Tổng thống Ecuador

Tổng thống Hợp hiến của Cộng hòa Ecuador
Tổng thống Hợp hiến của Cộng hòa Ecuador
Tiêu chuẩn tổng thống
Đương nhiệm
Daniel Noboa

từ 23 tháng 11 năm 2023
Chi nhánh hành pháp của Chính phủ Ecuador
Kính ngữÔng Tổng thống hoặc Ngài Tổng thống
LoạiNguyên thủ quốc gia
Trưởng chính phủ
Dinh thựCung điện Carondelet
Bổ nhiệm bởiBầu cử phổ thông trực tiếp
Người đầu tiên nhậm chứcJuan José Flores
Thành lập22 tháng 9 năm 1830
Cấp phóPhó Tổng thống Ecuador
Lương bổng6.261 USD/tháng[1]

Tổng thống Ecuador (tiếng Tây Ban Nha: Presidente del Ecuador), chính thức được gọi là Tổng thống Hợp hiến của Cộng hòa Ecuador (tiếng Tây Ban Nha: Presidente Constitucional de la República del Ecuador),[2] vừa là nguyên thủ quốc gia vừa là thủ tướng của Ecuador. Đây là chức vụ chính trị cao nhất trong nước với tư cách là người đứng đầu nhánh hành pháp của chính phủ. Theo hiến pháp hiện hành, tổng thống có thể phục vụ hai nhiệm kỳ bốn năm. Trước đó, tổng thống chỉ có thể phục vụ một nhiệm kỳ bốn năm.

Tổng thống hiện tại của EcuadorDaniel Noboa, chính thức nhậm chức vào ngày 25 tháng 11 năm 2023.[3][4]

Danh sách tổng thống

[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]
No. Chân dung Tên
Thời gian tại nhiệm Đảng phái chính trị
1 Juan José Flores
May 3, 1830 September 10, 1834 Independent
2 Vicente Rocafuerte
September 10, 1834 January 31, 1839 Independent
(1) Juan José Flores
February 1, 1839 March 6, 1845 Independent
José Joaquín de Olmedo
March 7, 1845 December 8, 1845 Independent
3 Vicente Ramón Roca
December 8, 1845 October 15, 1849 Independent
Manuel de Ascásubi
October 15, 1849 December 7, 1850 Independent
4 Diego Noboa
December 8, 1850 September 12, 1851 Independent
5 José María Urvina
July 24, 1851 October 15, 1856 Independent
6 Francisco Robles
October 16, 1856 August 31, 1859 Independent
7 Gabriel García Moreno
January 17, 1861 August 30, 1865 Conservative Party
Rafael Carvajal
August 31, 1865 September 7, 1865 Conservative Party
8 Jerónimo Carrión
September 7, 1865 November 6, 1867 Conservative Party
Pedro José de Arteta
November 7, 1867 January 20, 1868 Conservative Party
9 Javier Espinosa
January 20, 1868 January 19, 1869 Conservative Party
Gabriel García Moreno
January 19, 1869 May 19, 1869 Conservative Party
Manuel de Ascásubi
May 19, 1869 August 10, 1869 Conservative Party
(7) Gabriel García Moreno
August 10, 1869 August 6, 1875 Conservative Party
Francisco Xavier León
August 6, 1875 September 15, 1875 Conservative Party
José Javier Eguiguren
September 15, 1875 December 9, 1875 Conservative Party
10 Antonio Borrero
December 9, 1875 September 8, 1876 Conservative Party
11 Ignacio de Veintemilla
September 8, 1876 January 10, 1883 Military
12 José Plácido Caamaño
October 15, 1883 June 30, 1888 Conservative Party
Pedro José Cevallos
July 1, 1888 August 17, 1888 Conservative Party
13 Antonio Flores Jijón
August 17, 1888 June 10, 1892 Republican Union Party
14 Luis Cordero Crespo
July 1, 1892 April 16, 1895 Republican Union Party
Vicente Lucio Salazar
April 16, 1895 June 5, 1895 Conservative Party
15 Eloy Alfaro
June 5, 1895 August 31, 1901 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
16 Leónidas Plaza
September 1, 1901 August 31, 1905 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
17 Lizardo García
September 1, 1905 January 15, 1906 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
(15) Eloy Alfaro
January 16, 1906 August 11, 1911 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Carlos Freile Zaldumbide
August 11, 1911 August 31, 1911 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
18 Emilio Estrada
September 1, 1911 December 21, 1911 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Carlos Freile Zaldumbide
December 22, 1911 March 5, 1912 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Francisco Andrade Marín
March 6, 1912 August 1, 1912 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Alfredo Baquerizo
August 1, 1912 September 1, 1912 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
(16) Leónidas Plaza
September 1, 1912 August 31, 1916 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
19 Alfredo Baquerizo
September 1, 1916 August 31, 1920 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
20 José Luis Tamayo
September 1, 1920 August 31, 1924 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
21 Gonzalo Córdova
September 1, 1924 July 9, 1925 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
22 Isidro Ayora
April 3, 1926 August 24, 1931 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Luis Larrea Alba
August 24, 1931 October 15, 1931 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Alfredo Baquerizo
October 15, 1931 August 28, 1932 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Carlos Freile Larrea
August 28, 1932 September 1, 1932 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Alberto Guerrero Martínez
September 2, 1932 December 4, 1932 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
23 Juan de Dios Martínez
December 5, 1932 October 19, 1933 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Abelardo Montalvo
October 20, 1933 August 31, 1934 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
24 José María Velasco Ibarra
September 1, 1934 August 21, 1935 Independent
Antonio Pons
August 21, 1935 September 25, 1935 Conservative Party
Federico Páez
September 26, 1935 October 23, 1937 Independent
Alberto Enríquez Gallo
October 23, 1937 August 10, 1938 Military
Manuel María Borrero
August 10, 1938 December 1, 1938 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
25 Aurelio Mosquera
December 2, 1938 November 17, 1939 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Carlos Alberto Arroyo del Río
November 18, 1939 December 10, 1939 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Andrés Córdova
December 11, 1939 August 10, 1940 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Julio Enrique Moreno
August 10, 1940 August 31, 1940 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
26 Carlos Alberto Arroyo del Río
September 1, 1940 May 28, 1944 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
Julio Teodoro Salem
May 29, 1944 May 31, 1944 Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party
(24) José María Velasco Ibarra
June 1, 1944 August 23, 1947 Independent
Carlos Mancheno Cajas
August 23, 1947 September 2, 1947 Military
27 Mariano Suárez Veintimilla
September 2, 1947 September 17, 1947 Conservative Party
28 C. J. Arosemena Tola
September 17, 1947 August 31, 1948 Independent
29 Galo Plaza
September 1, 1948 August 31, 1952 National Democratic Civic Movement
(24) José María Velasco Ibarra
September 1, 1952 August 31, 1956 Velaquista National Federation
30 Camilo Ponce Enríquez
September 1, 1956 August 31, 1960 Social Christian Party
(24) José María Velasco Ibarra
September 1, 1960 November 7, 1961 Velaquista National Federation
31 C. J. Arosemena Monroy
November 7, 1961 July 11, 1963 Independent
Military Junta of 1963 July 11, 1963 March 29, 1966 Military
Clemente Yerovi
March 30, 1966 November 16, 1966 Institutionalist Democratic Coalition
32 Otto Arosemena
November 16, 1966 August 31, 1968 Institutionalist Democratic Coalition
(24) José María Velasco Ibarra
September 1, 1968 February 15, 1972 Velaquista National Federation
Guillermo Rodríguez Lara
(born 1923)
February 15, 1972 January 11, 1976 Military
Supreme Council of Government January 11, 1976 August 10, 1979 Military
33 Jaime Roldós Aguilera
August 10, 1979 May 24, 1981 Concentration of People's Forces
34 Osvaldo Hurtado
(born 1939)
May 24, 1981 August 10, 1984 Popular Democracy
35 León Febres Cordero
August 10, 1984 August 10, 1988 Social Christian Party
36 Rodrigo Borja Cevallos
(born 1935)
August 10, 1988 August 10, 1992 Democratic Left
37 Sixto Durán Ballén
August 10, 1992 August 10, 1996 Republican Unity Party
38 Abdalá Bucaram
(born 1952)
August 10, 1996 February 6, 1997 Ecuadorian Roldosist Party
39 Rosalía Arteaga
(born 1956)
February 6, 1997 February 11, 1997 Independent Movement for an Authentic Republic
40 Fabián Alarcón
(born 1947)
February 11, 1997 August 10, 1998 Alfarista Radical Front
41 Jamil Mahuad
(born 1949)
August 10, 1998 January 21, 2000
Popular Democracy
42 Gustavo Noboa
January 22, 2000 January 15, 2003 Independent
43 Lucio Gutiérrez
(born 1957)
January 15, 2003 April 20, 2005 Patriotic Society Party
44 Alfredo Palacio
(born 1939)
April 20, 2005 January 15, 2007 Independent
45 Rafael Correa
(born 1963)
January 15, 2007 May 24, 2017 PAIS Alliance
46 Lenín Moreno
(born 1953)
May 24, 2017 May 24, 2021 PAIS Alliance
47 Guillermo Lasso
(born 1955)
May 24, 2021 November 25, 2023 Creating Opportunities
48 Daniel Noboa
(born 1987)
November 25, 2023 Incumbent National Democratic Action

Chú thích

[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]
  1. ^ “Shocking Gap Between Latin America's Presidential Salaries And Workers Minimum Wage”. Latin Post.
  3. ^ “Otra vez Álvaro Noboa quiere ser presidente y ahora competiría hasta con su hijo”. El Universo (bằng tiếng Tây Ban Nha). 30 tháng 5 năm 2023. Lưu trữ bản gốc ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2023. Truy cập ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2023.
  4. ^ “Daniel Noboa, presidente electo de Ecuador con el 87% de actas escrutadas”. Metro Ecuador (bằng tiếng Tây Ban Nha). 15 tháng 10 năm 2023. Lưu trữ bản gốc ngày 16 tháng 10 năm 2023. Truy cập ngày 15 tháng 10 năm 2023.
  5. ^ Barracca, Steven 'Military coups in the post-cold war era: Pakistan, Ecuador and Venezuela', Third World Quarterly, 28:1, 137 - 154

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