Đại khủng hoảng Argentina 1998–2002 là một cuộc khủng hoảng kinh tế ở Argentina, bắt đầu vào quý 3 năm 1998 và kéo dài đến quý 2 năm 2002.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Nó tiếp theo sau 15 năm trì trệ và một thời gian ngắn cải cách tự do thị trường.[5] Cuộc khủng hoảng bắt đầu sau cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính ở Nga và Brazil.[1] Nó gây ra tình trạng thất nghiệp lan rộng, bạo loạn, sụp đổ chính phủ, vỡ nợ nước ngoài của quốc gia, gia tăng các loại tiền tệ thay thế và chấm dứt tỷ giá hối đoái cố định giữa Peso Argentina và Đô la Mỹ.[1] Nền kinh tế suy giảm 28% từ năm 1998 đến năm 2002.[2][6] Về thu nhập, hơn 50% người Argentina sống dưới ngưỡng nghèo chính thức và 25% là người nghèo (nhu cầu cơ bản của họ không được đáp ứng). Bảy trong số mười trẻ em Argentina nghèo sâu sắc của cuộc khủng hoảng năm 2002.[1][6]
Đến nửa đầu năm 2003, tốc độ tăng trưởng kinh tế dương trở lại, khiến các nhà kinh tế và giới truyền thông kinh doanh ngạc nhiên,[7][8] và nền kinh tế tăng trưởng trung bình 9% trong 5 năm.[9][10] GDP của Argentina đã vượt quá mức trước khủng hoảng vào năm 2005, và quá trình tái cơ cấu nợ Argentina trong năm đó đã khiến việc tiếp tục thanh toán hầu hết các trái phiếu không trả được nợ. Đợt tái cơ cấu nợ lần thứ hai vào năm 2010 đã đưa tỷ lệ trái phiếu không bị vỡ nợ lên 93%, mặc dù các vụ kiện do các quỹ kền kền dẫn đầu vẫn đang tiếp diễn.[11][12] Các trái chủ tham gia tái cơ cấu đã được thanh toán đúng hạn và nhận thấy giá trị trái phiếu của mình tăng lên.[13][14] Argentina đã hoàn trả đầy đủ các khoản vay Quỹ Tiền tệ Quốc tế vào năm 2006,[15] nhưng lại xảy ra tranh chấp kéo dài với 7% số người nắm giữ số trái phiếu còn lại.[16] Tháng 4 năm 2016, Argentina thoát khỏi tình trạng vỡ nợ khi chính phủ mới quyết định trả nợ cho đất nước, trả toàn bộ số tiền cho các quỹ kền kền/phòng hộ.[17]
But this approach has failed for more than four years, as the economy remains mired in a depression, with a loss of more than 20 percent of GDP since the last business cycle peak in 1998.
(...) Furthermore, the crisis was not caused by fiscal profligacy: the worsening of the central government's fiscal balance from 1993 to 2002 was not a result of increased government spending (other than interest payments). Rather, there was a decline in government revenue due to the recession, which began in the third quarter of 1998. More importantly, Argentina got stuck in a debt spiral in which higher interest rates increased the debt and the country's risk premium, which led to ever higher interest rates and debt service until its default in December 2001. The interest rate shocks came from outside, starting with the US Federal Reserve's decision to raise short-term rates in February 1994, and on through the Mexican, Asian, Russian, and Brazilian financial crises (1995–1999).
(...)GDP has declined at a record 16.3 percent annual rate in the first quarter of 2002. Unemployment stands at 21.5 percent of the labor force, and real monthly wages have declined by 18 percent over the course of the year. Official poverty and indigence rates have reached record levels: 53% of Argentines now live below the official poverty line, while 25% are indigent (basic needs unmet). Since October 2001, 5.2 million Argentines have fallen below the poverty line, while seven out of ten Argentine children are poor today.
(...)While this is the worst economic crisis in Argentine history, there are a number of reasons to view the economy as poised for a rapid recovery, and one that can take place without external financing. Most importantly, Argentina is running a large current account and trade surplus. Primarily a result of the devaluation, the export sector has vastly expanded as a share of the economy (see below), and is considerably more competitive internationally.
(...)The second major private outflow, which coincides with the Asian, Russian, and Brazilian crises, sent the economy into a recession from which it has never recovered.
In 1998, Argentina entered what turned out to be a four-year depression, during which its economy shrank 28 percent.
Abstract in 1998–2002, Argentina experienced what the government described as a "great depression" (...) Although it started more slowly than the U.S. Great Depression, the 1975–90 great depression in Argentina lasted longer and resulted in a larger deviation in output from potential as measured by the 2 percent growth path. Figure 2 shows that between 1974 and 1990, real output per working-age person fell by almost 44 percent compared to the 2 percent growth path, with a decline of almost 25 percent in the first decade. Notice that this economic performance was horrible even ignoring the trend—real output per working-age person fell 23 percent, making the period 1975–90 in Argentina a great depression by any reasonable definition. Over the period 1990–98, except for a brief downturn in 1995 associated with the Tequila Crisis, Argentina boomed, with cumulative growth almost 17 percent more than the 2 percent growth path (37 percent ignoring the trend). Starting in 1998, however, Argentina entered yet another great depression, with real output per working-age person falling by more than 29 percent by 2002, compared to the 2 percent growth path (23 percent ignoring the trend). As noted by the Argentine government in the earlier quotation, the decline was particularly severe in 2001 and 2002.
In 1998, Argentina entered what was to become a savage depression. Like Britain, it had previously been a poster boy for free-market capitalism. (...) As in Britain, the crisis of 1998–2002 was predominantly one of debt. It began once credit markets froze – in Argentina's case this followed currency crises in Russia and Brazil which spooked the market. Argentina's crisis ought to have been a shallow one. Instead, a series of spectacular misjudgments ensured that its economy shrank 28pc, the peso fell to a third of its pre-crash value against the dollar, inflation hit 41%, unemployment reached one quarter of the workforce, real wages fell 24pc, and over half of the population fell below the poverty line.
Argentina's current economic expansion is now more than five and a half years old, and has far exceeded the expectations of most economists and the business media. Despite a record sovereign debt default of $100 billion in December 2001 and a financial collapse, the economy began growing just three months after the default and has enjoyed uninterrupted growth since then.Chú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp)
Residential property prices in Argentina have gained an average of 60 percent since 2002, lifted by four straight years of economic growth of more than 8.5 percent, said Armando Pepe, founder of the country's Real Estate Chamber. The central bank predicts growth next year of 7.5 percent. Argentina's economy shrunk by 11 percent in 2002, its worst recession ever, after the country defaulted on $95 billion of bonds in late 2001.
The nation produced five straight years of +9% GDP growth through 2007, and even managed to eke out gains during the global recession.
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