Il suo principale campo di interesse sono i ragni saltatori della famiglia Salticidae di cui ha scoperto - negli anni e prevalentemente in Africa - numerose nuove specie (in particolare, alcune specie mirmecofile, che imitano cioè il comportamento delle formiche) e generi (come Ugandinella, unico genere della sottofamiglia Leptorchestinae, sempre descritta dalla stessa Wesołowska).
Elenco parziale delle pubblicazioni, in particolare concernenti nuove specie scoperte e il lavoro di riclassificazione tassonomica dei generi esistenti:
Wesolowska W. 1986. A revision of the genus Heliophanus C.L. Koch, 1833 (Aranei: Salticidae). Annales zoologici, Warszawa, 40, 1: 1-254, f 2-960.
Wesolowska W. 1989b. A redescription of the spider genus Maltecora Simon, 1909 (Aranei, Salticidae). Doriana, Genoa, 6, 264: 1-10, f 1-30 f.
Wesolowska W. 1992. A revision of the spider genus Festucula Simon, 1901 (Araneae, Salticidae). Journal of African Zoology, 106(1): 45-54, f 1- 31.
Wesolowska W. 1993c. A revision of the spider genus Massagris Simon, 1900 (Araneae, Salticidae). Genus, Wroclaw, 4(2): 133-141, f 1-20.
Wesolowska W. 1993 - vedi Logunov D.V., Wesolowska W. 1993. Two new species of the genus Sitticus Simon, 1901 from Middle Asia (Araneae: Salticidae). Entomologica Basiliensia, 16: 5-11, f 1-12.
Wesolowska W. 1995. Dendryphantes secretus, a new species of jumping spider from Kazakhstan (Araneae: Salticidae). Genus, Wroclaw, 6(2): 177-179, f 1-4.
Wesolowska W. 1999a. New and little known species of jumping spiders from Zimbabwe (Araneae: Salticidae). Arnoldia Zimbabwe, 10(15): 145-176, f 1-76.
Wesolowska W. 1999b. A revision of the spider genus Menemerus in Africa (Araneae: Salticidae). Genus, Wroclaw, 10(2): 251-353, f 1-299.
Wesolowska W. 2001a. Two new species of Thyenula Simon, 1902 from South Africa: (Araneae: Salticidae). Annales Zoologici, Warszawa, 51(2): 261-264, f 1-13.
Wesolowska W. 2001b. New and rare species of the genus Asemonea O. P.-Cambridge, 1869 from Kenya (Araneae: Salticidae). Genus, Wroclaw, 12(4): 577-584, f 1-20.
Wesolowska W. 2001c. Mikrus ugandensis, a new genus and species of diminutive jumping spider from eastern Africa (Araneae: Salticidae). Genus, Wroclaw, 12(4): 585-588, f 1-7.
Wesolowska W. 2002 - vedi: Borowiec W., Wesolowska W. 2002. A new species of Hasarius from Mount Cameroon (Araneae: Salticidae). Genus, Wroclaw, 13(3): 405-408, f 1-7.
Wesolowska W. 2004a. A new species of Parajotus from Central Africa (Araneae: Salticidae). Genus, Wroclaw, 15(1): 135-140, f 1-10.
Wesołowska W. 2005. A new species of Enoplomischus from Kenya (Araneae: Salticidae: Leptorchestinae). Genus Wocław 16(2): 307-311, f 1-8.
Wesolowska W. 2006a. A new genus of ant-mimicking salticid spider from Africa (Araneae: Salticidae: Leptorchestinae). Annales Zoologici, Warszawa, 56 (2): 435-439, f 1-17.
Wesolowska W., Haddad C. R. 2002. A new termitivorous jumping spiders from South Africa (Araneae Salticidae). Tropical Zoology, 15(1): 197-207, f 1-4.
Wesolowska W., Salm K. 2002. A new species of Myrmarachne from Kenya (Araneae: Salticidae). Genus, Wroclaw, 13(3): 409-415, f 1-16.
Wesolowska W., Szeremeta M. 2001. A revision of ant-like salticid genera Enoplomischus Giltay, 1931, Kima Peckham & Peckham, 1902 and Leptorchestes Thorell, 1870 (Araneae: Salticidae). Insect Systematics & Evolution, 32 (2): 217-240, f 1-89.
Wesolowska W., Szuts T. 2001. A new genus of ant-like jumping spiders from Africa (Araneae: Salticidae). Annales Zoologici, Warszawa, 51(4): 523-528, f 1-23.
Wesolowska W., Szuts T. 2003a. A new species of Asemonea from equatorial Africa (Araneae: Salticidae: Lyssomaninae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica, Budapest, 64: 59-62, f 1-7.