Associazione nazionale sordi (Stati Uniti d'America)

National Association of the Deaf
Fondazione25 agosto 1880
Scopoprotezione e tutela dei sordi statunitensi
Sede centraleStati Uniti (bandiera) Silver Spring (Maryland)
PresidenteStati Uniti (bandiera) Christopher Wagner
Lingua ufficialelingua dei segni americana
Sito web

La National Association of the Deaf (in lingua italiana Associazione Nazionale dei Sordi) è l'associazione della comunità sorda statunitense.

Associazioni federati

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Membri statali

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Stato Membro Anno Note
  Alabama Alabama Association of the Deaf 1912 [1]
  Alaska Alaska Deaf Council [2]
  Arizona Arizona Association of the Deaf 1936 [3]
  Arkansas Arkansas Association of the Deaf 1893 [4]
  California California Association of the Deaf 1906 [5]
  Carolina del Nord North Carolina Association of the Deaf 1908 [6]
  Carolina del Sud South Carolina Association of the Deaf 1911 [7]
  Colorado Colorado Association of the Deaf 1904 [8]
  Connecticut Connecticut Association of the Deaf [9]
  Dakota del Nord North Dakota Association of the Deaf 1916 [10]
  Dakota del Sud South Dakota Association of the Deaf 1900 [11]
  Delaware Delaware Association of the Deaf [12]
  Distretto di Columbia District of Columbia Association of the Deaf [13]
  Florida Florida Association of the Deaf [14]
  Georgia Georgia Association of the Deaf 1910 [15]
  Hawaii Aloha State Association of the Deaf 1971 [16]
  Idaho Idaho Association of the Deaf 1931 [17]
  Illinois Illinois Association of the Deaf 1877 [18]
  Indiana Indiana Association of the Deaf 1886 [19]
  Iowa Iowa Association of the Deaf 1881 [20]
  Kansas Kansas Association of the Deaf 1909 [21]
  Kentucky Kentucky Association of the Deaf [22]
  Louisiana Louisiana Association of the Deaf 1908 [23]
  Maine Maine Association of the Deaf 1877 [24]
  Maryland Maryland Association of the Deaf [25]
  Massachusetts Massachusetts Association of the Deaf 1975 [26]
  Michigan Michigan Association of the Deaf 1887 [27]
  Minnesota Minnesota Association of the Deaf Citizens 1885 [28]
  Mississippi Mississippi Association of the Deaf
  Missouri Missouri Association of the Deaf [29]
  Montana Montana Association of the Deaf 1912 [30]
  Nebraska Nebraska Association of the Deaf 1902 [31]
  Nevada Nevada Association of the Deaf
  New Hampshire New Hampshire Association of the Deaf 1930
  New Jersey New Jersey Association of the Deaf 1967 [32]
  New York Empire State Association of the Deaf 1865 [33]
  Nuovo Messico New Mexico Association of the Deaf
  Ohio Ohio Association of the Deaf 1961 [34]
  Oklahoma Oklahoma Association of the Deaf 1910 [35]
  Oregon Oregon Association of the Deaf 1921 [36]
  Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Society for the Advancement of the Deaf 1891 [37]
  Rhode Island Rhode Island Association of the Deaf 1977 [38]
  Tennessee Tennessee Association of the Deaf 1897 [39]
  Texas Texas Association of the Deaf 1886 [40]
  Utah Utah Association of the Deaf 1909 [41]
  Vermont Vermont Association of the Deaf [42]
  Virginia Virginia Association of the Deaf 1891 [43]
  Virginia Occidentale West Virginia Association of the Deaf 1915 [44]
  Washington Washington Association of the Deaf
  Wisconsin Wisconsin Association of the Deaf 1876 [45]
  Wyoming Deaf Association of Wyoming

Membri territoriali

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  1. ^ Alabama Association of the Deaf
  2. ^ Alaska Deaf Council
  3. ^ Arizona Association of the Deaf
  4. ^ Arkansas Association of the Deaf, su URL consultato il 26 giugno 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 giugno 2019).
  5. ^ California Association of the Deaf
  6. ^ North Carolina Association of the Deaf
  7. ^ South Carolina Association of the Deaf
  8. ^ Colorado Association of the Deaf
  9. ^ Connecticut Association of the Deaf
  10. ^ North Dakota Association of the Deaf, su URL consultato il 26 giugno 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 aprile 2018).
  11. ^ South Dakota Association of the Deaf
  12. ^ Delaware Association of the Deaf
  13. ^ District of Columbia Association of the Deaf
  14. ^ Florida Association of the Deaf
  15. ^ Georgia Association of the Deaf
  16. ^ Aloha State Association of the Deaf, su URL consultato il 26 giugno 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 giugno 2019).
  17. ^ Idaho Association of the Deaf
  18. ^ Illinois Association of the Deaf
  19. ^ Indiana Association of the Deaf
  20. ^ Iowa Association of the Deaf
  21. ^ Kansas Association of the Deaf
  22. ^ Kentucky Association of the Deaf
  23. ^ Louisiana Association of the Deaf
  24. ^ Maine Association of the Deaf
  25. ^ Maryland Association of the Deaf
  26. ^ Massachusetts Association of the Deaf
  27. ^ Michigan Association of the Deaf
  28. ^ Minnesota Association of the Deaf Citizens
  29. ^ Missouri Association of the Deaf
  30. ^ Montana Association of the Deaf
  31. ^ Nebraska Association of the Deaf
  32. ^ New Jersey Association of the Deaf
  33. ^ Empire State Association of the Deaf
  34. ^ Ohio Association of the Deaf, su URL consultato il 26 giugno 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 giugno 2019).
  35. ^ Oklahoma Association of the Deaf
  36. ^ Oregon Association of the Deaf, su URL consultato il 26 giugno 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 giugno 2019).
  37. ^ Pennsylvania Society for the Advancement of the Deaf
  38. ^ Rhode Island Association of the Deaf, su URL consultato il 26 giugno 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 giugno 2019).
  39. ^ Tennessee Association of the Deaf, su URL consultato il 26 giugno 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 giugno 2019).
  40. ^ Texas Association of the Deaf
  41. ^ Utah Association of the Deaf
  42. ^ Vermont Association of the Deaf
  43. ^ Virginia Association of the Deaf
  44. ^ West Virginia Association of the Deaf
  45. ^ Wisconsin Association of the Deaf

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