Thomas Moore (botaniste)

Thomas Moore
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Abréviation en botanique
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Thomas Moore est un botaniste et un horticulteur britannique, né le à Stoke next Guildford et mort le .

Il dirige le jardin botanique de Chelsea. Il participe notamment à la publication de The Florist and Garden Miscellany (1850-1851), The Gardener’s Magazine of Botany, Horticulture, Floriculture and Natural Science (1850-1852) et The Florist and Pomologist: a pictorial monthly magazine of flowers, fruits, and general horticulture (1862-1884). Son The elements of botany for families and schools sera plusieurs fois réédité.

  • A Handbook of British Ferns: intended as a guide and companion to fern culture and comprising scientific and popular descriptions of all the species indigenous to Britain, with remarks on their history and cultivation (Londres, 1848).
  • A Popular History of the British Ferns and the allied plants (Londres, 1851, réédité en 1855, 1862 et en 1865).
  • Avec John Lindley (1799-1865) et John Bradbury (1768-1823), The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland (Londres, 1855).
  • Le premier volume de The Floral Magazine: comprising figures and descriptions of popular garden flowers (les illustrations sont de W. Fitch ; Londres, 1860-1871).
  • The octavo nature-printed British ferns (deux volumes, Bradbury et Evans, 1859-1960).
  • British Ferns and their allies (George Routledge & Sons, Londres, 1866).
  • Avec J. Lindley, The Treasury of Botany; a popular dictionary of the vegetable kingdom; with which is incorporated a glossary of botanical terms (Londres, 1866).
  • Avec George Jackman (1837-1887), The Clematis as a Garden Flower; being descriptions of the hardy species ... of Clematis ... and suggestions as to the purposes for which they are adapted in modern gardening (Londres, 1872).
  • Epitome of gardening (Édimbourg, 1881).

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T.Moore est l’abréviation botanique standard de Thomas Moore.

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