David Alter

David Alter

David Alter (Contea di Westmoreland, 3 dicembre 1807Freeport, 18 settembre 1881) è stato un medico, scienziato e inventore statunitense.

David Alter fu medico, scienziato e inventore, figlio di John Alter e Eleanor Sheetz, originari della Svizzera. Studiò fisiologia a Elderton negli anni'30. Sposò Laura Rowley e alla morte di questi, la sorella Amanda Rowley.[1] Ebbero tredici figli.

Nel 1836 a Elderton, David Alter inventa il telegrafo, un anno prima di Samuel Morse. Disse al riguardo:

«I may say that there is no connection at all between the telegraph of Morse and others and that of myself...Professor Morse most probably never heard of me or my Elderton telegraph[2]»

David Alter studiò medicina alla Reformed Medical College di New York City e alla Cincinnati Medical School (1841-1842).

Fabbricò bromina, creò una stazione meteorologica, lavorò come fisico e fece i primi dagherrotipi di Freeport.

«In the great Pittsburgh Fire of 1845, he found a shard of melted glass that gave him the idea of the light spectrum. He went on to discover Spectral Analysis in 1853. He also invented and patented a method of manufacturing Bromine from salt wells in 1845, that was highly useful in the iron industry and was put on display in the World's fair[1]»

  1. ^ a b Rowley, 2002.
  2. ^ a b Wiley, 1891.
  3. ^ Albert, 1882.
  4. ^ Scott.
  5. ^ Alter, 1854.
  6. ^ Alter, 1855.

Bibliografia inglese

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  • Albert, George Dallas, editor. History of the County of Westmoreland. Philadelphia PA: L. H. Everts and Company, 1882, pages 357-361.
  • Wiley, Samuel T., editor. Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties. Philadelphia PA: John M. Gresham and Co., 1891, pages 475-476.
  • Armstrong Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present, Volume 1, pages 97–98.
  • Johnson, Allen, editor. Dictionary of American Biography, 1964, page 230.
  • Elliott, Clark E., editor. Biographical Dictionary of American Scientists. Westpoint CT: Greenwood Press, 1979, page 16.
  • Allen, G. Who's Who in Science. Chicago IL: 1968, p. 39.
  • Alter, David. On Certain Physical Properties of Light Produced by the Combustion of Different Metals in an Electric Spark Refracted by a Prism. Am. J. Sci. Arts 18 (1854): pages 55–57.
  • Alter, David. On Certain Physical Properties of the Light of the Electric Spark, Within Certain Gases, as Seen Through a Prism. Am. J. Sci. Arts 19 (1855): pages 213-214.

Collegamenti esterni

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  • AKVHS.org. URL consultato il 25 agosto 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 agosto 2014).
  • pdf Cornell (PDF), su ceeserver.cee.cornell.edu.
  • www.answers.com [collegamento interrotto], su answers.com.
  • JCE, su jce.divched.org. URL consultato il 25 agosto 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 27 marzo 2007).