Sir yn nhalaith Nebraska, Unol Daleithiau America yw Boone County. Cafodd ei henwi ar ôl Daniel Boone. Sefydlwyd Boone County, Nebraska ym 1871 a sedd weinyddol y sir (a elwir weithiau'n 'dref sirol' neu'n 'brifddinas y sir') yw Albion.
Mae ganddi arwynebedd o 1,780 cilometr sgwâr. Allan o'r arwynebedd hwn, y canran o ffurfiau dyfrol, megis llynnoedd ac afonydd, yw 0.1% . Yn ôl cyfrifiad y wlad, poblogaeth y sir yw: 5,379 (1 Ebrill 2020)[1]. Mewn cymhariaeth, yn 2016 roedd poblogaeth Caerdydd yn 361,462 a Rhyl tua 26,000.[2]
Mae'n ffinio gyda Antelope County, Nance County, Wheeler County, Greeley County, Madison County, Platte County. Cedwir rhestr swyddogol o henebion ac adeiladau cofrestredig y sir yn: National Register of Historic Places listings in Nebraska.
Map o leoliad y sir o fewn Nebraska |
Lleoliad Nebraska o fewn UDA
Ceir sawl sir o’r un enw gan gynnwys:
Mae gan y sir yma boblogaeth o tua 5,379 (1 Ebrill 2020)[1]. Dyma rai o'r dinasoedd, trefi neu gymunedau mwyaf poblog y sir:
Rhestr Wicidata:
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.
Taleithiau Unol Daleithiau America |
| Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Califfornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Mecsico Newydd, Efrog Newydd, Gogledd Dakota, Gogledd Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, De Dakota, De Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Gorllewin Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, District of Columbia, Samoa America, Ynysoedd Americanaidd y Wyryf, Guam, Ynysoedd Gogledd Mariana, Puerto Rico |
Siroedd (a phrif drefi) o fewn talaith Nebraska |
| Adams County, Antelope County, Arthur County, Banner County, Blaine County, Boone County, Box Butte County, Boyd County, Brown County, Buffalo County, Burt County, Butler County, Cass County, Cedar County, Chase County, Cherry County, Cheyenne County, Clay County, Colfax County, Cuming County, Custer County, Dakota County, Dawes County, Dawson County, Deuel County, Dixon County, Dodge County, Douglas County, Dundy County, Fillmore County, Franklin County, Frontier County, Furnas County, Gage County, Garden County, Garfield County, Gosper County, Grant County, Greeley County, Hall County, Hamilton County, Harlan County, Hayes County, Hitchcock County, Holt County, Hooker County, Howard County, Jefferson County, Johnson County, Kearney County, Keith County, Keya Paha County, Kimball County, Knox County, Lancaster County, Lincoln County, Logan County, Loup County, McPherson County, Madison County, Merrick County, Morrill County, Nance County, Nemaha County, Nuckolls County, Otoe County, Pawnee County, Perkins County, Phelps County, Pierce County, Platte County, Polk County, Red Willow County, Richardson County, Rock County, Saline County, Sarpy County, Saunders County, Scotts Bluff County, Seward County, Sheridan County, Sherman County, Sioux County, Stanton County, Thayer County, Thomas County, Thurston County, Valley County, Washington County, Wayne County, Webster County, Wheeler County, York County |