Sir yn nhalaith Illinois, Unol Daleithiau America yw Menard County. Cafodd ei henwi ar ôl Pierre Menard. Sefydlwyd Menard County, Illinois ym 1839 a sedd weinyddol y sir (a elwir weithiau'n 'dref sirol' neu'n 'brifddinas y sir') yw Petersburg.
Mae ganddi arwynebedd o 817 cilometr sgwâr. Allan o'r arwynebedd hwn, y canran o ffurfiau dyfrol, megis llynnoedd ac afonydd, yw 0.3% . Yn ôl cyfrifiad y wlad, poblogaeth y sir yw: 12,297 (1 Ebrill 2020)[1]. Mewn cymhariaeth, yn 2016 roedd poblogaeth Caerdydd yn 361,462 a Rhyl tua 26,000.[2]
Mae'n ffinio gyda Mason County, Logan County, Sangamon County, Cass County. Cedwir rhestr swyddogol o henebion ac adeiladau cofrestredig y sir yn: National Register of Historic Places listings in Illinois.
Map o leoliad y sir o fewn Illinois |
Lleoliad Illinois o fewn UDA
Ceir sawl sir o’r un enw gan gynnwys:
Mae gan y sir yma boblogaeth o tua 12,297 (1 Ebrill 2020)[1]. Dyma rai o'r dinasoedd, trefi neu gymunedau mwyaf poblog y sir:
Rhestr Wicidata:
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.
Taleithiau Unol Daleithiau America |
| Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Califfornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Mecsico Newydd, Efrog Newydd, Gogledd Dakota, Gogledd Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, De Dakota, De Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Gorllewin Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, District of Columbia, Samoa America, Ynysoedd Americanaidd y Wyryf, Guam, Ynysoedd Gogledd Mariana, Puerto Rico |
Siroedd (a phrif drefi) o fewn talaith Illinois |
| Adams County, Alexander County, Bond County, Boone County, Brown County, Bureau County, Calhoun County, Carroll County, Cass County, Champaign County, Christian County, Clark County, Clay County, Clinton County, Coles County, Cook County, Crawford County, Cumberland County, DeKalb County, DeWitt County, Douglas County, DuPage County, Edgar County, Edwards County, Effingham County, Fayette County, Ford County, Franklin County, Fulton County, Gallatin County, Greene County, Grundy County, Hamilton County, Hancock County, Hardin County, Henderson County, Henry County, Iroquois County, Jackson County, Jasper County, Jefferson County, Jersey County, Jo Daviess County, Johnson County, Kane County, Kankakee County, Kendall County, Knox County, Lake County, LaSalle County, Lawrence County, Lee County, Livingston County, Logan County, Macon County, Macoupin County, Madison County, Marion County, Marshall County, Mason County, Massac County, McDonough County, McHenry County, McLean County, Menard County, Mercer County, Monroe County, Montgomery County, Morgan County, Moultrie County, Ogle County, Peoria County, Perry County, Piatt County, Pike County, Pope County, Pulaski County, Putnam County, Randolph County, Richland County, Rock Island County, Saline County, Sangamon County, Schuyler County, Scott County, Shelby County, St. Clair County, Stark County, Stephenson County, Tazewell County, Union County, Vermilion County, Wabash County, Warren County, Washington County, Wayne County, White County, Whiteside County, Will County, Williamson County, Winnebago County, Woodford County |