Hƿæsingatun, D.C. | |
— Hēafodburg — | |
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Motto: Taxation without representation | |
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Land |
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Heafodstol | no value |
Gestaðelod | 16 Æfterra Liða 1790 |
Brego | Muriel Bowser |
Bradnes • gerim |
177 km² |
Hiehþu | 72 m |
Leodræden • buend |
689,545 buenda |
Tidgyrdel | Eastern Time Zone, UTC−05:00, UTC−04:00, America/New_York |
Sprecungrim | 202 |
Webstede | Webstede |
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Hƿæsingatūn, D.C. (Columbian scīr, Niwenglisc: District of Columbia) is sēo hēafodstōl þāra Geānlǣhtan Rīcu American. Sēo burg nis nǣnig rīce, noþþe ānne rīce self; ac hēo siteþ trēoƿiendlice scīrum.
Stǣred on Æfterra Līce þone 16 Mǣdmōnað 1790, wæs sēo burh gesceapen tō þēnigane þæt sēo Þēodena ǣrende þēodan mihte and is setlōcod on ðæm ēastan bæce þæs Potomac Fēores, begeotan fram Mǣrlande tō ðǣm norþwestan and Firginiæ tō ðǣm suþwestan. Sēo ġēard stōd ūt of lande gesēndon fram þǣm twām rīcum tō bīdnigean āswīðe sēo unrǣdiga land.
Þāre burh tōwurdon wās sīde and geswenct be Pierres Ceorles L'Enfant, fræncisces byrding and ymbhwyrftbūend. Hƿæsingatūn, D.C. is wīd wīd for sīnra eaðmodiga nīwðeardaga, mid eardlīcum gemǣrum swā swā Se Unrǣd Hūs, Sēo Hlīt Hūs, and Sēo Hālȳ Sið and siðbrycge. Sēo Þēodena ǣ, sīo gedǣlde ēac frīgol dæla geseted fram weallum and byldingum, biþ symbolecenter Āmǣrcanre bōtscipe.
Būton þǣre rīcere ār, Hƿæsingatūn, D.C. is hām tō micle līffrēonda and gedwimorliċre gesǣlignesse. Sēo byrig þēowap wel ēac gemǣlīce of lēodlicum folce, and hyre wunian þā eornostlice sēo burh biþ woruldcyningstōl. Þā ciriclican cīeres on þǣre mǣgŷre, sēo heora fornicastel healdaþ be þām geāndungum tō hyre geðēode, offriendende mycelgemǣlum of cræftum, stīþ and rūh, biþēoniges, and sīnra gemynda. Þēon þǣre burhra ǣwum, mid bīwealdigende byldingum and ēhtigend āgēan sīnra ǣwa gewrixle. Swā swā sēo hrōðor stede Æmǣrcena wīsdōmes and gemǣnsumiend and þæs þēodan þrīste, biþ Hƿæsingatūn, D.C. sīo byrig bānwide mǣst ġeþēodlīc and þǣrforan sīo burh symble gehīeþ under þǣm hlīsan.
Hƿæsingatūn, D.C. wæs stǣred swā þæt sīo burh wæs hālend Āmǣricena rīces. Hēo getimbrode wæs on Mǣdmōnað 16 dæge, on þæm geāre 1790, bī Marianland and Firginiæ landgemǣrum, þæt sīe sēo frēondelic byrig and sēo ġebēorscipe mid and weard Þēodena rīce.[1]
Sēo rīce hæfde þās ēaðmodige dǣde mid þǣre stōwe, tōweard on þǣm ēastan bæce þæs Potomac Fēores, and seoġode þæt þǣre burh bebycge wǣre fram Marianland and Firginiæ. Þæt land wæs genōmen ofer sǣsmeoriende sprǣca be Æfterra Līce þæs Ƿeallandwyrđan, and hit wæs ġeweorðod be Āmǣricena þēodene tō gemynde hēora þēodan hūs þēod and bebycge. Sēo rīce gesceāpede þā burh þæt hēo beforan eallum sīe unnytige, and on ðæm gefylle wæs þæt hit mǣste byrig Æmǣrcena beo mid symble beforan sēo rīce.
Sīo byrig wæs sīþan gesweotol and byldigende mid gemetliċum and beorhtum ceorlum, and hyra weorc tō rīce gesceāpedon sīo ealda cyningas. Hēora nīwum hūsum wæron symbole on ðām hīe hūs ġenēadedon, swā swā Sēo Hlīt Hūs and Sēo Hālȳ Sið, and þæt ealige land þæs Āmǣrcena þēodan. Swā þā burh līðendlice ġestryndon and ēaðmōdlice ǣtiewedon, and hire lēod fōr to ǣġsle gemynd hēora þēodan, Þēoden Georgius Hƿæsingatūn, þe sēo byrig sǣde swā hīe hǣle on ōþrum āreum.
Washington, D.C., sīo byrigwirðe and burgscearu, is rīmende mid ālǣdendlicum geðōhte and wīsdōme on ǣnlicum gesweorce. Þā burh wæs gecweden tō þēonigane Āmǣricena rīce, and sīo ēawfæstnung wæs ġeworðod be āhǣtan þæt ānnrǣda þēodan wæs. Sēo byriglīðung wæs befeald fram Pīerre Ceorle L'Enfant, fræncisces byrdinge and ġeworhtendes, sēo līðelīce geswuncon and heoroþe.[2]
Sēo burh scealde mid ālǣdendlicum hūsum, gǣtum, and strǣtum, þe sīðe gefērdlīce on æmtīdum þǣm ġēardum and þǣre sād. Hūsas þā wǣron gemetliċe ġeworhte, and sīo byrig hæfde symbole neoclāssical stȳle bygginga, swā swā Sēo Þēodenlic Hūs, Sēo Hlīt Hūs, and Sēo Hālȳ Sið.[3]
Ðǣr is sēo Sǣland þæt lið under þǣm mǣgan beorge,[4] and on þǣm is geāndendungra bygginga, swā swā þæt Þēodena Hūs, þe lið beforan þām geārde. Þāre burgscearu is rīmig and bīlandig, mid cyreġumaðlīc līð, gītende symble and þēodlīcum lēodum. Þǣr byð tō wīdan wæðme, sēo nǣnig oþer byrig byð gelīc.[5]
Washington, D.C. līð under þām scīran and heaþorlandscipe, beþencendlice æt þǣre gārsecge þæs Potomac Fēores, on beorgum and sēaþum mid clifum. Þǣr is tō wuduweard þæt hrōfsteal, þǣr þā treo beorhtwigaþ and folde sīo ætflīhte. Sēo eorþe byð gelīce geswenct mid wǣtum and dēopum hrīofum, swā þæt sīo sǣlond wyrðeð yþumlēo and sǣfloða. Þǣr byð feldland, þǣr þā sceapan gongap and grǣpa sēo wæstmfulle eorþe.
Þæt līþeond fēorþ, þæt bið ðone þrymcēadigan geofon, is swēge ābūgend and stīðrǣccendlīc. Þǣr bīoð hālige wīndas and ceald hōsas, þe wyrme and stæfðīglic lufiaþ on sumera and ġecyndiglice and ealdfæst hæta and āsceaftiglice cyle on wintra. Sēo eorþe sceawiaþ hīe sīo rihtlīce dǣg and þā cealdan niht, and þā lyft is smēorige mid cwiclicum scīnendum, sēo gebyrneþ þā morgenrēsan and sunnsetlgongan on sīþfæðme.
Washington, D.C., þū eart wundorlice ġeāweard, bēorht and ēacen, ġeārdǣge and winterlēoþe, sēo þæt land brīcð on hire gemǣrum and fācnadum.
Washington, D.C., sīo byrigwirðe, biþ gedǣlendliclīce byriȝþe on þǣre þēode ǣrende swāswā Āmǣricena þēodenrīce. Sēo byrig stent bī þǣm sīþfæðme þæs unryhtlīce ūtcastendlican āræfnan, sēo þā rīce scapode tō sēcanne gemyndig þæt hēo biþ þǣm gesǣligran oferfylgendan þēodan hūs and beorgiendan byrig.[6]
Þæt mǣre Hūs þæs Þēodena, sēo Hlīt Hūs, and sēo Ƿīsdōmbora byð gesetnode in þǣre byrig, sēo biþ bebycge þæt is on þām þrīttigðan grēote on Æfterra Līce þæs Potomac Fēores. Sēo byrig bīoð sīþfæþme ġeworðode be þǣm witan and þām hālgan, þæt þā gemǣro beforan Āmǣricena þēodenrīces bēon gesweotol and gehealden.
Sēo burh scealde ǣrest tō sēcanne witan, and sīþþan in þǣre stōwe, þǣr byþ cōsenan ġehātene fram beorgiendum byrde ġesetned. Þǣr is mǣgþrād and ceorlþegn sittende on þām sīþfæþme þæs Hlītena Hūses, sēo ūtcastrige and lēode ābyrgan biþ gehāten. Sēo beorgiende byrig hæfð hīora agen rad and ǣrende, and sīþþan sēo byrig wurþað on lēode gelīce gesweotol and āsceattode, þǣr byð þǣm heofonlīcum āðelinge þēawas gehīerede.
Þæt rīcere witan and witan þæs Āmǣricena rīces beoð sēo byrig geswutollice līgeþ and stiernap, sēo frēa beorgan and beorgendan heora ġesǣlignesse and sibbe. Eallunga bið sēo burh fūllīce under þǣm wīsdōmǣrum and wēlsprǣcum rīcere hālgan ġestīgd, and sīþþan sēo burh hlāfordige on friþe and wuldre, gebede and ġesealu.
Sēo Johannes F. Kennedy Center for þǣre wyrcendlīċan hādes bið andlang þǣre Potomac Fēores.[7] Washington, D.C. is sēo midst þǣre þēode for hire listum. Sēo Þēodena Sympfonisc Orchestre, sēo Washington Þēodena Þēagung, and sēo Washington Bǣlhūs sind ealle binnan þǣre Johannes F. Kennedy Center for þǣre wyrcendlīċan hādes. Sēo Kennedy Center Ealdorcyningas synd gesealde ǣfre geār tō þǣm folce þe swīþor hælpe þǣre gemyndlican līfe þǣre Unrǣda Þēodena.[8] Sēo Cyning and Sēo Formlīca gāþ gewunelīce tō þǣm Gyldenbōcum geþēode.[9]
Þǣr sind eac manig bōcas and byrgels binnan Washington, D.C.. Sēo Smithsonian stīreþ manige wīsdōmbōcas.[10]
Forscītung ūm Washington, D.C. līþ mid andlong þǣre Potomac Fēores, þǣr sind seofon fyrdrincas þe byrgiaþ be þǣm mǣrlicum þēode. Hīe sind gehātene "Cynehȳrde," "Wizards," "Mystics," "Nationals," "D.C. Geǣxlīen," "Capitals," and "Spirit."
Hƿæsingatun Cynehȳrde synt americanisc fōtballteam in Þēodlic Fōtball Leaga be þǣm āwīegendlicum hǣþene, būtan ende and ealdan þrāgum.[11][12] Hīe hæfaþ stǣðe in sēo byrig and bebycgaþ þā ārǣrne scild þurh mægþrād and hōsum. Wizards sind sēo sibbunge þe wīsan ēald and nīwe magiċcraeftas on sēo byrig. Hīe wyrceaþ wundorfulle geswincas on þǣre hringbearwe, mid bealdre cræftigcundnesse and frōforfulre fȳlþe. Mystics sind byrnegeceorlas þe hrīnan and stīgan on þā gemȳnan grēot, þā þe līðenda sprǣca and wīsdo mēttaþ. Hīe wyrcaþ on sēo gyfenlēaste ġebegennesse, mid sēo ǣtheġnesse and sylfumtrūwe.
Nationals synd rīcewara āðela þe wealdað þæt land, hīe fēohtaþ on þǣm lēodhere mid scyttelum and byrnum. Hīe habbaþ micelne galdor beforan sēo þēod, and hīe bealdlīce beorciaþ on þā tīd þe hīe sēo ceald and stīðrǣccendlic wēaðer geāwaraþ. D.C. Geǣxlīen is sēo beorhtlīce ġemǣne gyldfōtþōðer in Major Gyldfōtþōðer Leaga, þe byrgaþ and gefeohtaþ beforan sēo byrig, mid fēohtendum þæt sind þæt land. Hīe habbaþ sāwl and gāst and beofiaþ for þǣm wēaðeru and windas, hēora æþelingas wuniap and wyrcaþ on þǣm sīþfæðme.
Capitals sind sēo cempa þe gefeohtaþ on þǣm winterlēoþe, mid īsingum and sēo byrighearod. Hīe scinnaþ beforan þām hēafodstede, mid sēo heofonlīcere gāstfæðme and hūsung. Spirit sind sēo wundorfulle gyfe and mægð þe byrgiaþ sēo byrigwirðe and hīera lēoda sǣl. Hīe cyrriaþ on windum and geblēom, and hīe gefeohtaþ on sēo gyfenlēaste on feld and byrgenum. Hīe synd mōdgeþōhte on ġemynde and ēadig, and hīera lēod sittaþ in wynsumum feldum and gefērscipe.
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