Alfred Jules Ayer (tamién conoixito como A. J. Ayer), naixito de Londres o 29 d'octubre de 1910 y muerto en ixa mesma capital o 27 de chunio de 1989, estió un filosofo y pedagogo britanico, que ye considerato o pai d'o positivismo lochico, y que estió qui divulgó en o Reino Uniu as teorías d'o Cerclo de Viena.
- 1936: Language, Truth, and Logic, Londres, Gollancz. (2a. edición, 1946).
- 1940: The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge, Londres, Macmillan.
- 1954: Philosophical Essays, Londres, Macmillan.
- 1956: The Problem of Knowledge, Londres, Macmillan.
- 1957: "The conception of probability as a logical relation", en S. Korner, ed., Observation and Interpretation in the Philosophy of Physics, Nueva York, Dover Publications.
- 1963: The Concept of a Person and Other Essays, Londres, Macmillan.
- 1967: "Has Austin Refuted the Sense-Data Theory?" Synthese vol. XVIII, pp. 117–140.
- 1968: The Origins of Pragmatism, Londres, Macmillan.
- 1969: Metaphysics and Common Sense, Londres, Macmillan.
- 1971: Russell and Moore: The Analytical Heritage, Londres, Macmillan.
- 1972: Probability and Evidence, Londres, Macmillan.
- 1972: Bertrand Russell, Londres, Fontana.
- 1973: The Central Questions of Philosophy, Londres, Weidenfeld.
- 1977: Part of My Life, Londres, Collins.
- 1979: "Replies", en G. Macdonald, ed., Perception and Identity: Essays Presented to A. J. Ayer, With His Replies, Londres, Macmillan; Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press.
- 1980: Hume, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- 1982: Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, Londres, Weidenfeld.
- 1984 Freedom and Morality and Other Essays, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
- 1984: More of My Life, Londres, Collins.
- 1986: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Londres, Penguin.
- 1988:Thomas Paine, Londres, Secker & Warburg.
- 1989: "That undiscovered country", New Humanist, Vol. 104 (1), mayo, pp. 10–13.