Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik

Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik
DeskripsiCerita fiksi ilmiah atau fantasi terbaik antara 17,500 dan 40,000 kata yang diterbitkan pada tahun kalender sebelumnya
Dipersembahkan olehScience Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Diberikan perdana1966
Pemegang gelar saat iniSeanan McGuire (Every Heart a Doorway)

Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik diberikan setiap tahun oleh Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) untuk novella-novella fiksi ilmiah dan fantasi. Sebuah karya fiksi didefinisikan oleh organisasi tersebut sebagai sebuah novella jika karya tersebut berisi antara 17,500 dan 40,000 kata; penghargaan juga diberikan bagi karya-karya yang berisi kata yang lebih sedikit dalam kategori cerita pendek, novelette, dan novel. Untuk persyaratan Penghargaan Nebula, sebuah novella haruslah diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris di Amerika Serikat. Karya-karya yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris di belahan dunia lainnya juga layak diberikan bagi yang dirilis di sebuah situs web atau dalam sebuah edisi elektronik.[1] Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik dianugerahi setiap tahun sejak 1966. Novel-novel yang melingkupi bentuk-bentuk dari cerita pendek yang sebelumnya diterbitkan dianggap layak, saat novella-novella yang diterbitkan oleh dirinya sendiri jika pengarangnya meminta karyanya dianggap sebagai novel.[1] Penghargaan tersebut telah dianggap sebagai salah satu "penghargaan fiksi ilmiah Amerika paling berpengaruh" dan "[penghargaan] fiksi ilmiah dan fantasi yang setara" dengan Emmy Award.[2][3]

Proses seleksi

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Para nominee dan pemenang Penghargaan Nebula dipilih oleh para anggota SFWA, meskipun para pengarang dari nomineenya tak menjadi anggota. Karya-karya dinominasikan setiap tahun antara 15 November dan 15 Februari oleh para pengarang yang menjadi anggota dari organisasi tersebut, dan enam karya yang meraih nominasi terbanyak kemudian maju ke pemungutan suara terakhir, dengan nominee-nominee tambahan yang memungkinkan dalam kasus berpasangan. Para anggota kemudian memberikan suara pada pemungutan suara tersebut sepanjang bulan Maret, dan hasil akhir dipersembahkan di acara Penghargaan Nebula pada bulan Mei. Para pengarang tak diijinkan untuk menominasikan karya mereka sendiri, dan memasangkannya dalam pemungutan suara terakhir, jika memungkinkan, dengan jumlah nominasi dari karya yang diraih.[1] Bermula dengan penghargaan tahun 2009, aturan diubah menjadi format saat ini. Sebelum itu, periode kelayakan untuk karya-karya yang dinominasikan didefinisikan sebagai satu tahun setelah tanggal publikasi dari karya tersebut, yang membolehkan kemungkinan bagi karya-karya yang dinominasikan dalam tahun kalender setelah publikasi mereka dan kemudian dianugerahi dalam tahun kalender setelahnya. Karya-karya ditambahkan pada daftar preliminer untuk sebuah tahun jika mereka memiliki sepuluh nominasi atau lebih, yang kemudian dipilih untuk dimajukan ke pemungutan suara terakhir, dimana panel yang dihimpun SFWA juga diijinkan untuk menambahkan sebuah karya tambahan.[4]

Statistik penghargaan

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Pada 52 tahun nominasi, 167 pengarang memiliki karya yang dinominasikan; 48 diantaranya menang, termasuk pengarang bersama dan pemasangan . Nancy Kress memenangkan penghargaan terbanyak: empat dari delapan nominasi. Robert Silverberg, John Varley, dan Roger Zelazny masing-masing menang dua kali dari delapan, dua, dan tiga nominasi. Delapan nominasi Silverberg dan Kress adalah yang terbanyak dari pengarang manapun, disusul oleh Lucius Shepard dan Michael Bishop dengan tujuh, dan Kate Wilhelm dan Avram Davidson dengan enam. Bishop memiliki nominasi terbanyak tanpa meraih sebuah penghargaan untuk novella, meskipun Wilhelm dan Davidson juga tak memenangkan sebuah penghargaan.

Pemenang dan nominee

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Dalam tabel berikut ini, tahun-tahun adalah tanggal acara, ketimbang saat novella pertama kali diterbitkan. Setiap tahun dipranalakan ke "tahun dalam kesusastraan" terkait. Entri-entri dengan latar biru dan asteris (*) di sebelah nama penulis memenangkan penghargaan tersebut; entri-entri dengan latar putih adalah nominee lainnya pada daftar akhir.

  *   Pemenang dan pemenang bersama

Tahun Pengarang Novella Penerbit atau penerbitan Ref.
1966 Aldiss, Brian W.Brian W. Aldiss* "The Saliva Tree" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [5]
Zelazny, RogerRoger Zelazny* "He Who Shapes" Amazing Stories [5]
Davidson, AvramAvram Davidson "Rogue Dragon" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [5]
Delany, Samuel R.Samuel R. Delany The Ballad of Beta-2 Ace Books [5]
MacApp, C. C.C. C. MacApp "The Mercurymen" Galaxy Science Fiction [5]
Pohl, FrederikFrederik Pohl "Under Two Moons" If [5]
Vogt, A. E. vanA. E. van Vogt "Research Alpha" If [5]
Schmitz, James H.James H. Schmitz
Smith, CordwainerCordwainer Smith "On the Storm Planet" Galaxy Science Fiction [5]
1967 Vance, JackJack Vance* "The Last Castle" Galaxy Science Fiction [6]
Davidson, AvramAvram Davidson Clash of Star-Kings Ace Books [6]
Harness, Charles L.Charles L. Harness "The Alchemist" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [6]
1968 Moorcock, MichaelMichael Moorcock* "Behold the Man" New Worlds [7]
Farmer, Philip JoséPhilip José Farmer "Riders of the Purple Wage" Dangerous Visions (Doubleday) [7]
McCaffrey, AnneAnne McCaffrey "Weyr Search" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [7]
Silverberg, RobertRobert Silverberg "Hawksbill Station" Galaxy Science Fiction [7]
Sturgeon, TheodoreTheodore Sturgeon "If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?" Dangerous Visions (Doubleday) [7]
1969 McCaffrey, AnneAnne McCaffrey* "Dragonrider" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [8]
Delany, Samuel R.Samuel R. Delany "Lines of Power" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [8]
Laumer, KeithKeith Laumer "The Day Before Forever" The Day Before Forever and Thunderhead (Doubleday) [8]
McLaughlin, DeanDean McLaughlin "Hawk Among the Sparrows" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [8]
Silverberg, RobertRobert Silverberg "Nightwings" Galaxy Science Fiction [8]
1970 Ellison, HarlanHarlan Ellison* "A Boy and His Dog" The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World (Avon Books) [9]
Harness, Charles L.Charles L. Harness "Probable Cause" Orbit 4 (G. P. Putnam's Sons) [9]
Leiber, FritzFritz Leiber "Ship of Shadows" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [9]
McCaffrey, AnneAnne McCaffrey "Dramatic Mission" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [9]
Silverberg, RobertRobert Silverberg "To Jorslem" Galaxy Science Fiction [9]
1971 Leiber, FritzFritz Leiber* "Ill Met in Lankhmar" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [10]
Anderson, PoulPoul Anderson "The Fatal Fulfillment" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [10]
Blish, JamesJames Blish "A Style in Treason" Anywhen (Doubleday) [10]
Ellison, HarlanHarlan Ellison "The Region Between" Galaxy Science Fiction [10]
Simak, Clifford D.Clifford D. Simak "The Thing in the Stone" If [10]
Wilhelm, KateKate Wilhelm "April Fool's Day Forever" Orbit 7 (G. P. Putnam's Sons) [10]
1972 MacLean, KatherineKatherine MacLean* "The Missing Man" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [11]
Kosinski, JerzyJerzy Kosinski Being There Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [11]
Roberts, KeithKeith Roberts "The God House" New Worlds Quarterly #1 [11]
Wilhelm, KateKate Wilhelm "The Infinity Box" Orbit 9 (G. P. Putnam's Sons) [11]
Wilhelm, KateKate Wilhelm "The Plastic Abyss" Abyss (Doubleday) [11]
1973 Clarke, Arthur C.Arthur C. Clarke* "A Meeting with Medusa" Playboy [12]
Gotlieb, PhyllisPhyllis Gotlieb "Son of the Morning" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [12]
Le Guin, Ursula K.Ursula K. Le Guin "The Word for World Is Forest" Again, Dangerous Visions (Doubleday) [12]
Lupoff, Richard A.Richard A. Lupoff "With the Bentfin Boomer Boys on Little Old New Alabama" Again, Dangerous Visions (Doubleday) [12]
Pohl, FrederikFrederik Pohl "The Gold at the Starbow's End" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [12]
Wolfe, GeneGene Wolfe "The Fifth Head of Cerberus" Orbit 10 (G. P. Putnam's Sons) [12]
1974 Wolfe, GeneGene Wolfe* "The Death of Doctor Island" Universe 3 (Random House) [13]
Bishop, MichaelMichael Bishop "Death and Designation Among the Asadi" If [13]
Bishop, MichaelMichael Bishop "The White Otters of Childhood" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [13]
Dann, JackJack Dann "Junction" Fantastic [13]
Dozois, GardnerGardner Dozois "Chains of the Sea" Chains of the Sea (Thomas Nelson) [13]
1975 Silverberg, RobertRobert Silverberg* "Born with the Dead" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [14]
Bishop, MichaelMichael Bishop "On the Street of the Serpents" Science Fiction Emphasis 1 (Ballantine Books) [14]
Martin, George R. R.George R. R. Martin "A Song for Lya" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [14]
1976 Zelazny, RogerRoger Zelazny* "Home Is the Hangman" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [15]
Carlson, William K.William K. Carlson "Sunrise West" Vertex [15]
Tuttle, LisaLisa Tuttle "The Storms of Windhaven" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [15]
Martin, George R. R.George R. R. Martin
Tiptree, Jr., JamesJames Tiptree, Jr. "A Momentary Taste of Being" The New Atlantis (Hawthorn Books) [15]
1977 Tiptree, Jr., JamesJames Tiptree, Jr.* "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" Aurora: Beyond Equality (Gold Medal Books) [16]
Bishop, MichaelMichael Bishop "The Samurai and the Willows" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [16]
Cowper, RichardRichard Cowper "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [16]
Wolfe, GeneGene Wolfe "The Eyeflash Miracles" Future Power (Random House) [16]
1978 Robinson, SpiderSpider Robinson* "Stardance" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [17]
Robinson, JeanneJeanne Robinson*
McIntyre, Vonda N.Vonda N. McIntyre "Aztecs" 2076: The American Tricentennial (Pyramid Books) [17]
1979 Varley, JohnJohn Varley* "The Persistence of Vision" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [18]
Wolfe, GeneGene Wolfe "Seven American Nights" Orbit 20 (Harper & Row) [18]
1980 Longyear, Barry B.Barry B. Longyear* "Enemy Mine" Asimov's Science Fiction [19]
Delany, Samuel R.Samuel R. Delany "The Tale of Gorgik" Asimov's SF Adventure Magazine [19]
Pohl, FrederikFrederik Pohl "Mars Masked" Asimov's Science Fiction [19]
Schenck, HilbertHilbert Schenck "The Battle of the Abaco Reefs" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [19]
Vinge, Joan D.Joan D. Vinge "Fireship" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [19]
Wilson, RichardRichard Wilson "The Story Writer" Destinies [19]
1981 Charnas, Suzy McKeeSuzy McKee Charnas* "Unicorn Tapestry" New Dimensions 11 (Pocket Books) [20]
Davidson, AvramAvram Davidson "There Beneath the Silky-Trees and Whelmed in Deeper Gulphs Than Me" Other Worlds 2 (Zebra Books) [20]
Dickson, Gordon R.Gordon R. Dickson "Lost Dorsai" Destinies [20]
Disch, Thomas M.Thomas M. Disch "The Brave Little Toaster" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [20]
Randall, MartaMarta Randall "Dangerous Games" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [20]
Shea, MichaelMichael Shea "The Autopsy" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [20]
1982 Anderson, PoulPoul Anderson* "The Saturn Game" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [21]
Benford, GregoryGregory Benford "Swarmer, Skimmer" SF Digest [21]
Dann, JackJack Dann "Amnesia" The Berkley Showcase, Vol 3 (Berkley Books) [21]
Eisenstein, PhyllisPhyllis Eisenstein "In the Western Tradition" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [21]
Vinge, VernorVernor Vinge "True Names" Binary Star 5 (Dell Publishing) [21]
Wilhelm, KateKate Wilhelm "The Winter Beach" Redbook [21]
1983 Kessel, JohnJohn Kessel* "Another Orphan" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [22]
Leiber, FritzFritz Leiber "Horrible Imaginings" Death (Playboy) [22]
Linaweaver, BradBrad Linaweaver "Moon of Ice" Amazing Stories [22]
Martin, George R. R.George R. R. Martin "Unsound Variations" Amazing Stories [22]
Russ, JoannaJoanna Russ "Souls" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [22]
1984 Bear, GregGreg Bear* "Hardfought" Asimov's Science Fiction [23]
Bishop, MichaelMichael Bishop "The Gospel According to Gamaliel Crucis" Asimov's Science Fiction [23]
Bishop, MichaelMichael Bishop "Her Habiline Husband" Universe 13 (Doubleday) [23]
Davidson, AvramAvram Davidson "Eszterhazy and the Autogóndola-Invention" Amazing Stories [23]
McIntyre, Vonda N.Vonda N. McIntyre "Transit" Asimov's Science Fiction [23]
Silverberg, RobertRobert Silverberg "Homefaring" Amazing Stories [23]
1985 Varley, JohnJohn Varley* "Press ENTER" Asimov's Science Fiction [24]
Davidson, AvramAvram Davidson "Young Doctor Eszterhazy" Amazing Stories [24]
Kress, NancyNancy Kress "Trinity" Asimov's Science Fiction [24]
Pohl, FrederikFrederik Pohl "The Greening of Bed-Stuy" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [24]
Shepard, LuciusLucius Shepard "A Traveler's Tale" Asimov's Science Fiction [24]
Swanwick, MichaelMichael Swanwick "Marrow Death" Asimov's Science Fiction [24]
1986 Silverberg, RobertRobert Silverberg* "Sailing to Byzantium" Asimov's Science Fiction [25]
Robinson, Kim StanleyKim Stanley Robinson "Green Mars" Asimov's Science Fiction [25]
Sterling, BruceBruce Sterling "Green Days in Brunei" Asimov's Science Fiction [25]
Tiptree, Jr., JamesJames Tiptree, Jr. "The Only Neat Thing to Do" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [25]
Wilhelm, KateKate Wilhelm "The Gorgon Field" Asimov's Science Fiction [25]
Zelazny, RogerRoger Zelazny "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai" Asimov's Science Fiction [25]
1987 Shepard, LuciusLucius Shepard* "R&R" Asimov's Science Fiction [26]
Benford, GregoryGregory Benford "Newton Sleep" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [26]
Robinson, Kim StanleyKim Stanley Robinson "Escape from Kathmandu" Asimov's Science Fiction [26]
Silverberg, RobertRobert Silverberg "Gilgamesh in the Outback" Asimov's Science Fiction [26]
Wilson, F. PaulF. Paul Wilson "Dydeetown Girl" Far Frontiers 4 (Baen Books [26]
1988 Robinson, Kim StanleyKim Stanley Robinson* "The Blind Geometer" Asimov's Science Fiction [27]
Ford, John M.John M. Ford "Fugue State" Under the Wheel (Baen Books) [27]
Roberts, KeithKeith Roberts "The Tiger Sweater" Fantasy & Science Fiction [27]
Ryman, GeoffGeoff Ryman The Unconquered Country Bantam Spectra [27]
Silverberg, RobertRobert Silverberg "The Secret Sharer" Asimov's Science Fiction [27]
Williams, Walter JonWalter Jon Williams "Witness" Wild Cards (Bantam Spectra) [27]
1989 Willis, ConnieConnie Willis* "The Last of the Winnebagos" Asimov's Science Fiction [28]
Denton, BradleyBradley Denton "The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians" Fantasy & Science Fiction [28]
Shepard, LuciusLucius Shepard The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter Asimov's Science Fiction [28]
Spinrad, NormanNorman Spinrad "Journals of the Plague Years" Full Spectrum (Bantam Spectra) [28]
Williams, Walter JonWalter Jon Williams "Surfacing" Asimov's Science Fiction [28]
Yolen, JaneJane Yolen The Devil's Arithmetic Viking Kestrel [28]
1990 Bujold, Lois McMasterLois McMaster Bujold* "The Mountains of Mourning" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [29]
Crowley, JohnJohn Crowley "Great Work of Time" Novelty (Doubleday) [29]
Effinger, George AlecGeorge Alec Effinger "Marîd Changes His Mind" Asimov's Science Fiction [29]
Lindholm, MeganMegan Lindholm "A Touch of Lavender" Asimov's Science Fiction [29]
Moffett, JudithJudith Moffett "Tiny Tango" Asimov's Science Fiction [29]
Waldrop, HowardHoward Waldrop A Dozen Tough Jobs Mark V. Ziesing [29]
1991 Haldeman, JoeJoe Haldeman* "The Hemingway Hoax" Asimov's Science Fiction [30]
Bujold, Lois McMasterLois McMaster Bujold "Weatherman" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [30]
Cadigan, PatPat Cadigan "Fool to Believe" Asimov's Science Fiction [30]
Kelly, James PatrickJames Patrick Kelly "Mr. Boy" Asimov's Science Fiction [30]
Murphy, PatPat Murphy "Bones" Asimov's Science Fiction [30]
1992 Kress, NancyNancy Kress* "Beggars in Spain" Asimov's Science Fiction [31]
Ash, PaulPaul Ash "Man Opening a Door" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [31]
Bishop, MichaelMichael Bishop Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana Axolotl Press [31]
Resnick, MikeMike Resnick Bully! Asimov's Science Fiction [31]
Rusch, Kristine KathrynKristine Kathryn Rusch The Gallery of His Dreams Asimov's Science Fiction [31]
Willis, ConnieConnie Willis "Jack" Asimov's Science Fiction [31]
1993 Morrow, JamesJames Morrow* City of Truth St. Martin's Press [32]
Bull, EmmaEmma Bull "Silver or Gold" After the King: Stories in Honor of J.R.R. Tolkien (Tor Books) [32]
Denton, BradleyBradley Denton "The Territory" Fantasy & Science Fiction [32]
Oltion, JerryJerry Oltion "Contact" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [32]
Goodloe, LeeLee Goodloe
McHugh, Maureen F.Maureen F. McHugh "Protection" Asimov's Science Fiction [32]
Shepard, LuciusLucius Shepard "Barnacle Bill the Spacer" Asimov's Science Fiction [32]
Swanwick, MichaelMichael Swanwick Griffin's Egg Asimov's Science Fiction [32]
1994 Cady, JackJack Cady* "The Night We Buried Road Dog" Fantasy & Science Fiction [33]
Aldridge, RayRay Aldridge "The Beauty Addict" Full Spectrum 4 (Bantam Spectra) [33]
Kress, NancyNancy Kress "Dancing on Air" Asimov's Science Fiction [33]
Nordley, G. DavidG. David Nordley "Into the Miranda Rift" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [33]
Wilhelm, KateKate Wilhelm Naming the Flowers Fantasy & Science Fiction [33]
Williams, Walter JonWalter Jon Williams Wall, Stone, Craft Fantasy & Science Fiction [33]
1995 Resnick, MikeMike Resnick* "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge" Fantasy & Science Fiction [34]
Ellison, HarlanHarlan Ellison Mefisto In Onyx Omni [34]
Hoffman, Nina KirikiNina Kiriki Hoffman "Haunted Humans" Fantasy & Science Fiction [34]
Le Guin, Ursula K.Ursula K. Le Guin "Forgiveness Day" Asimov's Science Fiction [34]
Ryman, GeoffGeoff Ryman "Fan" Unconquered Countries (St. Martin's Press) [34]
Swanwick, MichaelMichael Swanwick "Cold Iron" Asimov's Science Fiction [34]
1996 Hand, ElizabethElizabeth Hand* "Last Summer at Mars Hill" Fantasy & Science Fiction [35]
Benford, GregoryGregory Benford "Soon Comes Night" Asimov's Science Fiction [35]
Griffith, NicolaNicola Griffith "Yaguara" Asimov's Science Fiction [35]
Resnick, MikeMike Resnick "Bibi" Asimov's Science Fiction [35]
Shwartz, SusanSusan Shwartz
Stableford, BrianBrian Stableford "Mortimer Gray's History of Death" Asimov's Science Fiction [35]
1997 Dann, JackJack Dann* "Da Vinci Rising" Asimov's Science Fiction [36]
Le Guin, Ursula K.Ursula K. Le Guin "A Woman's Liberation" Asimov's Science Fiction [36]
Martin, George R. R.George R. R. Martin "Blood of the Dragon" Asimov's Science Fiction [36]
McDevitt, JackJack McDevitt "Time Travelers Never Die" Asimov's Science Fiction [36]
McHugh, Maureen F.Maureen F. McHugh "The Cost to Be Wise" Starlight 1 (Tor Books) [36]
Steele, AllenAllen Steele "The Death of Captain Future" Asimov's Science Fiction [36]
1998 Oltion, JerryJerry Oltion* "Abandon in Place" Fantasy & Science Fiction [37]
Castro, Adam-TroyAdam-Troy Castro "The Funeral March of the Marionettes" Fantasy & Science Fiction [37]
Levinson, PaulPaul Levinson "Loose Ends" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [37]
Reed, RobertRobert Reed "Chrysalis" Asimov's Science Fiction [37]
Sparhawk, BudBud Sparhawk "Primrose and Thorn" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [37]
Steele, AllenAllen Steele "…Where Angels Fear to Tread" Asimov's Science Fiction [37]
1999 Finch, SheilaSheila Finch* "Reading the Bones" Fantasy & Science Fiction [38]
Asaro, CatherineCatherine Asaro "Aurora in Four Voices" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [38]
Davidson, AvramAvram Davidson The Boss in the Wall, A Treatise on the House Devil Tachyon Publications [38]
Davis, GraniaGrania Davis
Fintushel, EliotEliot Fintushel "Izzy and the Father of Terror" Asimov's Science Fiction [38]
Gerrold, DavidDavid Gerrold "Jumping Off the Planet" Science Fiction Age [38]
Landis, Geoffrey A.Geoffrey A. Landis "Ecopoiesis" Science Fiction Age [38]
2000 Chiang, TedTed Chiang* "Story of Your Life" Starlight 2 (Tor Books) [39]
Burstein, Michael A.Michael A. Burstein "Reality Check" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [39]
Castro, Adam-TroyAdam-Troy Castro "The Astronaut from Wyoming" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [39]
Oltion, JerryJerry Oltion
Duchamp, L. TimmelL. Timmel Duchamp "Living Trust" Asimov's Science Fiction [39]
Duncan, AndyAndy Duncan "The Executioners' Guild" Asimov's Science Fiction [39]
Marusek, DavidDavid Marusek "The Wedding Album" Asimov's Science Fiction [39]
2001 Nagata, LindaLinda Nagata* "Goddesses" Sci Fiction [40]
Duncan, AndyAndy Duncan "Fortitude" Realms of Fantasy [40]
Lethem, JonathanJonathan Lethem "Ninety Percent of Everything" Fantasy & Science Fiction [40]
Kelly, James PatrickJames Patrick Kelly
Kessel, JohnJohn Kessel
Resnick, MikeMike Resnick "Hunting the Snark" Asimov's Science Fiction [40]
Shepard, LuciusLucius Shepard "Crocodile Rock" Fantasy & Science Fiction [40]
Williams, Walter JonWalter Jon Williams "Argonautica" Asimov's Science Fiction [40]
2002 Williamson, JackJack Williamson* "The Ultimate Earth" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [41]
Asaro, CatherineCatherine Asaro "A Roll of the Dice" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [41]
Clough, Brenda W.Brenda W. Clough "May Be Some Time" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [41]
Dann, JackJack Dann "The Diamond Pit" Fantasy & Science Fiction [41]
Shepard, LuciusLucius Shepard "Radiant Green Star" Asimov's Science Fiction [41]
2003 Chwedyk, RichardRichard Chwedyk* "Bronte's Egg" Fantasy & Science Fiction [42]
Castro, Adam-TroyAdam-Troy Castro "Sunday Night Yams at Minnie and Earl's" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [42]
Duncan, AndyAndy Duncan "The Chief Designer" Asimov's Science Fiction [42]
Finlay, Charles ColemanCharles Coleman Finlay "The Political Officer" Fantasy & Science Fiction [42]
Sparhawk, BudBud Sparhawk "Magic's Price" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [42]
2004 Gaiman, NeilNeil Gaiman* Coraline HarperCollins [43]
Arnason, EleanorEleanor Arnason "The Potter of Bones" Asimov's Science Fiction [43]
Baker, KageKage Baker "The Empress of Mars" Asimov's Science Fiction [43]
Kessel, JohnJohn Kessel "Stories for Men" Asimov's Science Fiction [43]
MacLeod, Ian R.Ian R. MacLeod "Breathmoss" Asimov's Science Fiction [43]
2005 Williams, Walter JonWalter Jon Williams* "The Green Leopard Plague" Asimov's Science Fiction [44]
Asaro, CatherineCatherine Asaro "Walk in Silence" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [44]
Castro, Adam-TroyAdam-Troy Castro "The Tangled Strings of the Marionettes" Fantasy & Science Fiction [44]
Vinge, VernorVernor Vinge "The Cookie Monster" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [44]
Willis, ConnieConnie Willis "Just Like the Ones We Used to Know" Asimov's Science Fiction [44]
2006 Link, KellyKelly Link* "Magic for Beginners" Fantasy & Science Fiction [45]
Sparhawk, BudBud Sparhawk "Clay's Pride" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [45]
Sawyer, Robert J.Robert J. Sawyer "Identity Theft" Down These Dark Spaceways (Science Fiction Book Club) [45]
Witcover, PaulPaul Witcover "Left of the Dial" Sci Fiction [45]
Cowdrey, Albert E.Albert E. Cowdrey "The Tribes of Bela" Fantasy & Science Fiction [45]
2007 Kelly, James PatrickJames Patrick Kelly* Burn Tachyon Publications [46]
Burstein, Michael A.Michael A. Burstein "Sanctuary" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [46]
Melko, PaulPaul Melko "The Walls of the Universe" Asimov's Science Fiction [46]
Shunn, WilliamWilliam Shunn "Inclination" Asimov's Science Fiction [46]
2008 Kress, NancyNancy Kress* "Fountain of Age" Asimov's Science Fiction [47]
Berman, JudithJudith Berman "Awakening" Black Gate [47]
Hughes, MattMatt Hughes "The Helper and His Hero" Fantasy & Science Fiction [47]
Shepard, LuciusLucius Shepard "Stars Seen Through Stone" Fantasy & Science Fiction [47]
Sterling, BruceBruce Sterling "Kiosk" Fantasy & Science Fiction [47]
Wolfe, GeneGene Wolfe "Memorare" Fantasy & Science Fiction [47]
2009 Asaro, CatherineCatherine Asaro* "The Spacetime Pool" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [48]
Benford, GregoryGregory Benford "Dark Heaven" Alien Crimes (Science Fiction Book Club) [48]
Eskridge, KelleyKelley Eskridge "Dangerous Space" Dangerous Space (Aqueduct Press) [48]
Finlay, Charles ColemanCharles Coleman Finlay "The Political Prisoner" Fantasy & Science Fiction [48]
Nazarian, VeraVera Nazarian The Duke in His Castle Norilana Books [48]
2010 Baker, KageKage Baker* The Women of Nell Gwynne's Subterranean Press [49]
Gilman, Carolyn IvesCarolyn Ives Gilman "Arkfall" Fantasy & Science Fiction [49]
Kress, NancyNancy Kress "Act One" Asimov's Science Fiction [49]
Morrow, JamesJames Morrow Shambling Towards Hiroshima Tachyon Publications [49]
Sanford, JasonJason Sanford "Sublimation Angels" Interzone [49]
Scalzi, JohnJohn Scalzi The God Engines Subterranean Press [49]
2011 Swirsky, RachelRachel Swirsky* "The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers beneath the Queen's Window" Subterranean Magazine [50]
Bacigalupi, PaoloPaolo Bacigalupi The Alchemist Subterranean Press [50]
Cheney, J. KathleenJ. Kathleen Cheney "Iron Shoes" Alembical 2 (Paper Golem) [50]
Chiang, TedTed Chiang The Lifecycle of Software Objects Subterranean Press [50]
Landis, Geoffrey A.Geoffrey A. Landis "The Sultan of the Clouds" Asimov's Science Fiction [50]
Park, PaulPaul Park "Ghosts Doing the Orange Dance" Fantasy & Science Fiction [50]
2012 Johnson, KijKij Johnson* "The Man Who Bridged the Mist" Asimov's Science Fiction [51]
Kowal, Mary RobinetteMary Robinette Kowal "Kiss Me Twice" Asimov's Science Fiction [51]
Valente, Catherynne M.Catherynne M. Valente Silently and Very Fast Clarkesworld Magazine [51]
Gilman, Carolyn IvesCarolyn Ives Gilman "The Ice Owl" Fantasy & Science Fiction [51]
Liu, KenKen Liu "The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary" Panverse 3 (Panverse Publishing) [51]
Castro, Adam-TroyAdam-Troy Castro "With Unclean Hands" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [51]
2013 Kress, NancyNancy Kress* After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall Tachyon Publications [52]
Bodard, Aliette deAliette de Bodard On a Red Station, Drifting Immersion Press [52]
Lake, JayJay Lake "The Stars Do Not Lie" Asimov's Science Fiction [52]
Liu, KenKen Liu "All the Flavors" GigaNotoSaurus [52]
Reed, RobertRobert Reed "Katabasis" Fantasy & Science Fiction [52]
Schoen, Lawrence M.Lawrence M. Schoen "Barry's Tale" Buffalito Buffet (Hadley Rille Books) [52]
2014 Kaftan, VylarVylar Kaftan* "The Weight of the Sunrise" Asimov's Science Fiction [53]
Duncan, AndyAndy Duncan "Wakulla Springs" [53]
Klages, EllenEllen Klages
Kress, NancyNancy Kress "Annabel Lee" New Under the Sun (Phoenix Pick) [53]
Schanoes, VeronicaVeronica Schanoes "Burning Girls" [53]
Schoen, Lawrence M.Lawrence M. Schoen "Trial of the Century" [53]
Valente, Catherynne M.Catherynne M. Valente Six-Gun Snow White Subterranean Press [53]
2015 Kress, NancyNancy Kress* Yesterday's Kin Tachyon Publications [54]
Gregory, DarylDaryl Gregory We Are All Completely Fine Tachyon Publications [54]
Liu, KenKen Liu "The Regular" Upgraded (Wyrm Publishing) [54]
Rickert, MaryMary Rickert "The Mothers of Voorhisville" [54]
Schoen, Lawrence M.Lawrence M. Schoen Calendrical Regression NobleFusion Press [54]
Swirsky, RachelRachel Swirsky "Grand Jeté (The Great Leap)" Subterranean Magazine [54]
2016 Okorafor, NnediNnedi Okorafor* Binti [55]
Cooney, C. S. E.C. S. E. Cooney The Bone Swans of Amandale Bone Swans: Stories (Mythic Delirium) [55]
Fischer, EugeneEugene Fischer "The New Mother" Asimov's Science Fiction [55]
T. Malik, UsmanUsman T. Malik "The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn" [55]
Robson, KellyKelly Robson "Waters of Versailles" [55]
Cato, BethBeth Cato Wings of Sorrow and Bone Harper Voyager Impulse [55]
2017 McGuire, SeananSeanan McGuire* Every Heart a Doorway [56]
Divya, S. B.S. B. Divya Runtime [56]
Johnson, KijKij Johnson The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe [56]
LaValle, VictorVictor LaValle The Ballad of Black Tom [56]
Murphy, John P.John P. Murphy "The Liar" Fantasy & Science Fiction [56]
Wilson, Kai AshanteKai Ashante Wilson A Taste of Honey [56]

Lihat pula

[sunting | sunting sumber]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ a b c "Nebula Rules". Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. October 2011. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2011-07-01. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-12. 
  2. ^ Flood, Allison (2009-04-28). "Ursula K Le Guin wins sixth Nebula award". The Guardian. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2009-08-01. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-12. 
  3. ^ Garmon, Jay (2006-10-03). "Geek Trivia: Science-fiction double feature". TechRepublic. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2012-02-14. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-12. 
  4. ^ "Nebula Awards". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-06-27. Diakses tanggal 2016-07-05. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h "Nebula Awards 1966". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-24. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  6. ^ a b c "Nebula Awards 1967". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  7. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1968". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  8. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1969". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  9. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1970". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  10. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1971". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  11. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1972". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  12. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1973". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  13. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1974". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  14. ^ a b c "Nebula Awards 1975". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  15. ^ a b c d "Nebula Awards 1976". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  16. ^ a b c d "Nebula Awards 1977". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  17. ^ a b "Nebula Awards 1978". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  18. ^ a b "Nebula Awards 1979". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  19. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1980". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  20. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1981". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  21. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1982". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  22. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1983". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  23. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1984". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  24. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1985". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  25. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1986". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  26. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1987". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  27. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1988". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-10-25. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  28. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1989". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-30. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  29. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1990". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  30. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1991". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  31. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1992". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  32. ^ a b c d e f g "Nebula Awards 1993". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  33. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1994". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  34. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1995". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  35. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 1996". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  36. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1997". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  37. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1998". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  38. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 1999". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  39. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2000". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  40. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2001". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  41. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 2002". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  42. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 2003". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  43. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 2004". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  44. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 2005". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  45. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 2006". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  46. ^ a b c d "Nebula Awards 2007". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  47. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2008". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  48. ^ a b c d e "Nebula Awards 2009". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  49. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2010". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-26. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  50. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2011". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2011-12-06. 
  51. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2012". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-09-22. Diakses tanggal 2014-03-12. 
  52. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2013". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-10-14. Diakses tanggal 2014-03-12. 
  53. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2014". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2016-02-22. 
  54. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2015". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2016-02-22. 
  55. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2016". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-06-27. Diakses tanggal 2016-07-05. 
  56. ^ a b c d e f "Nebula Awards 2017". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2017-05-23. Diakses tanggal 2017-05-23. 

Pranala luar

[sunting | sunting sumber]