Frank Norris

Frank Norris
ing. Benjamin Franklin Norris
Doğum adı Bencamin Frenklin Norris
Təxəllüsü Frenk Norris
Doğum tarixi
Doğum yeri Çikaqo, İllinoys, ABŞ
Vəfat tarixi (32 yaşında)
Vəfat yeri San-Fransisko, Kaliforniya, ABŞ
Vəfat səbəbi peritonit
Dəfn yeri
  • Mauntin-Vyu qəbiristanlığı[d][1]
Vətəndaşlığı ABŞ ABŞ
Milliyyəti amerikan
Təhsili Berkli Kaliforniya Universiteti
Fəaliyyəti yazıçı, romançı, jurnalist
Fəaliyyət illəri 18981902
Əsərlərinin dili ingilis
İstiqamət naturalizm
Vikianbarın loqosu Vikianbarda əlaqəli mediafayllar

Bencamin Franklin Norris (ing. Benjamin Franklin Norris; 5 mart 1870[2][3][…], Çikaqo, İllinoys[4]25 oktyabr 1902[2][3][…], San-Fransisko, Kaliforniya[4]) — Amerikan yazıçısı, jurnalisti və romançısı.

Həyat və fəaliyyəti

[redaktə | vikimətni redaktə et]

Frank Norris 5 mart 1870-ci ildə İllinoys ştatının Çikaqo şəhərində anadan olmuşdur. Onun atası Çikaqolu biznesmen Bencamin, anası Qertrude Qlorvina Doqqet isə olmuşdur. 1890-cı ildə Berkli Kaliforniya Universitetinə daxil olmuş, 1894-cü ildə oranı bitirmişdir. Yaradıcılığında fransız yazıçısı Emil Zolyanın təsiri olmuşdur. 1892-ci ildə romantik poemaları "İnterval, Feodal Fransası nağılı" (ing. Yvernell, A Tale of Feudal France" romantik poemasını nəşr etdirmişdir. "Vandover və heyvan" (1895; nəşri 1914), "Maktiq" (1893-1897, nəşri 1899) romanlarında Amerika həyat tərzi tənqid olunur. Yaradıcılığının zirvəsi sayılan "Qaniçən" (1901, tamamlanmış "Taxıl eposu" trilogiyasının 1-ci hissəsi) tarixi romanında amerikan xalqının imperialist inhisarlara qarşı mübarzəsi təsvir olunur. Frank Norris 25 oktyabr 1902-ci ildə Kaliforniya ştatının San-Fransisko şəhərində vəfat etmişdir.

  • Åhnebrink, Lars (1961). The Beginnings of Naturalism in American Fiction: A Study of the Works of Hamlin Garland, Stephen Crane, and Frank Norris. New York: Russell & Russell .
  • Anderson, Grace E. (1933). A Dictionary of Characters in the Novels of Frank Norris. University of Kansas.
  • Armes, William Dallam (1902). "Concerning the Work of the Late Frank Norris," Sunset, Vol. X, pp. 165–167.
  • Bechter, Leslie G. (1939). Frank Norris: his Place in the Development of the American Novel. State University of Iowa.
  • Bixler, Paul H. (1934). "Frank Norris's Literary Reputation," American Literature, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 109–121.
  • Borus, Daniel H. (1989). Writing Realism: Howells, James, and Norris in the Mass Market. University of North Carolina Press.
  • Boyd, Jennifer (1993). Frank Norris: Spatial Form and Narrative Time. New York: Peter Lang Pub. Incorporated.
  • Brooks, Van Wyck (1952). "Frank Norris and Jack London." In: The Confident Years: 1885–1915. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co.
  • Brown, Deming Bronson (1942). The Development of the Use of Symbolism in the Novels of Frank Norris. (M.A. Thesis), University of Washington.
  • Cargill, Oscar (1941). Intellectual America. New York: The Macmillan Company.
  • Clarke, Robert Montgomery (1932). Contemporary American Novelists: Frank Norris. (M. A. Thesis), Stanford University.
  • Clift, Denison Hailey (1907). "The Artist in Frank Norris," The Pacific Monthly, Vol. XVII, pp. 313–322.
  • Cooper, Frederic Taber (1899). "Frank Norris, Realist," The Bookman, Vol. 10, pp. 234–238.
  • Cooper, Frederic Taber (1911). "Frank Norris." In: Some American Story Tellers. New York: Henry Holt & Company, pp. 295–330.
  • Cowley, Malcolm (1947). "'Not Men': A Natural History of American Naturalism," Kenyon Review, Vol. IX, pp. 414–435.
  • Crane, Warren Eugene (1939). The Life and Works of Frank Norris as a Reflection of Historical and Literary Trends between 1890 and 1902. (M.A. Thesis), University of Washington.
  • Davison, Richard Allan (1981). "Frank Norris and the Arts of Social Criticism," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 77–89.
  • Dillingham, William B. (1969). Frank Norris: Instinct and Art. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Dobie, Charles Caldwell (1928). "Frank Norris, or, up from Culture," The American Mercury, Vol. 13, pp. 412–424.
  • East, Jr., Harry M. (1912). "A Lesson from Frank Norris," Overland monthly, Vol. 60, pp. 633–634.
  • Frohock, Wilbur Merrill (1968). Frank Norris. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Garland, Hamlin (1903). "The Work of Frank Norris," The Critic, Vol. XLII, pp. 216–218.
  • Ghodes, Clarence Louis Frank (1951). "The Facts of Life versus Pleasant Reading." In: The Literature of the American People. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, pp. 737–762.
  • Goodrich, Arthur (1902). "Frank Norris," Current Literature, Vol. XXXIII, p. 764.
  • Goodrich, Arthur (1903). "Norris, the Man," Current Literature, Vol. XXXIV, p. 105.
  • Goldsmith, Arnold Smith (1953). Free Will, Determinism and Social Responsibility in the Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Frank Norris and Henry James. (Ph.D. Dissertation), University of Wisconsin.
  • Goldsmith, Arnold Smith (1958). "The Development of Frank Norris's Philosophy." In: Studies in Honor of John Wilcox. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Graham, Don (1978). The Fiction of Frank Norris: The Aesthetic Context. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.
  • Grattan, C. Hartley (1929). "Frank Norris," The Bookman, Vol. 69, pp. 506–510.
  • Harrison, Robert (1941). The Writings of Frank Norris as Viewed by his Contemporaries. (M.A. Thesis), Ohio University.
  • Hart, James D. (1970). A Novelist in the Making: Frank Norris. Harvard University Press.
  • Hill, Marion V. (1954). A Study of Thematic Forces in the Novels of Frank Norris. (M.A. Thesis), Bownling Green State University.
  • Hill, John Stanley (1960). Frank Norris's Heroines. University of Wisconsin.
  • Hochman, Barbara (1988). The Art of Frank Norris, Storyteller. University of Missouri Press ISBN 0-8262-0663-8
  • Howells, William Dean (1965). "Frank Norris (1870–1902)." In: Criticism and Fiction. New York University Press, pp. 276–282.
  • Hussman, Lawrence E. (1998). Harbingers of a Century: The Novels of Frank Norris. New York: Peter Lang Pub Inc.
  • Johnson, George W. (1961). "Frank Norris and Romance," American Literature, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 52–63.
  • Kaplan, Charles (1952). Frank Norris and the Craft of Fiction. (Ph.D. Dissertation), Northwestern University.
  • Kusler, Gerald E. (1950). The Evolution of Frank Norris. (M.A. Thesis), State University of Iowa.
  • Kwiat, Joseph J. (1953). "The Newspaper Experience: Crane, Norris and Dreiser," Nineteenth Century Fiction, Vol. VIII, pp. 99–117.
  • Letizia, Louise M. (1950). Frank Norris: A Study in Contrasts and Contradictions. (M.A. Thesis), University of Pittsburgh.
  • Logue, Charles William (1949). Frank Norris: A Study in Romantic Realism. (M.A. Thesis), St. John University.
  • Marchand, Ernest (1942). Frank Norris: A Study. Oxford University Press.
  • Matthews, Margaret Moore (1937). Frank Norris: Pioneer Realist. (M.A. Thesis), University of South Carolina.
  • McCormick, Paul S. (1931). Frank Norris and the American Epic. (M.A. Thesis), Columbia University.
  • McElrath, Joseph R. (1978). "Frank Norris: A Biographical Essay," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 219–234.
  • McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. (1988). Frank Norris and the Wave: A Bibliography. New York: Garland Pub.
  • McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. (1992). Frank Norris: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • McElrath, Joseph R. (1993). "Frank Norris' 'The Puppets and the Puppy': LeContean Idealism or Naturalistic Skepticism?," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 50–59.
  • McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. and Crisler, Jesse S. (2006). Frank Norris: A Life. University of Illinois Press ISBN 0-252-03016-8 (the definitive biography of Norris)
  • McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. and Crisler, Jesse S. (2013). Frank Norris Remembered. University of Alabama Press.
  • McGinn, Richard Joseph (1954). The Characterization of Women in the Novels of Frank Norris. (M.A Thesis), Columbia University.
  • Mitchell, Marvin O'Neill (1953). A Study of Realistic and Romantic Elements in the Fiction of E. W. Howe, Joseph Kirkland, Hamlin Garland and Harold Frederic and Frank Norris, 1882–1902. (Ph.D. Dissertation), University of North Carolina .
  • Musich, Gerald Donald (1973). Frank Norris' Character Types. University of Wisconsin–Madison .
  • Norris, Charles G. (1914). Frank Norris, 1870–1902. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co.
  • Pallette, Drew B. (1934). The Theories and Practice of Frank Norris as Related to his California Background. (M.A. Thesis), University of Southern California.
  • Parrington, Vernon Louis (1928). "The Development of Realism." In: The Reinterpretation of American Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
  • Patee, Fred Lewis (1937). The New American Literature, 1890–1930. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company.
  • Phillips, Marion B. (1922). Aspects of the Naturalistic Novel in America. (M.A. Thesis), University of California.
  • Piper, Henry Dan (1956). "Frank Norris and Scott Fitzgerald," Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 393–400.
  • Pizer, Donald (1958). "Romantic Individualism in Garland, Norris and Crane," American Quarterly, Vol. X, No. 4, pp. 463–475.
  • Pizer, Donald (1966). The Novels of Frank Norris. Indiana University Press .
  • Preston, Harriet Waters (1903). "The Novels of Mr. Norris," Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XCI, pp. 691–692.
  • Ramsay, Orrington Cozzens (1950). Frank Norris and Environment. (Ph.D. Dissertation), University of Wisconsin.
  • Rosa, Matthew Whiting (1929). Frank Norris. (M.A. Thesis), Columbia University.
  • Smith, Allan Lloyd (1995). "Frank Norris: The Crisis of Representation," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 74–83.
  • Spector, Michael Jay (1962). Frank Norris and Human Nature. University of Wisconsin–Madison.
  • Stegner, Wallace (1965). The American Novel: from James Fenimore Cooper to William Faulkner. New York: Basic Books .
  • Thorp, Willard (1960). American Writing in the Twentieth Century. Harvard University Press.
  • Todd, Frank M. (1902). "Frank Norris, Student, Author and Man," University of California Magazine, Vol. VIII, pp. 349–356.
  • Toher, Martha Dimes (1982). "'The Music of the Spheres': The Diapason in Frank Norris's Works," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 166–181.
  • Underwood, John Curtis (1914). "Frank Norris." In: Literature and Insurgency. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, pp. 130–178.
  • Walker, Franklin (1932). Frank Norris: A Biography. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc.

Xarici keçidlər

[redaktə | vikimətni redaktə et]
  1. Find a Grave (ing.). 1996.
  2. 1 2 Frank Norris // Encyclopædia Britannica (ing.).
  3. 1 2 Frank Norris // Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ing.). 1995.
  4. 1 2 Норрис Фрэнк // Большая советская энциклопедия (rus.): [в 30 т.]. / под ред. А. М. Прохорова 3-е изд. Москва: Советская энциклопедия, 1969.