^Kirk & al. give the number as 17, but only 15 actual genera are unequivocally listed as members in their entries.
^The entry for the family in Kirk et al. (2008) gives (without listing them) 12 genera, but thirteen are listed as members in their separate entries.
^Although the entry for the family in Kirk & al. (2008:237) gives the number as 4, the only genera placed there appears to be Entoloma and Clitopilus; this list follows Co-David et al. (Persoonia23:147–176, 2009) in recognizing three genera.
^The name of either this family or the moss family GigaspermaceaeLindb. requires emendation to Gigaspermataceae, which may require conservation.[cần dẫn nguồn]
^Kirk et al. gives nine genera, but ten are placed in the family in their individual entries, this is amended to are add three more, while two are removed following Matheny et al. (2006), and Seitzman et al. (2011, Mycologia, 103(2):280-290).
^Kirk et al. (2008:395) give the number as eight, but nine genera are actually listed.
^Kirk et al. (2008:446) do not count Protomycena as a member of the family.
^The genera of the family require redefinition (Kirk et al., 2008:565). Although Kirk et al. give their number as 12, only 10 appear to be formally placed there, 11 if the anamorphic Hormographiella is counted.
^Redhead SA, Vilgalys R, Moncalvo J-M, Johnson J, Hopple JS. Jr. (2001). “Coprinus Persoon and the disposition of Coprinus species sensu lato”. Taxon. 50 (1): 203–41. doi:10.2307/1224525. JSTOR1224525.Quản lý CS1: nhiều tên: danh sách tác giả (liên kết)(yêu cầu đăng ký)
Kühner R. (1980). “Les Hyménomycètes agaricoides”. Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon (bằng tiếng Pháp). 49: 1–1027.
Lotsy JP. (1907). Vorträge über botanische Stammesgeschichte, Erster Band: Algen und Pilze [Lectures on Botanical Evolution, Volume I: algae and Fungi] (bằng tiếng Đức). Jena: G. Fischer.
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