Ovo je djelomičan popis ljudi, svrstanih po godinama rođenja, koji su kategorizirani kao panteisti i imali su značajan utjecaj na panteizam:
Lao Tzu (604. pr. Kr. – nepoznato), starokineski filozof.[1]
Heraklit (o. 535. pr. n. e. – o. 475. pr. n. e.), predsokratski grčki filozof, rođen u grčkom gradu Efezu u Joniji, na obalama Male Azije. Imao je istaknuto porijeklo. Malo je poznato o njegovu ranom životu i obrazovanju, no smatrao se samoukim i pionirom mudrosti. Zbog osamljena života kojim je živio, a još više zbog zagonetne prirode svoje filozofije i svoga prezira prema čovječanstvu općenito, bio je nazivan "Mračnim" i "Plačućim Filozofom".[2]
Eriugena (815. – 877.), irski teolog, neoplatonistički filozof i pjesnik.[3][4]
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770. – 1827.), njemački kompozitor i pijanist. Ključna figura u prijelazu između era klasicizma i romantizma u zapadnoumjetničkoj muzici, on ostaje jedan od najslavnijih i najutjecajnijih od svih kompozitora. Njegove najpoznatije kompozicije uključuju 9 simfonija, 5 koncerata za klavir, 32 klavirske sonate i 16 gudačkih kvarteta. Također je komponirao ostalu komornu muziku, koralna djela (uključujući slavnu Missu Solemnis) i pjesme. Osim toga bio je također označen kao teist.[8][9][10][11]
Hans Christian Ørsted (1777. – 1851.), danski fizičar i kemičar koji je otkrio da električne struje stvaraju magnetska polja.[12]
William Cullen Bryant (1794. – 1878.), američki romantičarski pjesnik, novinar i dugovječni urednik New York Evening Posta.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803. – 1882.), američki esejist, predavač i pjesnik koji je vodio transcendentalistički pokret sredinom 19. stoljeća.[3]
Henry David Thoreau (1817. – 1862.), američki autor, pjesnik, filozof, slobodni zidar, abolicionist, naturalist, porezni otpornik, razvojni kritičar, geodet, povjesničar i vodeći transcendentalist.[13][14]
Walt Whitman (1819. – 1892.), američki pjesnik, esejist i novinar.[3]
Hermann von Helmholtz (1821. – 1894.), njemački liječnik i fizičar koji je uradio značajne doprinose u nekoliko široko različitih područja moderne znanosti.[15]
Albert Einstein (1879. – 1955.), njemački teorijski fizičar, jedan od najplodnijih intelekta u ljudskoj povijesti, identificirao se sa Spinozinim Bogom i imao poglede simpatetične s panteizmom.[17]
D. H. Lawrence (1885. – 1930.), engleski romanopisac, pjesnik, dramatičar, esejist, književni kritičar i slikar.[3]
Robinson Jeffers (1887. – 1962.), američki pjesnik, poznat po svojem radu o srednjokalifornijskoj obali.[3]
↑Vijay Tankha (2006.). „Heraclitus of Ephesus”. Ancient Greek Philosophy: Thales to Gorgias. Pearson Education India. str. 71. ISBN9788177589399. »By equating god with nature, Heraclitus could be regarded as a pantheist — everything is god.«
↑Alexander Campbell Fraser "Philosophy of Theism", zbirka lekcija iz 1896. str. 80-82.
↑Picton, J. Allanson, "Pantheism: Its Story and Significance", 1905.
↑Fraser, Alexander Campbell "Philosophy of Theism", William Blackwood and Sons, 1895., str. 163.
↑Robert C. Holub (1986.). Jost Hermand. ur. The Romantic School and Other Essays: Heinrich Heine. Continuum International Publishing Group. str. 223. ISBN9780826402912. »Goethe was as little a deist as Fichte; for he was a pantheist.«
↑The Gift of Music: Great Composers and Their Influence (3 izd.). Crossway. 1995.. str. 62. ISBN9780891078692. »Beethoven loved the natural world, but as a pantheist who worships nature rather than the Creator. "Beethoven was not the man to bow to anyone — even God!" said David Ewen.«
↑Oscar Thompson (2005.). How to Understand Music. Kessinger Publishing. str. 136. ISBN9781417992027. »To begin with, Beethoven was strongly individualistic and, in a sense, harshly antisocial. He realized the stature of his own genius. In Nature only did he recognize his equal and for that reason he was a pantheist of the most ardent order.«
↑Joseph McCabe (1945.). A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Freethinkers. Haldeman-Julius Publications. Pristupljeno 1. srpnja 2012. »His name is still a classic in the literature of his science and he was in his time a man of high international repute. In regard to religion he was, like Goeth, a Pantheist, as he shows particularly in his Aanden i Naturen (2 vols. 1849).«
↑Howe, Daniel Walker, What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815–1848. ISBN978-0-19-507894-7, str. 623.
↑Harding and Bode, ur., The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 294. "I was born to be a pantheist."
↑"He never claimed to be an atheist but only a materialist out of respect for the scientific method. For his friend Emil he would have been close to holding pantheistic ideas." Michel Meulders, Helmholtz: From Enlightenment to Neuroscience, stranica 75.
↑Silvan S. Schweber (2000.). „3”. In the Shadow of the Bomb: Bethe, Oppenheimer, and the Moral Responsibility of the Scientist. Princeton University Press. str. 86. ISBN9780691049892. Pristupljeno 10. srpnja 2012. »There is another thread that tied Felix Klein to Wilhelm von Humboldt: his belief in a preestablished harmony. With Klein and his fellow mathematicians, the Leibnizian preestablished harmony became more specific. It became a preestablished harmony between physics and mathematics and the foundation of their pantheistic faith.«
↑John S. Rigden (2000.). Rabi, Scientist and Citizen. Harvard University Press. str. 229. ISBN9780674004351. »Rabi is deeply religious. Eschewing religious practices, and an anthropomorphic concept of God, Rabi has what Einstein referred to as a "cosmic religious feeling" — a religious sense that transcends dogma and institutions.«
↑"We are now sufficiently advanced to consider resources other than materialistic, but they are tenuous, intangible, and vulnerable to misapplication. They are, in fact, the symbols of spiritual life -- a vast impersonal pantheism -- transcending the confused myths and prescriptions that are presumed to clarify ethical and moral conduct. The clear realities of nature seen with the inner eye of the spirit reveal the ultimate echo of God...." - Adams, Ansel (1950.). My Camera in the National Parks. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. str. 97. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-07-11. Pristupljeno 30. lipnja 2009.
↑"As an unabashed pantheist I am naturally a full-blooded transubstantiationist,knowing full well that the ground wheat of bread and crushed grapes of wine are the body and blood of Christ, the Anointed One, or olive-oiled man who is so slippery that he has no hangups." - Watts, Alan (2007.). In My Own Way: An Autobiography. New World Library. str. 72. ISBN978-1-57731-584-1. Pristupljeno 30. lipnja 2009.
↑George Sudarshan (2003.). Science and the Spiritual Quest: New Essays by Leading Scientists - One quest, One knowledge. Routledge. str. 250. ISBN9780203398142. »God is not an isolated event, something separate from the universe. God is the universe.«
↑Paul Lester (10. listopada 2008.). „Suicide: How the godfathers of punk kept the faith”. The Jewish Chronicle Online. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-01-17. Pristupljeno 2013-04-28. »Vega is similarly ambivalent. He alludes to the "miraculous" nature of his career with Suicide and fateful meeting with Rev, begging the question - does he believe in a higher power? "I distrust the name ‘God' but, yes, I do believe in a higher power," he says. He adds that he shares the rationalist stance of Spinoza, the 17th-century Jewish philosopher and "pantheist theologian". "God is in all of us," he says, before deciding: "There is an immense power. There has to be."«