Double Nickels on the Dime é o terceiro álbum de estudio da banda estadounidense de hardcore punk Minutemen, editado en xullo de 1984 a través do selo SST Records. Trátase dun dobre álbum que contén 45 cancións que combinan elementos do punk rock, o funk, o country e o jazz, e fala de varios temas, dende a Guerra do Vietnam e o racismo nos Estados Unidos, ata as experiencias da clase traballadora e a lingüística.
Minutemen gravou orixinalmente o material para o álbum en novembro de 1983 co produtor Ethan James, pero despois de escoitar o Zen Arcade de Hüsker Dü, decidiron compoñer e gravar máis material en abril de 1984. Tras gravar o novo material, cada membro da banda seleccionou as cancións para as distintas caras do álbum, recibindo estas os seus nomes e sendo a cuarta bautizada como "Chaff".
Cara D. |
N.º |
Título | Escritor(es) |
Duración |
1. |
"Anxious Mo-Fo" | D. Boon, Mike Watt |
1:19 |
2. |
"Theatre Is the Life of You" | Boon, Watt |
1:30 |
3. |
"Viet Nam" | Boon |
1:27 |
4. |
"Cohesion" | Boon |
1:55 |
5. |
"It's Expected I'm Gone" | Watt |
2:04 |
6. |
"#1 Hit Song" | Boon, George Hurley |
1:47 |
7. |
"Two Beads at the End" | Boon, Hurley |
1:52 |
8. |
"Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth?" | Watt |
1:49 |
9. |
"Don't Look Now" (ao vivo; versión de Creedence Clearwater Revival; omitida no lanzamento en CD de 1987) | John Fogerty |
1:46 |
10. |
"Shit from an Old Notebook" | Boon, Watt |
1:35 |
11. |
"Nature Without Man" | Chuck Dukowski, Boon |
1:45 |
12. |
"One Reporter's Opinion" | Watt |
1:50 |
Cara Mike |
N.º |
Título | Escritor(es) |
Duración |
1. |
"Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing" | Watt |
1:33 |
2. |
"Maybe Partying Will Help" | Boon, Watt |
1:56 |
3. |
"Toadies" | Watt |
1:38 |
4. |
"Retreat" | Watt |
2:01 |
5. |
"The Big Foist" | Watt |
1:29 |
6. |
"God Bows to Math" | Jack Brewer, Watt |
1:15 |
7. |
"Corona" | Boon |
2:24 |
8. |
"The Glory of Man" | Watt |
2:55 |
9. |
"Take 5, D." | Joe Baiza, John Rocknowski, Dirk Vandenberg, Watt |
1:40 |
10. |
"My Heart and the Real World" | Watt |
1:05 |
11. |
"History Lesson - Part II" | Watt |
2:10 |
Cara George |
N.º |
Título | Escritor(es) |
Duración |
1. |
"You Need the Glory" | Hurley |
2:01 |
2. |
"The Roar of the Masses Could Be Farts" | Vandenberg, Watt |
1:20 |
3. |
"Mr. Robot's Holy Orders" (Omitted from all CD releases) | Hurley |
3:05 |
4. |
"West Germany" | Boon |
1:48 |
5. |
"The Politics of Time" | Watt |
1:10 |
6. |
"Themselves" | Boon |
1:17 |
7. |
"Please Don't Be Gentle with Me" | Jack Brewer, Watt |
0:46 |
8. |
"Nothing Indeed" | Hurley, Watt |
1:21 |
9. |
"No Exchange" | Hurley, Watt |
1:50 |
10. |
"There Ain't Shit on T.V. Tonight" | Hurley, Watt |
1:34 |
11. |
"This Ain't No Picnic" | Boon |
1:56 |
12. |
"Spillage" | Watt |
1:51 |
- "D.'s Car Jam"
- "Anxious Mo-Fo"
- "Theatre Is the Life of You"
- "Viet Nam"
- "Cohesion"
- "It's Expected I'm Gone"
- "#1 Hit Song"
- "Two Beads at the End"
- "Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth?"
- "Shit from an Old Notebook"
- "Nature Without Man"
- "One Reporter's Opinion"
- "Mike's Car Jam"
- "Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing"
- "Maybe Partying Will Help"
- "Toadies"
- "Retreat"
- "The Big Foist"
- "God Bows to Math"
- "Corona"
- "The Glory of Man"
- "Take 5, D."
- "My Heart and the Real World"
- "History Lesson — Part II"
- "George's Car Jam"
- "You Need the Glory"
- "The Roar of the Masses Could Be Farts"
- "West Germany"
- "The Politics of Time"
- "Themselves"
- "Please Don't Be Gentle With Me"
- "Nothing Indeed"
- "No Exchange"
- "There Ain't Shit on T.V. Tonight"
- "This Ain't No Picnic"
- "Spillage"
- "Three Car Jam"
- "Untitled Song for Latin America"
- "Jesus and Tequila"
- "June 16th"
- "Storm in My House"
- "Martin's Story"
- "The World According to Nouns"
- "Love Dance"
- "D.'s Car Jam"/"Anxious Mo-Fo"
- "Theatre Is the Life of You"
- "Viet Nam"
- "Cohesion"
- "It's Expected I'm Gone"
- "#1 Hit Song"
- "Two Beads at the End"
- "Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth?"
- "Don't Look Now"
- "Shit from an Old Notebook"
- "Nature Without Man"
- "One Reporter's Opinion"
- "Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing"
- "Maybe Partying Will Help"
- "Toadies"
- "Retreat"
- "The Big Foist"
- "God Bows to Math"
- "Corona"
- "The Glory of Man"
- "Take 5, D."
- "My Heart and the Real World"
- "History Lesson — Part II"
- "You Need the Glory"
- "The Roar of the Masses Could Be Farts"
- "West Germany"
- "The Politics of Time"
- "Themselves"
- "Please Don't Be Gentle With Me"
- "Nothing Indeed"
- "No Exchange"
- "There Ain't Shit on T.V. Tonight"
- "This Ain't No Picnic"
- "Spillage"
- "Untitled Song for Latin America"
- "Jesus and Tequila"
- "June 16th"
- "Storm in My House"
- "Martin's Story"
- "Dr. Wu"
- "The World According to Nouns"
- "Love Dance"
- "Three Car Jam"