Sir yn nhalaith Montana, Unol Daleithiau America yw Treasure County. Sefydlwyd Treasure County, Montana ym 1919 a sedd weinyddol y sir (a elwir weithiau'n 'dref sirol' neu'n 'brifddinas y sir') yw Hysham.
Mae ganddi arwynebedd o 2,549 cilometr sgwâr. Allan o'r arwynebedd hwn, y canran o ffurfiau dyfrol, megis llynnoedd ac afonydd, yw 0.7% . Yn ôl cyfrifiad y wlad, poblogaeth y sir yw: 762 (1 Ebrill 2020)[1]. Mewn cymhariaeth, yn 2016 roedd poblogaeth Caerdydd yn 361,462 a Rhyl tua 26,000.[2]
Mae'n ffinio gyda Rosebud County, Big Horn County, Yellowstone County. Cedwir rhestr swyddogol o henebion ac adeiladau cofrestredig y sir yn: National Register of Historic Places listings in Montana.
Map o leoliad y sir o fewn Montana |
Lleoliad Montana o fewn UDA
Mae gan y sir yma boblogaeth o tua 762 (1 Ebrill 2020)[1]. Dyma rai o'r dinasoedd, trefi neu gymunedau mwyaf poblog y sir:
Rhestr Wicidata:
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.
Taleithiau Unol Daleithiau America |
| Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Califfornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Mecsico Newydd, Efrog Newydd, Gogledd Dakota, Gogledd Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, De Dakota, De Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Gorllewin Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, District of Columbia, Samoa America, Ynysoedd Americanaidd y Wyryf, Guam, Ynysoedd Gogledd Mariana, Puerto Rico |
Siroedd (a phrif drefi) o fewn talaith Montana |
| Beaverhead County, Big Horn County, Blaine County, Broadwater County, Carbon County, Carter County, Cascade County, Chouteau County, Custer County, Daniels County, Dawson County, Deer Lodge County, Fallon County, Fergus County, Flathead County, Gallatin County, Garfield County, Glacier County, Golden Valley County, Granite County, Hill County, Jefferson County, Judith Basin County, Lake County, Lewis and Clark County, Liberty County, Lincoln County, McCone County, Madison County, Meagher County, Mineral County, Missoula County, Musselshell County, Park County, Petroleum County, Phillips County, Pondera County, Powder River County, Powell County, Prairie County, Ravalli County, Richland County, Roosevelt County, Rosebud County, Sanders County, Sheridan County, Silver Bow County, Stillwater County, Sweet Grass County, Teton County, Toole County, Treasure County, Valley County, Wheatland County, Wibaux County, Yellowstone County |