Nadine Gordimer

Nadine Gordimer
Geeafrikaf englavaf suterotik

Nadine Gordimer tir englavaf geeafrikaf suterotik.

Ba 20/11/1923 koe Springs koe Geeafrika koblir. Ba 14/07/2014 koe Johannesburg koe Geeafrika awalker.

Inafa gadava tir Englava. Bak 1974 gu Booker Suterotafo Poradro icde The Conservationist berpot zo gabler. Aze bak 1991 gu Nobel suterotafo poradro.

     Nobel Suterotafo
 : 1991
   Booker  Suterotafo
 : 1974
Nadine Gordimer

Nadine Gordimer

 Koblira  20/11/1923,
 Springs, Geeafrika
 Awalkera  14/07/2014,
 Johannesburg, Geeafrika
 Vedeyot  Geeafrika
 Ava  Englava
 Suterind  Berpot
  • The Lying Days (1953)
  • A World of Strangers (1958)
  • Occasion for Loving (1963)
  • The Late Bourgeois World (1966)
  • A Guest of Honour (1970)
  • The Conservationist (1974)
  • Burger's Daughter (1979)
  • July's People (1981)
  • A Sport of Nature (1987)
  • My Son's Story (1990)
  • None to Accompany Me (1994)
  • The House Gun (1998)
  • The Pickup (2001)
  • Get a Life (2005)
  • Face to Face (1949)
  • Town and Country Lovers
  • The Soft Voice of the Serpent (1952)
  • Six feet of the Country (1956)
  • Not for Publication (1965)
  • Livingstone's Companions (1970)
  • Selected Stories (1975)
  • No Place Like: Selected Stories (1978)
  • A Soldier's Embrace (1980)
  • Something Out There (1984)
  • Correspondence Course and other Stories (1984)
  • The Moment Before the Gun Went Off (1988)
  • Jump: And Other Stories (1991)
  • Why Haven't You Written: Selected Stories 1950-1972 (1992)
  • Loot: And Other Stories (2003)
  • The First Circle (1949)
  • The Essential Gesture (1988)
  • The Black Interpreters (1973)
  • Writing and Being (1995)
  • On the Mines (1973)
  • Lifetimes Under Apartheid (1986)
  Tuveli icde Suteroteem 
Nobel Suterotafo Poradro

1901: Sully Prudhomme 02: Mommsen 03: Bjørnson 04: F. MistralEchegaray 05: Sienkiewicz 06: Carducci 07: Kipling 08: Eucken 09: Lagerlöf 10: Heyse 11: Maeterlinck 12: Hauptmann 13: Tagore 14: ⌂ 15: Rolland 16: Heidenstam 17: GjellerupPontoppidan 18: ⌂ 19: Spitteler 20: Hamsun 21: France 22: Benavente 23: Yeats 24: Reymont 25: Shaw 26: Deledda 27: Bergson 28: Undset 29: Mann 30: Lewis 31: Karlfeldt 32: Galsworthy 33: Bunin 34: Pirandello 35: ⌂ 36: O'Neill 37: Martin du Gard 38: Buck 39: Sillanpää 40: ⌂ 41: ⌂ 42: ⌂ 43: ⌂ 44: Jensen 45: G. Mistral 46: Hesse 47: Gide 48: Eliot 49: Faulkner 50: Russell 51: Lagerkvist 52: Mauriac 53: Churchill 54: Hemingway 55: Laxness 56: Jiménez 57: Camus 58: Pasternak 59: Quasimodo 60: Saint-John Perse 61: Andrić 62: Steinbeck 63: Seferis 64: Sartre 65: Coloxov 66: AgnonSachs 67: Asturias 68: Kawabata 69: Beckett 70: Soljenitsin 71: Neruda 72: Böll 73: White 74: JohnsonMartinson 75: Montale 76: Bellow 77: Aleixandre 78: Singer 79: Elitis 80: Miłosz 81: Canetti 82: García Márquez 83: Golding 84: Seifert 85: Simon 86: Soyinka 87: Brodski 88: Maxfuz 89: Cela 90: Paz 91: Gordimer 92: Walcott 93: Morrison 94: Oe 95: Heaney 96: Szymborska 97: Fo 98: Saramago 99: Grass 2000: Gao 01: Naipaul 02: Kertész 03: Coetzee 04: Jelinek 05: Pinter 06: Pamuk 07: Lessing 08: Le Clézio 09: Müller 10: Vargas Llosa 11: Tranströmer 12: Mo 13: Munro 14: Modiano 15: Aleksievitc 16: Dylan 17: Ishiguro 18: Tokarczuk 19: Handke 20: Glück 21: Gurnah 22: Ernaux 23: Fosse