazieri Levi, 1959
Theridion centrum Levi, 1959
Theridion ceres Bellvert & Arnedo, 2021
Theridion ceylonicus Dunlop & Jekel, 2009
Theridion chacoense Levi, 1963
Theridion chakinuense Wunderlich, 1995
Theridion chamberlini Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion charitonowi Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion charlati Dierkens, 2016
Theridion cheimatos Gertsch & Archer, 1942
Theridion cheni Zhu, 1998
Theridion chenzhangfui Lin & Li, 2024
Theridion chihuahua Levi, 1959
Theridion chiriqui Levi, 1959
Theridion choroni Levi, 1963
Theridion cinctipes Banks, 1898
Theridion cinereum Thorell, 1875
Theridion circuitum Gao & Li, 2014
Theridion circumtextum Simon, 1907
Theridion climacode Thorell, 1898
Theridion clivalum Zhu, 1998
Theridion cloxum Roberts, 1983
Theridion clypeatellum Tullgren, 1910
Theridion cochise Levi, 1963
Theridion cochrum Levi, 1963
Theridion cocosense Strand, 1906
Theridion coenosum Thorell, 1887
Theridion cohni Levi, 1963
Theridion coldeniae Baert & Maelfait, 1986
Theridion comstocki Berland, 1920
Theridion confusum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885
Theridion contreras Levi, 1959
Theridion convexellum Roewer, 1942
Theridion convexisternum Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion corcyraeum Brignoli, 1984
Theridion costaricaense Levi, 1963
Theridion cowlesae Levi, 1957
Theridion coyoacan Levi, 1959
Theridion cruciferum Urquhart, 1886
Theridion crucum Levi, 1959
Theridion cuspulatum Schmidt & Krause, 1998
Theridion cuyutlan Levi, 1963
Theridion cygneum Gao & Li, 2014
Theridion cynicum Gertsch & Mulaik, 1936
Theridion cyprusense Wunderlich, 2011
Theridion dafnense Levy & Amitai, 1982
Theridion davisorum Levi, 1959
Theridion dayongense Zhu, 1998
Theridion decemmaculatum Thorell, 1890
Theridion decemperlatum (Simon, 1889)
Theridion dedux O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1904
Theridion delicatum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1904
Theridion derhami Simon, 1895
Theridion desertum Ponomarev, 2008
Theridion diadematum Chrysanthus, 1963
Theridion dianiphum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion differens Emerton, 1882
Theridion dilucidum Simon, 1898
Theridion dilutum Levi, 1957
Theridion dividuum Gertsch & Archer, 1942
Theridion dominica Levi, 1963
Theridion dreisbachi Levi, 1959
Theridion dubium Bradley, 1877
Theridion dukouense Zhu, 1998
Theridion dulcineum Gertsch & Archer, 1942
Theridion durbanicum Lawrence, 1947
Theridion ecuadorense Levi, 1963
Theridion electum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896)
Theridion elegantissimum Roewer, 1942
Theridion elevatum Thorell, 1881
Theridion elisabethae Roewer, 1951
Theridion elli Sedgwick, 1974
Theridion ellicottense Dobyns & Bond, 1996
Theridion emertoni Berland, 1920
Theridion epiense Berland, 1938
Theridion eremum Levi, 1963
Theridion eugeni Roewer, 1942
Theridion evexum Keyserling, 1884
Theridion excavatum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1902
Theridion exlineae Levi, 1963
Theridion expallidatum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885
Theridion falcatum Gao & Li, 2014
Theridion familiare O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871
Theridion fastosum Keyserling, 1884
Theridion fatuhivaense Berland, 1933
Theridion femorale Thorell, 1881
Theridion femoratissimum Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion ferdinand Bellvert & Arnedo, 2021
Theridion fernandense Simon, 1907
Theridion filum Levi, 1963
Theridion flabelliferum Urquhart, 1887
Theridion flavonotatum Becker, 1879
Theridion flavoornatum Thorell, 1898
Theridion fornicatum Simon, 1884
Theridion frio Levi, 1959
Theridion frizzellorum Levi, 1963
Theridion frondeum Hentz, 1850
Theridion fruticum Simon, 1890
Theridion furfuraceum Simon, 1914
Theridion fuscodecoratum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion fuscomaculatum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion gabardi Simon, 1895
Theridion galerum Levi, 1959
Theridion gekkonicum Levy & Amitai, 1982
Theridion geminipunctum Chamberlin, 1924
Theridion genistae Simon, 1873
Theridion gertschi Levi, 1959
Theridion gibbum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion giraulti Rainbow, 1916
Theridion glaciale Caporiacco, 1934
Theridion glaucescens Becker, 1879
Theridion glaucinum Simon, 1881
Theridion goodnightorum Levi, 1957
Theridion gracilipes Urquhart, 1889
Theridion grallator Simon, 1900
Theridion gramineum Zhu, 1998
Theridion grammatophorum Simon, 1909
Theridion grandiosum Levi, 1963
Theridion grecia Levi, 1959
Theridion gyirongense Hu & Li, 1987
Theridion hainanense Zhu, 1998
Theridion haleakalense Simon, 1900
Theridion hannoniae Denis, 1945
Theridion harmsi Wunderlich, 2011
Theridion hartmeyeri Simon, 1908
Theridion hassleri Levi, 1963
Theridion hebridisianum Berland, 1938
Theridion helena Wunderlich, 2011
Theridion helophorum Thorell, 1895
Theridion hemerobium Simon, 1914
Theridion hermonense Levy, 1991
Theridion hewitti Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion hidalgo Levi, 1957
Theridion hierichonticum Levy & Amitai, 1982
Theridion hispidum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898
Theridion histrionicum Thorell, 1875
Theridion hondurense Levi, 1959
Theridion hopkinsi Berland, 1929
Theridion hotanense Zhu & Zhou, 1993
Theridion huanuco Levi, 1963
Theridion hufengense Tang, Yin & Peng, 2005
Theridion humboldti Levi, 1967
Theridion hummeli Schenkel, 1936
Theridion hupingense Yin, 2012
Theridion idiotypum Rainbow, 1917
Theridion illecebrosum Simon, 1886
Theridion impegrum Keyserling, 1886
Theridion impressithorax Simon, 1895
Theridion incanescens Simon, 1890
Theridion incertissimum (Caporiacco, 1954)
Theridion incertum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885
Theridion incomtum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896)
Theridion inconspicuum Thorell, 1898
Theridion innocuum Thorell, 1875
Theridion inquinatum Thorell, 1878
Theridion insignitarse Simon, 1907
Theridion intritum (Bishop & Crosby, 1926)
Theridion iramon Levi, 1963
Theridion irrugatum Gao & Li, 2014
Theridion ischagosum Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Theridion isorium Levi, 1963
Theridion istokpoga Levi, 1957
Theridion italiense Wunderlich, 1995
Theridion jordanense Levy & Amitai, 1982
Theridion juno Bellvert & Arnedo, 2021
Theridion kambalum Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Theridion karamayense Zhu, 1998
Theridion kauaiense Simon, 1900
Theridion kawea Levi, 1957
Theridion kibonotense Tullgren, 1910
Theridion kiliani Müller & Heimer, 1990
Theridion kobrooricum Strand, 1911
Theridion kochi Roewer, 1942
Theridion kraussi Marples, 1957
Theridion lacticolor Berland, 1920
Theridion laevigatum Blackwall, 1870
Theridion lago Levi, 1963
Theridion lanceatum Zhang & Zhu, 2007
Theridion lapidicola Kulczyński, 1887
Theridion latisternum Caporiacco, 1934
Theridion lawrencei Gertsch & Archer, 1942
Theridion leechi Gertsch & Archer, 1942
Theridion leguiai Chamberlin, 1916
Theridion leones Levi, 1959
Theridion leucophaeum Simon, 1905
Theridion leve Blackwall, 1877
Theridion leviorum Gertsch & Riechert, 1976
Theridion liaoyuanense (Zhu & Yu, 1982)
Theridion limatum Tullgren, 1910
Theridion limitatum L. Koch, 1872
Theridion linaresense Levi, 1963
Theridion linzhiense Hu, 2001
Theridion llano Levi, 1957
Theridion logan Levi & Patrick, 2013
Theridion lomirae Roewer, 1938
Theridion longicrure Marples, 1956
Theridion longiductum Liu & Peng, 2012
Theridion longihirsutum Strand, 1907
Theridion longioembolia Liu & Peng, 2012
Theridion longipalpum Zhu, 1998
Theridion longipedatum Roewer, 1942
Theridion longipili Seo, 2004
Theridion ludekingi Thorell, 1890
Theridion ludius Simon, 1880
Theridion lumabani Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Theridion luteitarse Schmidt & Krause, 1995
Theridion macei Simon, 1895
Theridion machu Levi, 1963
Theridion macropora Tang, Yin & Peng, 2006
Theridion macuchi Levi, 1963
Theridion maculiferum Roewer, 1942
Theridion magdalenense Müller & Heimer, 1990
Theridion maindroni Simon, 1905
Theridion makotoi Yoshida, 2009
Theridion malagaense Wunderlich, 2011
Theridion manjithar Tikader, 1970
Theridion manonoense Marples, 1955
Theridion maranum Levi, 1963
Theridion maron Levi, 1963
Theridion martini Levi, 1959
Theridion mataafa Marples, 1955
Theridion mauense Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion mauiense Simon, 1900
Theridion mehlum Roberts, 1983
Theridion melanoplax Schmidt & Krause, 1996
Theridion melanoprorum Thorell, 1895
Theridion melanostictum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876
Theridion melanurum Hahn, 1831
Theridion melinum Simon, 1900
Theridion mendozae Berland, 1933
Theridion meneghettii Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion metabolum Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936
Theridion metator Simon, 1907
Theridion michelbacheri Levi, 1957
Theridion micheneri Levi, 1963
Theridion minutissimum Keyserling, 1884
Theridion minutulum Thorell, 1895
Theridion miranda Bellvert & Arnedo, 2021
Theridion miserum Thorell, 1898
Theridion modestum (Simon, 1894)
Theridion modonatum Wunderlich, 2023
Theridion molliculum Thorell, 1899
Theridion mollissimum L. Koch, 1872
Theridion monzonense Levi, 1963
Theridion mortuale Simon, 1908
Theridion morulum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898
Theridion mucidum Gao & Li, 2014
Theridion murarium Emerton, 1882
Theridion musivivoides Schmidt & Krause, 1995
Theridion musivivum Schmidt, 1956
Theridion myersi Levi, 1957
Theridion mystaceum L. Koch, 1870
Theridion mysteriosum Schmidt, 1971
Theridion nadleri Levi, 1959
Theridion nagorum Roberts, 1983
Theridion nasinotum Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion nasutum Wunderlich, 1995
Theridion necijaense Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Theridion negebense Levy & Amitai, 1982
Theridion neomexicanum Banks, 1901
Theridion neshamini Levi, 1957
Theridion nigriceps Keyserling, 1891
Theridion nigroannulatum Keyserling, 1884
Theridion nigroplagiatum Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion nigropunctulatum Thorell, 1898
Theridion nigrosacculatum Tullgren, 1910
Theridion nilgherinum Simon, 1905
Theridion niphocosmum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion niveopunctatum Thorell, 1898
Theridion niveum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898
Theridion nivosum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion nodiferum Simon, 1895
Theridion nojimai Yoshida, 1999
Theridion nudum Levi, 1959
Theridion oatesi Thorell, 1895
Theridion obscuratum Zhu, 1998
Theridion ochreolum Levy & Amitai, 1982
Theridion octoferum Strand, 1909
Theridion odisha Prasad, Caleb, Tyagi & Kumar, 2019
Theridion odoratum Zhu, 1998
Theridion omiltemi Levi, 1959
Theridion onticolum Levi, 1963
Theridion opolon Levi, 1963
Theridion opuntia Levi, 1963
Theridion orgea (Levi, 1967)
Theridion orlando (Archer, 1950)
Theridion osprum Levi, 1963
Theridion oswaldocruzi Levi, 1963
Theridion otsospotum Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Theridion palanum Roberts, 1983
Theridion pallasi Ponomarev, 2007
Theridion pallidulum Roewer, 1942
Theridion pandani Simon, 1895
Theridion panganii Caporiacco, 1947
Theridion papillatum Gao & Li, 2014
Theridion paraense Levi, 1963
Theridion parvulum Blackwall, 1870
Theridion parvum Keyserling, 1884
Theridion patrizii Caporiacco, 1933
Theridion pelaezi Levi, 1963
Theridion pennsylvanicum Emerton, 1913
Theridion perkinsi Simon, 1900
Theridion pernambucum Levi, 1963
Theridion perpusillum Simon, 1886
Theridion petraeum L. Koch, 1872
Theridion petrunkevitchi Berland, 1920
Theridion phaeostomum Simon, 1909
Theridion pictum (Walckenaer, 1802)
Theridion pierre Levi & Patrick, 2013
Theridion pigrum Keyserling, 1886
Theridion pilatum Urquhart, 1893
Theridion pinastri L. Koch, 1872
Theridion pinguiculum Simon, 1909
Theridion pinicola Simon, 1873
Theridion pires Levi, 1963
Theridion piriforme Berland, 1938
Theridion plaumanni Levi, 1963
Theridion plectile Simon, 1909
Theridion plumipes van Hasselt, 1882
Theridion pluviale Tullgren, 1910
Theridion poecilum Zhu, 1998
Theridion porphyreticum Urquhart, 1889
Theridion positivum Chamberlin, 1924
Theridion posticatum Simon, 1900
Theridion postmarginatum Tullgren, 1910
Theridion praeclusum Tullgren, 1910
Theridion praemite Simon, 1907
Theridion praetextum Simon, 1900
Theridion prominens Blackwall, 1870
Theridion promiscuum Domènech & Crespo, 2020
Theridion prospero Bellvert & Arnedo, 2021
Theridion proximum Lawrence, 1964
Theridion puellae Locket, 1980
Theridion pulanense Hu, 2001
Theridion punctipes Emerton, 1924
Theridion punicapunctatum Urquhart, 1891
Theridion punongpalayum Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Theridion purcelli O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1904
Theridion pyramidale L. Koch, 1867
Theridion pyrenaeum Denis, 1945
Theridion quadratum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882)
Theridion quadrilineatum Lenz, 1886
Theridion quadripapulatum Thorell, 1895
Theridion quadripartitum Keyserling, 1891
Theridion rabuni Chamberlin & Ivie, 1944
Theridion rafflesi Simon, 1899
Theridion rampum Levi, 1963
Theridion ravum Levi, 1963
Theridion reinhardti Charitonov, 1946
Theridion resum Levi, 1959
Theridion retreatense Strand, 1909
Theridion retrocitum Simon, 1909
Theridion rhodonotum Simon, 1909
Theridion ricense Levi, 1959
Theridion rossi Levi, 1963
Theridion rostriferum Simon, 1895
Theridion rothi Levi, 1959
Theridion rubiginosum Keyserling, 1884
Theridion rubrum (Keyserling, 1886)
Theridion rurrenabaque Levi, 1963
Theridion ruwenzoricola Strand, 1913
Theridion saanichum Chamberlin & Ivie, 1947
Theridion sabinjonis Strand, 1913
Theridion samoense Berland, 1929
Theridion sanctum Levi, 1959
Theridion sangzhiense Zhu, 1998
Theridion sardis Chamberlin & Ivie, 1944
Theridion saropus Thorell, 1887
Theridion schlingeri Levi, 1963
Theridion schrammeli Levi, 1963
Theridion semitinctum Simon, 1914
Theridion senckenbergi Levi, 1963
Theridion septempunctatum Berland, 1933
Theridion sertatum Simon, 1909
Theridion setiferum Roewer, 1942
Theridion setosum L. Koch, 1872
Theridion setum Zhu, 1998
Theridion sibiricum Marusik, 1988
Theridion sinaloa Levi, 1959
Theridion soaresi Levi, 1963
Theridion societatis Berland, 1934
Theridion spinigerum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion spinitarse O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876
Theridion spinosissimum Caporiacco, 1934
Theridion squalidum Urquhart, 1886
Theridion squamosum Gao & Li, 2014
Theridion stamotum Levi, 1963
Theridion stannardi Levi, 1963
Theridion strepitus Peck & Shear, 1987
Theridion striatum Keyserling, 1884
Theridion styligerum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1902
Theridion subitum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885
Theridion submirabile Zhu & Song, 1993
Theridion submissum Gertsch & Davis, 1936
Theridion subpingue Simon, 1908
Theridion subplaumanni Liu & Peng, 2012
Theridion subradiatum Simon, 1901
Theridion subrotundum Keyserling, 1891
Theridion subundatum Zhou, Irfan & Peng, 2024
Theridion subvittatum Simon, 1889
Theridion sulawesiense Marusik & Penney, 2004
Theridion swarczewskii Werjbitzky, 1902
Theridion sycorax Bellvert & Arnedo, 2021
Theridion t-notatum Thorell, 1895
Theridion taegense Paik, 1996
Theridion tahitiae Berland, 1934
Theridion tamerlani Roewer, 1942
Theridion tayrona Müller & Heimer, 1990
Theridion tebanum Levi, 1963
Theridion teliferum Simon, 1895
Theridion tenellum C. L. Koch, 1841
Theridion tengchongensis Liu & Peng, 2012
Theridion tenuissimum Thorell, 1898
Theridion teresae Levi, 1963
Theridion tessellatum Thorell, 1899
Theridion teutanoides Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion thalia Workman, 1878
Theridion theridioides (Keyserling, 1890)
Theridion thorelli L. Koch, 1865
Theridion timpanogos Levi, 1957
Theridion tinctorium Keyserling, 1891
Theridion todinum Simon, 1880
Theridion topo Levi, 1963
Theridion torosum Keyserling, 1884
Theridion trahax Blackwall, 1866
Theridion transgressum Petrunkevitch, 1911
Theridion trepidum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898
Theridion trifile Simon, 1907
Theridion trigonicum Thorell, 1890
Theridion tristani Levi, 1959
Theridion triviale Thorell, 1881
Theridion trizonatum Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion tubicola Doleschall, 1859
Theridion turanicum Charitonov, 1946
Theridion turrialba Levi, 1959
Theridion uber Keyserling, 1884
Theridion uhligi Martin, 1974
Theridion umbilicus Levi, 1963
Theridion uncatum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1902
Theridion undatum Zhu, 1998
Theridion undulanotum Roewer, 1942
Theridion urnigerum Thorell, 1898
Theridion ursoi Caporiacco, 1947
Theridion urucum Levi, 1963
Theridion usitum Strand, 1913
Theridion utcuyacu Levi, 1963
Theridion valleculum Levi, 1959
Theridion vallisalinarum Levy & Amitai, 1982
Theridion vanhoeffeni Strand, 1909
Theridion varians Hahn, 1833
Theridion ventricosum Rainbow, 1916
Theridion vespertinum Levy, 1985
Theridion viridanum Urquhart, 1887
Theridion volubile Keyserling, 1884
Theridion vosseleri Strand, 1907
Theridion vossioni Simon, 1884
Theridion vulvum Levi, 1959
Theridion weberi Thorell, 1893
Theridion weyrauchi Levi, 1963
Theridion whitcombi Sedgwick, 1974
Theridion wiehlei Schenkel, 1938
Theridion workmani Thorell, 1887
Theridion xanthostichum (Rainbow, 1916)
Theridion xianfengense Zhu & Song, 1992
Theridion yani Zhu, 1998
Theridion yuma Levi, 1963
Theridion yunnanense Schenkel, 1963
Theridion zantholabio Urquhart, 1886
Theridion zebra Caporiacco, 1949
Theridion zekharya Levy, 2007
Theridion zhangmuense Hu, 2001
Theridion zhaoi Zhu, 1998
Theridion zhoui Zhu, 1998
Theridion zonarium Keyserling, 1884
Theridion zonulatum Thorell, 1890
Selon World Spider Catalog (version 23.5, 2023)[ 2] :
† Theridion annulipes Heer, 1865
† Theridion atalus Chang, 2004
† Theridion bucklandi Thorell, 1870
† Theridion contrarium Wunderlich, 1988
† Theridion crassipalpum Berland, 1939
† Theridion erectoides Wunderlich, 1988
† Theridion erectum Wunderlich, 1988
† Theridion globulus Heer, 1865
† Theridion inversum Wunderlich, 1988
† Theridion maculipes Heer, 1865
† Theridion variosoma Wunderlich, 1988
† Theridion wunderlichi Penney, 2001
Ce genre a été décrit par Walckenaer en 1805.
Mastostigmus [ 3] et Tobesoa [ 4] ont été placés en synonymie par Simon en 1894[ 5] .
Allotheridion [ 6] a été placé en synonymie par Levi en 1957[ 7] .
Phaetoticus [ 5] a été placé en synonymie par Levi et Levi en 1962[ 8] .
Billima [ 9] a été placé en synonymie par Levi en 1968[ 10] .
Liger [ 11] a été placé en synonymie par Miller en 2007[ 12] .
Walckenaer, 1805 : Tableau des aranéides ou caractères essentiels des tribus, genres, familles et races que renferme le genre Aranea de Linné, avec la désignation des espèces comprises dans chacune de ces divisions. Paris, p. 1-88 .
(en) Myers, P. et al. , Animal Diversity Web : Theridion , 2025 (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) BioLib : Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) Catalogue of Life : Theridion (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(fr + en) EOL : Theridion (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(fr + en) GBIF : Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(fr) INPN : Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 (TAXREF ) (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) IRMNG : Theridion (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(fr + en) ITIS : Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) NCBI : Theridion (taxons inclus ) (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) Paleobiology Database : Theridion (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) Taxonomicon : Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) UICN : taxon Theridion (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) WoRMS : espèce Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
(en) World Spider Catalog : Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 dans la famille Theridiidae +base de données (consulté le 6 février 2025 )
↑ a b et c World Spider Catalog (WSC). Musée d'histoire naturelle de Berne, en ligne sur . doi: 10.24436/2, consulté le version 25.5, 06/02/2025.
↑ (en) Dunlop , Penney et Jekel , « A summary list of fossil spiders and their relatives », World Spider Catalog , Musée d'histoire naturelle de Berne , 2023 (lire en ligne [PDF] ) , version 23.5.
↑ Simon, 1889 : « Études arachnologiques. 21e Mémoire. XXXI. Descriptions d'espèces et de genres nouveaux de Madagascar et de Mayotte. » Annales de la Société Entomologique de France , sér. 6, vol. 8, p. 223-236 (texte intégral ).
↑ Keyserling, 1890 : Die Arachniden Australiens. Nürnberg, vol. 2, p. 233-274 (texte intégral ).
↑ a et b Simon, 1894 : Histoire naturelle des araignées. Paris, vol. 1, p. 489-760 (texte intégral ).
↑ Archer, 1946 : « The Theridiidae or comb-footed spiders of Alabama. » Paper of the Alabama Museum of Natural History , vol. 22, p. 1-67 .
↑ Levi, 1957 : « The spider genera Enoplognatha, Theridion, and Paidisca in America north of Mexico (Araneae, Theridiidae). » Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History , vol. 112, p. 1-124 (texte intégral )
↑ Levi & Levi, 1962 : « The genera of the spider family Theridiidae. » Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology , vol. 127, no 1, p. 1-71 (texte intégral ).
↑ Simon, 1908 : « Araneae. 1re partie. » Die Fauna südwest-Australiens , Jena, vol. 1, no 12, p. 359-446 (texte intégral ).
↑ Levi, 1968 : « The spider genus Billima Simon. » Psyche , vol. 74, no 4, p. 340-341 ,.
↑ O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896 : « Arachnida. Araneida. » Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoology , vol. 1, p. 161-224 (texte intégral ).
↑ Miller, 2007 : « Review of erigonine spider genera in the Neotropics (Araneae: Linyphiidae, Erigoninae). » Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , vol. 149, Suppl. 1, p. 1-263 .