Cyclopædia Indianensis (solum unus numerus prolatus, 1842)
“Alhalla, or the Land of Talladega,” poema, nomine litterarioHenry Rowe Colcraft prolatum (1843)
Oneota, or Characteristics of the Red Race of America (1844-5); iterum prolatus The Indian and his Wigwam (1848)
Report on Aboriginal Names and the Geographical Terminology of New York (1845)
Plan for Investigating American Ethnology (1846)
Notes on the Iroquois, cum relatione Sex Nationum (Albaniae, 1846; editiones auctae Novi Eboraci 1847 et 1848)
The Red Race of America (1847)
Notices of Antique Earthen Vessels from Florida (1847)
Address on Early American History (Novi Eboraci, 1847)
Outlines of the Life and Character of Gen. Lewis Cass (Albaniae, 1848)
Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, Translations of the Scriptures, and other Publications in the Indian Tongues of the United States (Vasingtoniae, 1849)
American Indians, Their History, Condition, and Prospects (Alburni, 1850)
Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers, 1812 to 1842 (Philadelphiae, 1851)
Historical and Statistical Information respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, with illustrations by Capt. Seth Eastman
Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas, liber periegesis (1853)
Summary Narrative of an Exploratory Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi River in 1820, resumed and completed by the Discovery of its Origin in Itasca Lake in 1832 (1854)
The Myth of Hiawatha, and other Oral Legends (1856)
Narrative Journal of travels Through the Northwestern Regions of the United States Extending from Detroit through the Great Chain of the American Lakes to the Sources of the Mississippi River in the year 1820, ed. Mentor L. Williams (East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State College Press, 1953)
The Indian Fairy-Book, from Original Legends (Novi Eboraci, 1855)
Savage, Henry, Jr. 1979. Discovering America 1700–1875. Novi Eboraci: Harper & Row.
"Henry Rowe Schoolcraft", The International Magazine of Literature, Art, and Science 3(3, June 1851). American Memory, Library of Congress.
Bremer, Richard G. 1987. Indian Agent & Wilderness Scholar: The Life of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University. ISBN 0-916699-13-7.