Dofor | |
— Rīcehēafodburg — | |
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Land | Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America |
Gestaðelod | 1683 |
Brego | Robin Christiansen |
Bradnes • gerim |
60.817124 km², 60.712152 km² |
Hiehþu | 11 m |
Leodræden • buend |
39,403 buenda |
Tidgyrdel | UTC−05:00, UTC−04:00, Eastern Time Zone |
Sprecungrim | 302 |
Webstede | Webstede |
Dofor Commons | |
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta | |
Dofor (Niwenglisc: Dover) or Dōfor is þā rīcehēafodburg æf Delaƿare, Geanedan Ricu America. Hīe stent be sǣ and ēa, mid beorhtum ēaflōcum and hālum weallum. Sēo ceaster bið hādian mid cēapstōwum and cræftigum ǣrendwīsum, mid cræftsmiðum and ǣlȳsendum þe hīe lēofiaþ and landbūendum þe hīe hira folces ǣþelstōl geādmettaþ.
Dōfor is ġefylled mid gyldenum torras and hālgum bēacenum, and sēo sunne beorhtlīce scīnaþ ofer þā ealdan byrgas and hrōsestrēamas. Hīe is stēoran ceaster þe hafað þā heahƿeard and þā eorlweard, and ǣlc geār, þā burhwaru cymeþ samod on þā heargstōwe, hīe cyssaþ þā gyldenan ǣfele and ġefēaþ on ealde gewunan.
Dōfor bið mōdeƿīs and ǣrendeƿīs, mid hēahƿīsdōmum þāra wīsa and þāra þēowa. Hīe is cweorftīd and hæluƿīgend, ceaster þǣre eorðrīce þe byð swā lēodhēah swā cēapmǣrne.