Cet article recense des écrivains anglais qui ont écrit aussi bien en anglais qu'en d'autres langues.
Nom | Date de naissance | Date de décès | Genre 1 | Genre 2 |
Anonyme (The Battle of Maldon) | ? | ? | Poésie | |
Anonyme (Beowulf) | ? | ? | Poésie | |
Anonyme (The Finnsburh fragment) | ? | ? | ||
Anonyme (Judith) | ? | ? | Poésie | |
Anonyme (« Pearl Poet ») | 1300 ? | 1400 ? | Poésie | |
Abercrombie Lascelles | 1881 | 1938 | Poésie | |
Addison Joseph | 1672 | 1719 | ||
Ælfric d'Eynsham | 955 | 1020 | ||
Akenside Mark | 1721 | 1770 | Poésie | |
Amis Kingsley | 1922 | 1995 | Roman | |
Amis Martin | 1949 | |||
Anstey Christopher | 1724 | 1805 | Poésie | |
Alfred le Grand | 849 | 899 | ||
Arden John | 1930 | 2012 | Théâtre | |
Arnold Mary | 1851 | 1920 | ||
Arnold Matthew | 1822 | 1888 | Poésie | |
Ascham Roger | 1516 | 1568 | ||
Atkinson Kate | 1951 | |||
Attenborough David | 1926 | |||
Auden Wystan Hugh | 1907 | 1973 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Austen Jane | 1775 | 1817 | Roman | |
Austin Alfred | 1835 | 1913 | Poésie | |
Ayckbourn Alan | 1939 | Théâtre | ||
Ayres Pam | 1947 | Poésie | ||
Bayle St. John | 1822 | 1859 | écrivain voyageur | |
Bailey Philip James | 1816 | 1902 | Poésie | |
Bacon Francis | 1561 | 1626 | Roman | |
Balchin Nigel | 1908 | 1970 | ||
Bale John | 1495 | 1593 | Théâtre | |
Baring Maurice | 1874 | 1945 | ||
Barker Howard | 1946 | Théâtre | ||
Barker Harley Granville | 1877 | 1946 | ||
Barnes Barnabe | 1569 | 1609 | Théâtre | |
Barrett Elizabeth | 1806 | 1861 | Poésie | |
Barrow Isaac | 1630 | 1677 | ||
Bates Herbert Ernest | 1905 | 1974 | ||
Baxter Richard | 1615 | 1691 | ||
Beaumont Francis | 1484 | 1516 | Théâtre | |
Beckett Samuel | 1906 | 1989 | Théâtre | |
Beddoes Thomas Lovell | 1803 | 1849 | Poésie | |
Beer Patricia | 1924 | Poésie | ||
Behan Brendan | 1923 | 1964 | Théâtre | |
Belloc Hilaire | 1870 | 1953 | Poésie | Roman |
Bennett Arnold | 1867 | 1931 | Roman | |
Bentley Richard | 1662 | 1742 | Critique | |
Beresford John Davys | 1873 | 1947 | ||
Besant Walter | 1836 | 1901 | Roman | |
Betjeman John | 1906 | 1984 | Poésie | |
Blackburn Thomas | 1916 | 1977 | Poésie | |
Blackman Malorie | 1962 | Théâtre | ||
Blackmore Richard Doddrige | 1825 | 1900 | ||
Blake William | 1757 | 1827 | Poésie | |
Bloomfield Robert | 1766 | 1823 | Poésie | |
Blunden Edmund | 1896 | 1974 | Poésie | |
Blunt Wilfrid Scawen | 1867 | 1931 | ||
Blyton Enid | 1897 | 1968 | Littérature de jeunesse | |
Bolt Robert | 1924 | 1995 | Théâtre | |
Bonney Sean | 1969 | 2019 | Poésie | |
Borrow George Henry | 1803 | 1881 | ||
Bourchier John | 1467 | 1553 | ||
Bowen John | 1924 | Théâtre | Roman | |
Bowles William Lisle | 1792 | 1850 | Poésie | |
Boyd William | 1952 | |||
Braddon Mary Elizabeth | 1835 | 1915 | ||
Braine John | 1922 | 1986 | ||
Bridges Robert Seymour | 1844 | 1930 | Poésie | |
Brome Richard | 1590 | 1653 | Théâtre | |
Brontë Anne | 1820 | 1849 | Roman | Théâtre |
Brontë Charlotte | 1816 | 1855 | Roman | Théâtre |
Brontë Emily | 1818 | 1848 | Roman | Théâtre |
Brooke Rupert | 1887 | 1915 | Poésie | |
Brooke-Rose Christine | 1926 | |||
Brookner Anita | 1928 | 2016 | ||
Brophy Brigid | 1929 | 1995 | Théâtre | Roman |
Brough Robert | 1828 | 1860 | Poésie | Roman |
Browne Thomas | 1605 | 1682 | Théâtre | Roman |
Browne William | 1591 | 1643 | Poésie | |
Browning Robert | 1812 | 1889 | Poésie | |
Browning Elizabeth Barrett | 1806 | 1861 | Poésie | |
Buckeridge Anthony | 1912 | 2004 | ||
Buckle Henry Thomas | 1821 | 1862 | Historien | |
Bulwer-Lytton Edward | 1803 | 1873 | Roman | |
Bunyan John | 1628 | 1688 | Théâtre | |
Burke Edmund | 1729 | 1797 | ||
Burnet Gilbert | 1643 | 1715 | Historien | Roman |
Burney Fanny | 1752 | 1840 | ||
Burton Robert | 1577 | 1644 | ||
Joseph Butler | 1692 | 1752 | ||
Butler Samuel | 1612 | 1680 | Poésie | |
Butler Samuel | 1835 | 1902 | Théâtre | |
Byron George Gordon alias Lord Byron | 1788 | 1824 | Théâtre | |
Burgess Anthony | 1917 | 1993 | Roman | |
Burnett Frances Hodgson | 1849 | 1924 | ||
Byrd William | 1540 | 1623 | Poésie | |
Cædmon | ? | ? | Poésie | |
Campbell Reginald | 1894 | 1950 | ||
Campton David | 1924 | |||
Carew Thomas | 1598 | 1639 | Poésie | |
Carleton William | 1794 | 1869 | ||
Cary Joyce | 1888 | 1957 | ||
Carroll Lewis | 1832 | 1898 | Roman | |
Cartland Barbara | 1901 | 2000 | Roman | |
Caxton William | 1422 | 1491 | ||
Chadwick Charles | 1932 | Roman | ||
Chapman George | 1559 | 1634 | Théâtre | |
Chase James Hadley | 1906 | 1985 | Roman | |
Chatterton Thomas | 1752 | 1778 | Poésie | |
Chaucer Geoffrey | 1343 (environ) | 1400 | Poésie | |
Cheke John | 1514 | 1557 | ||
Chesterton G. K. | 1874 | 1936 | ||
Chettle Henry | 1560 | 1607 | Théâtre | |
Christie Agatha | 1891 | 1976 | Roman policier | Théâtre |
Churchill Winston | 1874 | 1965 | ||
Cibber Colley | 1671 | 1757 | Théâtre | |
Clare John | 1793 | 1864 | Poésie | |
Clarendon Edward Hyde | 1609 | 1674 | Historien | |
Clarke Arthur C. | 1917 | Roman | ||
Cleveland John | 1613 | 1658 | Poésie | |
Clough Arthur Hugh | 1819 | 1861 | Poésie | |
Cockton Henry | 1807 | 1853 | Roman | |
Coleridge Samuel Taylor | 1772 | 1834 | Poésie | |
Colet John | 1467 | 1519 | ||
Collins William | 1721 | 1759 | Poésie | |
Collins William lWilkie | 1824 | 1889 | ||
Colman the Elder George | 1732 | 1794 | ||
Compton-Burnett Ivy | 1892 | 1969 | ||
Congreve William | 1670 | 1729 | Poésie | |
Conrad Joseph | 1857 | 1924 | Roman | |
Cooper William | 1910 | |||
Coppard Alfred Edgar | 1878 | 1957 | ||
Coward Noel | 1899 | 1973 | Théâtre | |
Cowley Abraham | 1618 | 1667 | Poésie | |
Cowper William | 1731 | 1800 | Poésie | |
Crabbe George | 1754 | 1832 | Poésie | |
Crashaw Richard | 1612 | 1649 | Poésie | |
Cumberland Richard | 1732 | 1811 | Poésie | |
Cynewulf | ? | ? | Poésie | |
de la Mare Walter | 1873 | 1956 | Poésie | |
Danby William | 1752 | 1833 | ||
Daniel Samuel | 1562 | 1619 | Poésie | Critique |
Darley George | 1795 | 1846 | Poésie | |
Darwin Erasmus | 1731 | 1802 | Poésie | |
Davenant William | 1606 | 1668 | Théâtre | |
Davidson John | 1857 | 1909 | Poésie | |
Day John | 1574 | 1640 ? | Théâtre | |
Day Thomas | 1748 | 1789 | ||
Day-Lewis Cecil | 1904 | 1972 | Poésie | |
Defoe Daniel | 1660 ? | 1731 | Roman | |
Dekker Thomas | 1570 ? | 1632 ? | Théâtre | |
Delaney Shelagh | 1939 | 2011 | Théâtre | |
Deloney Thomas | 1543 ? | 1600 | ||
Denham John | 1615 | 1669 | Poésie | |
Dennis John | 1657 | 1734 | Critique | |
De Quincey Thomas | 1785 | 1859 | ||
Dickens Charles | 1812 | 1870 | Roman | |
Dickens Monica | 1915 | 1992 | ||
Dickinson Patrick | 1914 | Poésie | ||
Disraeli Benjamin | 1804 | 1881 | ||
Donne John | 1572 | 1631 | ||
Doyle Arthur Conan | 1859 | 1930 | Roman | |
Drabble Margaret | 1939 | Roman | ||
Drayton Michael | 1563 | 1631 | Poésie | |
Drinkwater John | 1882 | 1937 | Théâtre | |
Dryden John | 1631 | 1700 | Théâtre | |
du Maurier Daphne | 1907 | 1989 | Roman | |
Duncan Ronald | 1914 | 1982 | Théâtre | |
Durrell Lawrence | 1912 | 1990 | Théâtre | Roman |
Dyer John | 1699 | 1757 | Poésie | |
Edwards Richard | 1522 | 1566 | Théâtre | |
Eliot George | 1819 | 1880 | ||
Eliot T. S. | 1888 | 1965 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Ellwood Thomas | 1639 | 1713 | ||
Elyot Thomas | 1490 | 1546 | ||
Elliott Ebenezer | 1781 | 1849 | Poésie | |
Empson William | 1906 | Poésie | ||
Etherege George | 1635 | 1691 | Théâtre | |
Evelyn John | 1620 | 1706 | ||
Fielding Henry | 1707 | 1754 | Théâtre | |
Fielding Sarah | 1710 | 1768 | ||
Finch Anne, comtesse de Winchilsea | 1661 | 1720 | Poésie | |
Finney Patricia | 1958 | |||
Fleming Ian | 1908 | 1964 | Roman policier | |
Fletcher Giles | 1588 | 1623 | Poésie | |
Fletcher John | 1579 | 1625 | Théâtre | |
Fletcher Phineas | 1582 | 1650 | Poésie | |
Flint James | 1968 | |||
Follett Ken | 1949 | |||
Ford John | 1586 | 1639 ? | Théâtre | |
Forester C. S. | 1899 | 1966 | ||
Forster Edward Morgan | 1879 | 1970 | ||
Fowles John | 1926 | 2005 | ||
Fox George | 1624 | 1691 | ||
Foxe John | 1517 | 1587 | ||
Frayn Michael | 1933 | |||
Freeman Edward Augustus | 1823 | 1892 | Historien | |
Froude James Anthony | 1818 | 1894 | Historien | |
Fry Christopher | 1907 | 2005 | Théâtre | |
Fullom Stephen | 1818 | 1872 | Divers | |
Gaiman Neil | 1960 | Roman | ||
Galsworthy John | 1867 | 1933 | Théâtre | Roman |
Galt John | 1779 | 1839 | Roman | |
Gardiner Samuel Rawson | 1829 | 1902 | Historien | |
Garnett David | 1892 | 1981 | Roman | |
Garrick David | 1717 | 1779 | Théâtre | |
Gascoigne George | 1525 | 1577 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Gaskell Elizabeth | 1810 | 1865 | ||
Gay John | 1685 | 1732 | Poésie | |
Gibbon Edward | 1737 | 1794 | ||
Gissing George Robert | 1857 | 1903 | ||
Godwin William | 1756 | 1836 | Roman | Historien |
Golding William | 1911 | 1993 | Roman | Théâtre |
Goldsmith Oliver | 1728 | 1774 | Théâtre | Historien |
Gore Catherine Grace Frances | 1799 | 1861 | ||
Gosse Edmund | 1849 | 1928 | Poésie | |
Goudge Elizabeth | 1900 | 1984 | Roman | |
Gower John | 1330 ? | 1408 | Poésie | |
Grahame Kenneth | 1859 | 1931 | ||
Grand Sarah | 1854 | 1943 | ||
Graves Robert | 1895 | 1985 | ||
Gray Thomas | 1716 | 1771 | Poésie | |
Green Henry | 1905 | 1973 | Roman | |
Green John Richard | 1837 | 1883 | Historien | |
Greene Graham | 1904 | 1991 | Théâtre | Roman |
Greene Robert | 1560 | 1592 | Théâtre | |
Grocyn William | 1446 ? | 1519 | ||
Gunn Thom | 1929 | 2004 | Poésie | |
Gurney Hudson | 1775 | 1864 | Poésie | Histoire |
Hill Aaron | 1685 | 1750 | Théâtre | |
Habington William | 1605 | 1654 | Poésie | |
Haggard Henry Rider | 1856 | 1925 | ||
Hall Joseph | 1574 | 1656 | Poésie | |
Hallam Henry | 1777 | 1859 | Historien | |
Hankin John | 1869 | 1909 | Théâtre | |
Hanley Gerald | 1916 | |||
Harley George Davies | 1762 | 1811 | Poésie | |
Hardy Thomas | 1840 | 1928 | Poésie | |
Harrington James | 1611 | 1677 | ||
Hartley Leslie Poles | 1895 | 1972 | ||
Haughton William | 1575 | 1605 | Théâtre | |
Hughes Richard | 1900 | 1976 | Théâtre | |
Hazlitt William | 1778 | 1830 | Critique | |
Hazzard Shirley | 1931 | 2016 | ||
Hearn Lafcadio | 1850 | 1904 | ||
Heath-Stubbs John | 1918 | 2006 | Poésie | |
Henley William Ernest | 1849 | 1903 | Poésie | |
Heppenstall Rayner | 1911 | 1981 | ||
Herbert George | 1593 | 1633 | Poésie | |
Herrick Robert | 1591 | 1674 | Poésie | |
Hewlett Maurice Henry | 1861 | 1923 | ||
Heywood John | 1497 | 1580 | Théâtre | |
Heywood Thomas | 1574 | 1641 | Théâtre | |
Hinde Thomas | 1926 | |||
Heywood Holcroft | 1745 | 1809 | Théâtre | |
Holdstock Robert | 1948 | 2009 | ||
Holloway John | 1920 | 1947 | Poésie | |
Hood Thomas | 1799 | 1845 | Poésie | |
Hook Theodore Edward | 1788 | 1841 | ||
Hope Hawkins Anthony | 1863 | 1933 | Poésie | |
Hopkins Gerard Manley | 1844 | 1889 | Poésie | |
Hornby Nick | 1957 | |||
Horowitz Anthony | 1955 | Littérature de jeunesse | ||
Housman A. E. | 1859 | 1936 | Poésie | |
Howard Henry | 1517 | 1547 | Poésie | |
Hoyle Fred | 1915 | 2001 | ||
Hughes Ted | 1930 | 1998 | Poésie | |
Hudson William Henry | 1841 | 1922 | ||
Hunt Leigh | 1784 | 1859 | Poésie | |
Huxley Aldous | 1894 | 1963 | Roman | |
Huxley Thomas Henry | 1825 | 1895 | ||
Inge William Ralph | 1860 | 1954 | ||
Isherwood Christopher | 1904 | 1986 | ||
Iyer Lars | 1970 | Roman | Philosophie | |
Jack, Annie | 1839 | 1912 | ||
Jackson, Holly | 1992 | Roman policier | ||
James Phyllis Dorothy, dite P. D. James | 1920 | 2014 | Roman | |
Jefferies Richard | 1848 | 1887 | Roman | |
Jellicoe Anne | 1928 | 2017 | Poésie | |
Jerome Jerome K. | 1859 | 1927 | Roman | |
Johnson Samuel | 1709 | 1784 | Poésie | Roman |
Jonson Ben | 1573 | 1637 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Joyce James | 1882 | 1941 | Roman | |
Kane Sarah | 1971 | 1999 | Théâtre | |
Kavan Anna | 1901 | 1968 | ||
Keats John | 1795 | 1821 | Poésie | |
Keble John | 1792 | 1866 | Poésie | |
Kelly Fiona | 1959 | Littérature jeunesse | ||
Kennedy Margaret | 1896 | 1967 | ||
Killigrew Thomas | 1612 | 1683 | Théâtre | |
King Francis | 1923 | |||
Kinglake Alexander William | 1809 | 1891 | ||
Kingsley Charles | 1819 | 1875 | Poésie | Roman |
Kipling Rudyard | 1865 | 1936 | Roman | |
Koestler Arthur | 1905 | 1983 | ||
Kops Bernard | 1928 | Théâtre | ||
Kyd Thomas | 1558 | 1594 | Théâtre | |
Langland William | 1330 ? | 1400 ? | Poésie | |
Larkin Philip | 1922 | 1985 | Poésie | |
Latimer Hugh | 1485 ? | 1555 | ||
Lawrence D.H. | 1885 | 1930 | Poésie | Roman |
Lawrence Thomas Edward | 1888 | 1935 | ||
Lear Edward | 1812 | 1888 | Poésie | |
Le Carré John | 1931 | Roman | ||
Lecky William Edward Hartpole | 1838 | 1903 | Historien | |
Lee Nathaniel | 1653 ? | 1692 | Théâtre | |
Lennox Charlotte | 1730 | 1804 | Poésie | Roman |
Lessing Doris | 1919 | 2013 | Roman | |
Lever Charles James | 1868 | 1872 | ||
Levy Amy | 1861 | 1889 | ||
Lewis C. S. | 1898 | 1963 | Roman | |
Lewis Wyndham | 1882 | 1957 | ||
Lewis Matthew Gregory | 1775 | 1818 | ||
Lewycka Marina | 1946 | |||
Linacre Thomas | 1460 ? | 1524 | ||
Lillo George | 1693 | 1739 | Théâtre | |
Lloyd David | 1625 | 1691 | Biographie | |
Lloyd Robert | 1733 | 1763 | Poésie, théâtre | |
Livings Henry | 1929 | Théâtre | ||
Lodge David | 1935 | |||
Lodge Thomas | 1558 ? | 1625 | ||
Lovelace Richard | 1618 | 1658 | Poésie | |
Lover Samuel | 1797 | 1868 | ||
Lowry Malcolm | 1909 | 1957 | ||
Lydgate John | 1370 | 1451 | Poésie | |
Lyly John | 1554 ? | 1606 | Théâtre | |
Lytton Robert | 1831 | 1891 | ||
Macaulay Rose | 1889 | 1958 | ||
Macaulay Thomas Babington | 1800 | 1859 | Historien | |
McEwan Ian | 1948 | |||
Machen Arthur | 1863 | 1947 | ||
MacNeice Louis | 1907 | 1963 | Poésie | |
Mallet Lucas (pseudonyme de Mary Saint-Leger Harrison) | 1852 | 1931 | ||
Mallock William Hurrell | 1849 | 1929 | ||
Malory Thomas | 1430 | 1471 | ||
Mandeville Bernard | 1670 | 1733 | ||
Mango Andrew | 1926 | |||
Mansfield Charlotte | 1881 | 1936 | écrivain voyageur | Roman |
Mansfield Katherine | 1889 | 1923 | ||
Marlowe Christopher | 1564 | 1593 | Théâtre | Poésie |
Marryat Frederick | 1792 | 1848 | ||
Marston John | 1576 | 1634 | Théâtre | Poésie |
Marvell Andrew | 1621 | 1678 | Poésie | |
Maschwitz Eric | 1901 | 1969 | ||
Masefield John | 1878 | 1967 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Mason William | 1724 | 1797 | Poésie | |
Massinger Philip | 1583 | 1640 | Théâtre | |
Maturin Charles Robert | 1782 | 1824 | Roman | |
Maugham William Somerset | 1874 | 1965 | Théâtre | |
MacInnes Colin | 1914 | 1976 | ||
Malthus Thomas Robert | 1766 | 1834 | ||
McKenna Stephen | 1888 | 1967 | ||
Meredith George | 1828 | 1909 | Poésie | |
Merrick Léonard | 1864 | 1939 | ||
Meynell Alice | 1850 | 1922 | Poésie | |
Middleton Thomas | 1580 ? | 1627 | Théâtre | |
Milton John | 1608 | 1674 | Poésie | |
Mitford Nancy | 1904 | 1973 | ||
Mitford Mary Russell | 1787 | 1855 | ||
Morgan Charles Langbridge | 1894 | 1958 | Théâtre | |
Monsarrat Nicholas | 1910 | 1969 | ||
Moore Edward | 1712 | 1757 | Théâtre | |
Moore George | 1852 | 1933 | Poésie | Roman |
Moore Thomas | 1779 | 1852 | Poésie | |
Moore Thomas Sturge | 1870 | 1944 | Poésie | |
More Hannah | 1745 | 1833 | Théâtre | |
More Thomas | 1478 | 1535 | ||
Morpurgo Michael | 1943 | Roman pour la jeunesse | ||
Morris William | 1834 | 1896 | ||
Morrison Arthur | 1863 | 1945 | ||
Mortimer John | 1923 | 2009 | Théâtre | |
Mottram Ralph Hale | 1883 | 1971 | ||
Mowll Joshua | 1970 | Jeunesse | Roman | |
Murdoch Iris | 1919 | 1999 | ||
Nashe Thomas | 1567 | 1601 ? | ||
Neate Patrick | 1970 | |||
Nesbit Edith | 1858 | 1924 | ||
Newbery Linda | 1952 | Roman | ||
Newby Percy Howard | 1918 | |||
Newman John Henry | 1801 | 1890 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Nicholson Norman | 1914 | 1987 | Théâtre | |
Noon Jeff | 1957 | |||
Norton Thomas | 1532 | 1584 | Théâtre | |
O'Brien Edna | 1932 | Théâtre | Roman | |
Occleve Thomas | 1369 ? | 1426 | Poésie | |
O'Hagan Andrew | 1968 | Roman | ||
Orton Joe | 1933 | 1967 | Théâtre | |
Orwell George | 1903 | 1950 | Roman | |
Osborne John | 1929 | 1994 | Théâtre | |
Otway Thomas | 1652 | 1685 | Théâtre | |
Owen Wilfred | 1893 | 1918 | Poésie | |
Paltock Robert | 1697 | 1767 | ||
Parnell Thomas | 1679 | 1718 | Poésie | |
Parry David William | 1958 | Poésie | Théâtre, essais | |
Pater Walter Horatio | 1839 | 1894 | ||
Patmore Coventry | 1823 | 1896 | Poésie | |
Paver Michelle | 1960 | Roman | ||
Peacock Thomas Love | 1785 | 1866 | Roman | |
Peele George | 1558 | 1598 | Théâtre | |
Pepys Samuel | 1633 | 1703 | Poésie | |
Percy Thomas | 1729 | 1811 | Poésie | |
Philipps Stephen | 1868 | 1915 | Théâtre | |
Philips Ambrose | 1675 | 1749 | Poésie | |
Phillpotts Eden | 1862 | 1960 | ||
Pinero Arthur Wing | 1855 | 1934 | Théâtre | |
Pinter Harold | 1930 | 2008 | Théâtre | |
Pope Alexander | 1688 | 1744 | Poésie | |
Potter Beatrix | 1866 | 1943 | ||
Powell Anthony | 1905 | 2000 | ||
Powys Llewelyn | 1884 | 1939 | ||
Powys John Cowper | 1872 | 1963 | ||
Powys Theodore Francis | 1875 | 1953 | ||
Pratchett Terry | 1948 | 2015 | Roman | |
Priestley John Boynton | 1894 | 1984 | Théâtre | |
Prior Matthew | 1664 | 1721 | Poésie | |
Pritchett Victor Sawdon | 1900 | 1993 | Théâtre | |
Pullman Philip | 1946 | Roman | ||
Pym Barbara | 1980 | Nouvelles | ||
Quarles Francis | 1592 | 1644 | Poésie | |
Radcliffe Ann | 1764 | 1823 | Théâtre | |
Raine Kathleen | 1908 | 2003 | Poésie | |
Randolph Thomas | 1605 | 1635 | Théâtre | |
Ransome Arthur | 1884 | 1967 | ||
Rattigan Terence | 1911 | 1975 | Théâtre | |
Read Herbert | 1893 | 1968 | Poésie | |
Reade Charles | 1814 | 1884 | Poésie | |
Reeman Douglas | 1924 | Roman | ||
Reeve Clara | 1729 | 1807 | Roman | |
Reeves James | 1909 | 1978 | Poésie | |
Richardson Samuel | 1689 | 1761 | Roman | |
Ridler Anne | 1912 | 2001 | Poésie | |
Roberts Cecil | 1892 | 1976 | Science-Fiction | |
Emma Robinson | 1814 | 1890 | Roman | Théâtre |
Roche Eugenius | 1786 | 1829 | Théâtre | Poésie |
Rogers Samuel | 1763 | 1855 | Poésie | |
Rossetti Christina | 1830 | 1894 | Poésie | |
Rossetti Dante Gabriel | 1828 | 1882 | Poésie | |
Rowe Nicholas | 1674 | 1718 | Théâtre | |
Rowley William | 1585 | 1642 | Poésie | |
Rowling J. K. | 1965 | Roman | ||
Ruskin John | 1819 | 1900 | ||
Rutherford Mark | 1831 | 1913 | ||
Sackville Thomas | 1536 | 1608 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Sackville-West Vita | 1892 | 1962 | ||
Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) | 1870 | 1916 | ||
Sansom William | 1912 | 1976 | ||
Saunders James | 1925 | 2004 | Théâtre | |
Saint-John Henry | 1678 | 1751 | ||
Sassoon Siegfried | 1886 | 1967 | Poésie | |
Sayers Dorothy L. | 1893 | 1957 | ||
Scott Alexander | 1920 | Poésie | ||
Sedley Kate | 1926 | |||
Selasi Taiye | 1979 | |||
Shadwell Thomas | 1642 | 1692 | Théâtre | |
Shaffer Peter | 1925 | 2002 | Théâtre | |
Shakespeare William | 1564 ? | 1616 | Théâtre | Poésie |
Sharpe Tom | 1928 | 2013 | Roman | |
Shaw Robert | 1927 | 1978 | ||
Schreiner Olive | 1709 | 1788 | ||
Shebbeare John | 1709 | 1788 | ||
Shelley Mary | 1797 | 1851 | Roman | |
Shelley Percy Bysshe | 1792 | 1822 | Poésie | |
Shenstone William | 1714 | 1793 | Poésie | |
Sheridan Richard Brinsley | 1751 | 1816 | Théâtre | |
Shirley James | 1596 | 1666 | Théâtre | |
Shorthouse Joseph Henry | 1834 | 1903 | ||
Shute Nevil | 1899 | 1960 | ||
Sidney Philip | 1554 | 1586 | Poésie | |
Sillitoe Alan | 1928 | 2010 | ||
Sinclair Andrew | 1935 | |||
Sinclair May | 1863 | 1946 | ||
Sitwell Edith | 1887 | 1964 | Poésie | |
Sitwell Osbert | 1892 | 1969 | Poésie | |
Sitwell Sacheverell | 1897 | 1988 | Poésie | |
Skelton John | 1460 | 1529 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Skelton Robin | 1925 | Poésie | ||
Smith Charlotte | 1749 | 1806 | ||
Smith Stevie | 1902 | 1971 | Poésie | |
Smollett Tobias George | 1721 | 1771 | Roman | Historien |
Snow Charles Percy | 1905 | 1980 | ||
South Robert | 1634 | 1716 | ||
Southey Robert | 1774 | 1843 | ||
Southwell Robert | 1561 | 1595 | Poésie | |
Spark Muriel | 1918 | 2006 | Roman | |
Spencer Herbert | 1820 | 1903 | ||
Spender Stephen | 1909 | 1995 | Poésie | |
Spenser Edmund | 1552 | 1599 | Poésie | |
Steele Richard | 1672 | 1729 | Théâtre | |
Sterne Laurence | 1713 | 1768 | ||
Stevenson William | ? | 1575 | Théâtre | |
Stewart Desmont | 1924 | |||
Storey David | 1933 | 2017 | ||
Stubbs William | 1825 | 1901 | Historien | |
Suckling John | 1609 | 1642 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Swift Jonathan | 1667 | 1745 | Poésie | Roman |
Swinburne Algernon | 1837 | 1909 | Poésie | Roman |
Swinnerton Frank | 1884 | 1982 | ||
Sylvester Joshua | 1563 | 1648 | Poésie | |
Symons Arthur | 1865 | 1945 | Poésie | |
Synge John Millington | 1871 | 1909 | Théâtre | |
Taylor Jeremy | 1613 | 1667 | ||
Taylor Bradford Barbara | 1933 | |||
Temple William | 1628 | 1699 | ||
Tennyson Alfred | 1809 | 1892 | Poésie | |
Thackeray William Makepeace | 1811 | 1863 | ||
Thompson Francis | 1859 | 1907 | Poésie | |
Thomson James | 1700 | 1748 | Poésie | |
Thomson James | 1834 | 1882 | Poésie | |
Tillotson John | 1630 | 1694 | ||
Tolkien J. R. R. | 1892 | 1973 | Roman | |
Tolkien Simon | 1959 | |||
Tomlinson Charles | 1927 | Poésie | ||
Torday Paul | 1946 | 2013 | Roman | |
Tourneur Cyril | 1575 | 1626 | Théâtre | |
Tremayne Sidney | 1912 | |||
Trench Herbert | 1843 | 1926 | Poésie | |
Trollope Anthony | 1815 | 1882 | ||
Tyndale William ou Tindale | 1492 | 1536 | ||
Udall Nicholas | 1506 | 1556 | Théâtre | |
Upfield Arthur | 1890 | 1964 | ||
Ustinov Peter | 1921 | 2004 | Théâtre | |
Vanbrugh John | 1664 | 1726 | Théâtre | |
Vandam Albert Dresden | 1843 | 1903 | Roman historique | |
Vaughan Henry | 1622 | 1695 | Poésie | |
Vergunst Nicolaas | 1958 | |||
Vizetelly Ernest Alfred | 1853 | 1922 | ||
Wain John | 1925 | 1994 | Roman | |
Waller Edmund | 1606 | 1687 | Poésie | |
Walpole Horace | 1717 | 1797 | Roman | |
Walpole Hugh Seymour | 1884 | 1941 | Roman | |
Walton Izaac | 1593 | 1683 | Théâtre | |
Warner Marina | 1946 | Roman | ||
Warner Rex | 1905 | 1986 | Roman | |
Watts Isaac | 1674 | 1748 | Poésie | |
Waugh Evelyn | 1903 | 1966 | Roman | |
Webb Mary | 1881 | 1927 | Roman | |
Webster John | 1580 ? | 1624 ? | Poésie | Théâtre |
Weldon Fay | 1931 | Roman | ||
Wesker Arnold | 1932 | Théâtre | ||
West Rebecca | 1892 | 1983 | Roman | |
Whetstone George | 1544 | 1582 | Théâtre | |
Whipple Dorothy | 1893 | 1966 | Roman | |
Whistler Laurence | 1924 | 2000 | Poésie | |
White Antonia | 1899 | 1980 | Roman | |
White Gilbert | 1720 | 1795 | ||
White Hale | 1831 | 1913 | ||
Whitney Isabella | ? | ? | Poésie | |
Wicks Susan | 1947 | Roman | ||
Wilde Oscar | 1854 | 1900 | Théâtre | |
Williams Charles | 1886 | 1945 | Théâtre | |
Wilson Angus | 1913 | 1991 | Roman | Théâtre |
Wilson Colin | 1931 | 2013 | Roman | |
Winter John Strange | 1856 | 1911 | Roman | |
Winterson Jeanette | 1959 | Roman | ||
Wither George | 1588 | 1667 | Poésie | |
Withing John | 1917 | 1963 | Théâtre | |
Wodehouse P. G. | 1881 | 1975 | Roman | |
Wolcot John | 1738 | 1819 | Poésie | |
Wollstonecraft Mary | 1759 | 1797 | ||
Woods Margaret Louise | 1856 | 1945 | Poésie | |
Woolf Virginia | 1882 | 1941 | Roman | |
Wordsworth William | 1770 | 1850 | Poésie | |
Christopher Wren Percival | 1885 | 1931 | ||
Wyatt Thomas | 1503 | 1542 | Poésie | |
Wycherley William | 1640 ? | 1716 | Théâtre | |
Wyndham John | 1903 | 1969 | Roman | |
Yeats William Butler | 1865 | 1939 | Poésie | |
Yonge Charlotte Mary | 1823 | 1901 | ||
Young Edward | 1683 | 1765 | Poésie | Théâtre |
Brett Young Francis | 1884 | 1954 | ||
Zangwill Israel | 1864 | 1926 | ||
Zephaniah Benjamin | 1958 | Poésie |