free·lance [frée làns]
noun (plural free·lan·ces)
1. free·lance (plural free·lanc·es) or free·lanc·er (plural free·lanc·ers) somebody working for different companies: a self-employed person working, or available to work, for a number of employers, rather than being committed to one, and usually hired for a limited period
2. maverick: somebody, especially a politician, who is not committed to any group and takes action or forms alliances independently
3. free·lance (plural free·lanc·es) or free lance (plural free lanc·es) HISTORY medieval mercenary: a mercenary soldier in medieval Europe
working as a freelance: working or earning a living as a freelance
as a freelance: independently, as a freelance
intransitive verb (past free·lanced, past participle free·lanced, present participle free·lanc·ing, 3rd person present singular free·lanc·es)
work as a freelance: to work independently as a freelance
[Early 19th century. From the idea of a medieval knight with a lance offering his services to whoever was willing to pay.]
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