Carawan, Guy, et Candie Carawan, compilatores. 1963. We Shall Overcome! Novi Eboraci: Oak Publications.
Carawan, Guy, et Candie Carawan, recordatores et editores. (1966) 1989. Ain't You Got a Right to the Tree of Life? The People of Johns Island, South Carolina: their faces, their words and their songs. Photographemata Robert Yellin. University of Georgia Press. ISBN 0820311324.
Carawan, Guy, et Candie Carawan, compilatores. 1968. Freedom is a Constant Struggle. Novi Eboraci: Oak Publications.
Carawan, Guy, et Candie Carawan, collectores et recordatores. (1975) 1996. Voices from the Mountains: Life and Struggle in the Appalachian South. University of Georgia Press. ISBN 0820318825.
Carawan, Guy, et Candie Carawan, editores et compilatores. (1990, 1992) 2008. Sing for Freedom: The Story of the Civil Rights Movement through Its Songs. NewSouth Books. ISBN 9781588381934.