Leo Jung[3],[4],[5],[6] est né le à Uherský Brod, Moravie. Il est le fils du rabbin Dr. Meir Tzvi Jung, rabbin de Mannheim, puis de Uherský Brod et de Londres, et de Esther (Ernestine) Jung (née Silberman)[7]. Le rabbin Meir Tzvi Jung est né en 1858 et est mort le à Londres[8].
Il fait partie d'une fratrie de 6 enfants: Lolla Bloch, Moses Jung, Julius Jung, Bertha Ehrentreu. et Gabriel Young. Lola Bloch est née en 1890 à Mannheim, Bade-Wurtemberg, Allemagne et est morte en 1970 à Londres[9].
Le rabbin Dr. Moses (Max) Jung, est professeur de religion comparée à l'université Columbia[10]. Il est né en 1891 à Uherský Brod, en Moravie et est mort en [11]. Julius "Yitzchok" Jung est né en , Uherský Brod, en Moravie, et est mort en 1975 à Londres[12]. Bertha Ehrentreu (Jung) est née le à Uherský Brod, en Moravie et est morte en 1962, à Manchester, Royaume-Uni[13]. Gabriel "Gablo" Young (Jung) est mort à Londres[14].
Israel of Tomorrow. The Jewish Library Series. 5. New York: Herald Square Press, 1946
Jewish Leaders, 1750-1940. The Jewish Library Series. 6. New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1953
Guardians of Our Heritage, 1724-1953. The Jewish Library Series.7. New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1958
Men of The Spirit. The Jewish Library Series. 8. New York: Kymson Publishing Co., 1964
Faith. The Jewish Library Series. 1. London, New York: Soncino Press, 1968
The Folk. The Jewish Library Series. 2. London, New York: Soncino Press, 1968
Woman. The Jewish Library Series. 3. New York, London: Soncino Press, 1970
Judaism in a Changing World. The Jewish Library Series. 4. London, New York, 1971
Panorama of Judaism. Part One. The Jewish Library Series. 5. London, New York: Soncino Press, 1974
Panorama of Judaism. Part Two. The Jewish Library Series.6. London, New York: Soncino Press, 1974
*Hyman B.Grinstein . A Short History Of The Jews In The United States. The Jewish Library Series. 7. London, New York: Soncino Press, 1980
The Path of a Pioneer The Autobiography of Leo Jung, The Jewish Library Series. 8. London, New York: Soncino Press, 1980
Autres ouvrages:
Business Ethics in Jewish Law. New York: Hebrew Publishing Company in conjunction with Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York, 1987
Crumbs and Characters: Sermons, Addresses, and Essays. New York: Night and Day Press, 5202/1942
Fallen Angels in Jewish, Christian, Mohammedan Literature. Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning; 1926. N.Y.: Ktav Publishing House, 1974. Originally presented as the author's thesis, University of London
Harvest, Sermons, Addresses, Studies. New York: P. Feldheim Inc., 1956.
Human Relations in Jewish Law, 1967. Reprintedt. as Between Man and Man. New York: Jewish Educational Press, 1976
Knowledge and Love in Rabbinic Lore. New York: Yeshiva University Press; (Department of Special Publications), 1963
Living Judaism. New York: Night and Day Press, 1927
Love and Life. New York: Philosophical Library, 1979
The Rhythm of Life: Sermons, Studies, Addresses. New York, New York: Pardes Publication House Inc., 5710/1950
Sages and Saints. Hoboken, New Jersey: Ktav Press, 1987
Towards Sinai: Sermons and Addresses. New York: Pardes Publishing House, 1929